Open Letter To Justin Worley

Are people so sensitive that they can't take a little criticism anymore? I mean.. A open letter to Justin Worley? WTF.. Get out of here with this garbage.

Worley did fine last Saturday. Was he Peyton Manning? No he wasn't. He's smart with the football though.. Sells the play fake better than Bray ever could and has better wheels. So he isn't exactly chopped liver either.

No he isn't ideal for this offense. He's decent enough to win games with though. The Oline and RB's are the meat and potato's of this offense, will be all year. Get used to it.

Worley just needs to be smart with the ball and not lose games that way. He's not going to be asked to win them i don't think.

I think this thread stopped being about Justin Worley before it started. Agree with your post though.
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Haha! Nice try Volnal... It is a little creepy but I get what you were trying to do. If I were you I'd cut my losses and not try to defend yourself. I've noticed these guys can be relentless (and hilarious) when they get on a roll.

AND...these guys are the problem with VN...not the OP...carry on sir !
This is Justin Worleys time he waited and was patient. I remember when he played in the arkansas game when he filled in for bray and he had a pretty good game for a young guy getting throwed in the fire I really hope he does good. GO VOLS!
So a guy starts a thread in support of our starting QB, and it seems most everyone needs a tampon in here. Seriously... what's the big deal? So maybe you disagree with the context of his post? Get over hit! His sentiment certainly seems genuine so how about cutting him some slack.

I'd rather see posts like this everyday compared to those that do nothing but insult our players.

It's Volnation. VN posters haven't had any sense, since it's inception, and that my two cents. Now, I conducted a seance to try to sense if there was a paranormal cause but the candles exuded a foul incense so I gave up.
Yeah, you're right, let's tear down our starting QB and tell him we want someone else.... Makes perfect sense, The Kid played his ass off last game and lets see how far he can take us before we start screaming for someone to take his place. Why didn't I think of that.......



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What was that eminem song where the fan goes crazy and kills himself because he was turned down for an autograph or something?

I think the song was called Stan. This sorta reminds me of this; however, OP has passion and that's something that most have forgot they have after our past 5 years...

Keep chugging OP, just leave the Cheerleaders out of it when you're trying to prove people wrong, they will eat you up.
First off,, you did nothing except take your team to victory last Sat. You threw no inceptions, you had everyone in position before each and every snap, you conducted the offense like a field general, and you didn't have a single penalty against you. You managed the game and the plays in a manner that let's me as well as others know you can do what is asked of you.

Please do not for one second listen to those talking about another QB to take your spot. The coaching staff said you were the man, so be the one and take us to the promise land doing what you did last week. A strong presence in the pocket, a smart take on the game, and a cool demeanor that doesn't get your team in trouble.

I have been a fan since you signed with UT, and was the lone fan you waved to at the Peyton Manning Passing Academy, while my youngest son was attending there. You are a class act and I can think of no one I want leading my vols son except you! Do us proud!!!!!! I know you want to succeed and I'm with you 100 %

Play your game and I have faith in you and that the coaches know your the one to lead us. Justin, my family is behind you in everything you do son. Make yourself proud and the rest will follow. Go Big Orange!!!!

Kind a choked up at that point, must have been a special moment for you.
Clap Clap... Go Worley Go... I'm your #1 Fan.... Can you sign my cheek??? Ra Ra Ra....

Stalk much???


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As always, the mental midgets are out in force to tear down a good op. I guess we should all become smartazzes because those type of comments get a lot of thumbs up. By most of the negative comments toward someone trying to be a VFL, it just shows how miserable most of you are in life. I always find it creepy that most of you try to be witty and then post "lol" at your own post. The maturity of this board is lacking.
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Every breath you take
Every move you make
Every bond you break
Every step you take
I'll be watching you

Every single day
Every word you say
Every game you play
Every night you stay
I'll be watching you

O can't you see
You belong to me
How my poor heart aches with every step you take

Every move you make
Every vow you break
Every smile you fake
Every claim you stake
I'll be watching you

Since you've gone I been lost without a trace
I dream at night I can only see your face
I look around but it's you I can't replace
I feel so cold and I long for your embrace
I keep crying baby, baby please

Every move you make
Every vow you break
Every smile you fake
Every claim you stake
I'll be watching you

(All in fun...)
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As always, the mental midgets are out in force to tear down a good op. I guess we should all become smartazzes because those type of comments get a lot of thumbs up. By most of the negative comments toward someone trying to be a VFL, it just shows how miserable most of you are in life. I always find it creepy that most of you try to be witty and then post "lol" at your own post. The maturity of this board is lacking.
If I had only known he is VFL, I would have understood that he gets it and just wooed in his general direction in a show of solidarity.
I don't have a problem with this post. It is overwhelmingly positive and supportive of our starting QB. Yes, that waving sentence was a bit juvenile. But the reality is that some people wave to their favorite sports stars and celebrities, whether in sports, movies, music or otherwise. These young players are celebrities to many Vol fans young and old. Waving to a star player in an off-season setting connects to them and is supportive. A lot of people do it and that isn't creepy. I feel like the OP meant well here. I saw the post as building a QB up instead of knocking him down. Sending positive thoughts about our new starter can only be a good thing in my book. I do not feel like the piling on here is warranted.
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