Open Letter To Justin Worley

As always, the mental midgets are out in force to tear down a good op. I guess we should all become smartazzes because those type of comments get a lot of thumbs up. By most of the negative comments toward someone trying to be a VFL, it just shows how miserable most of you are in life. I always find it creepy that most of you try to be witty and then post "lol" at your own post. The maturity of this board is lacking.

I am the king of mental midgets.
First off,, you did nothing except take your team to victory last Sat. You threw no inceptions, you had everyone in position before each and every snap, you conducted the offense like a field general, and you didn't have a single penalty against you. You managed the game and the plays in a manner that let's me as well as others know you can do what is asked of you.

Please do not for one second listen to those talking about another QB to take your spot. The coaching staff said you were the man, so be the one and take us to the promise land doing what you did last week. A strong presence in the pocket, a smart take on the game, and a cool demeanor that doesn't get your team in trouble.

I have been a fan since you signed with UT, and was the lone fan you waved to at the Peyton Manning Passing Academy, while my youngest son was attending there. You are a class act and I can think of no one I want leading my vols son except you! Do us proud!!!!!! I know you want to succeed and I'm with you 100 %

Play your game and I have faith in you and that the coaches know your the one to lead us. Justin, my family is behind you in everything you do son. Make yourself proud and the rest will follow. Go Big Orange!!!!
are you worley's dad?

makes since!
As always, the mental midgets are out in force to tear down a good op. I guess we should all become smartazzes because those type of comments get a lot of thumbs up. By most of the negative comments toward someone trying to be a VFL, it just shows how miserable most of you are in life. I always find it creepy that most of you try to be witty and then post "lol" at your own post. The maturity of this board is lacking.

Well, as part of the mental midget group, I might suggest the following to make sure the intent is carried out:

1. The OP should think through exactly how he feels and what he really wants to say.

2. The OP should write the letter in a separate form, such as a MS Word document, not directly into the new thread.

3. The OP should pay attention to the little squiggly lines under his words and sentences. Red means they are misspelled, green means there may be a grammar issue. The software can even make suggestions on spelling and grammar that the OP should consider.

4. The OP should read the letter out loud, either to himself in front of a mirror or to someone else, perhaps his wife or mistress. If the listener expresses any concern, even nonverbal facial expressions, the OP should consider rewriting the part that triggered the response.

5. The OP should then start the new thread with a title that doesn't induce heart attacks. He should not put just the player's name as that makes most of VN fear the worst. When the thread title is just the name of a player most of us think the first thing we will read are the words "is dead." Luckily, or perhaps intentionally, the OP got this part right.

6. The OP should then look at his letter and carefully type the following in the first post:

"I support (Player's Name), have supported him since he (was in high school)(went to the prom with me)(waved at me at the Piggly Wiggly) and I think that he will do very well in his job at (Player's Position). I am not a creeper nor a stalker.

(no homo)"

7. The OP should then shred his letter and go outside and play with his friends.

jmo, tifwiw, twss
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I think most saw a work in progress. I did but he's got to continue that play this weekend. He's got this fan's support.
I think most saw a work in progress. I did but he's got to continue that play this weekend. He's got this fan's support.

One shouldn't use a fan support, it could cut a piece of you that you'd rather keep. Oh, oops, you said "fan's " support and not "fan" support. Sorry. :)
Well, as part of the mental midget group, I might suggest the following to make sure the intent is carried out:

1. The OP should think through exactly how he feels and what he really wants to say.

2. The OP should write the letter in a separate form, such as a MS Word document, not directly into the new thread.

3. The OP should pay attention to the little squiggly lines under his words and sentences. Red means they are misspelled, green means there may be a grammar issue. The software can even make suggestions on spelling and grammar that the OP should consider.

4. The OP should read the letter out loud, either to himself in front of a mirror or to someone else, perhaps his wife or mistress. If the listener expresses any concern, even nonverbal facial expressions, the OP should consider rewriting the part that triggered the response.

5. The OP should then start the new thread with a title that doesn't induce heart attacks. He should not put just the player's name as that makes most of VN fear the worst. When the thread title is just the name of a player most of us think the first thing we will read are the words "is dead." Luckily, or perhaps intentionally, the OP got this part right.

6. The OP should then look at his letter and carefully type the following in the first post:

"I support (Player's Name), have supported him since he (was in high school)(went to the prom with me)(waved at me at the Piggly Wiggly) and I think that he will do very well in his job at (Player's Position). I am not a creeper nor a stalker.

(no homo)"

7. The OP should then shred his letter and go outside and play with his friends.

jmo, tifwiw, twss

jmo... but you shouldn't have neglected step 7 when making the above post. :)
I think most saw a work in progress. I did but he's got to continue that play this weekend. He's got this fan's support.

He's got everybody's support. That doesn't mean you can't discuss his play.
was the lone fan you waved to at the Peyton Manning Passing Academy

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It's called misreading the room.

Apparently you, Freak and a couple of others are the ones misreading the room. This is VN after all. 58 likes to the OP is dwarfing the rest of the thread. Welcome to the asylum. The inmates are in charge now.
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Apparently you, Freak and a couple of others are the ones misreading the room. This is VN after all. 58 likes to the OP is dwarfing the rest of the thread. Welcome to the asylum. The inmates are in charge now.

Most like it because it has brought the lulz
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Apparently you, Freak and a couple of others are the ones misreading the room. This is VN after all. 58 likes to the OP is dwarfing the rest of the thread. Welcome to the asylum. The inmates are in charge now.

That just says to me that this thread is like a bug zapper for goobers.
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