Orangeslice13, a blessing to those around him…..Again

Hey @Orangeslice13 have you looked into QNRT? It seems pretty hokey, but it did wonders for me.
You will get through this my man. Things are torn down before they get rebuilt.

So is the silence of the LORD a sign we are already walking in His will for the situation we are praying about? Does it mean we wouldn't listen anyway so He remains silent? Does it mean He has already spoken on it and the time is not right for Him to speak on it again? Does it mean He trusts us to make our own decisions on the matter? I have many many times when there is silence and it really makes me wonder what it means.
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May you be at peace. May your heart remain open. May you awaken to the light of your own true nature. May you be healed. May you be a source of healing for all beings.
So does Hebrews 13:5 only apply to money or does it also apply to other stuff we tend to chse after like cars or other material things?

Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”
@Orangeslice13 I know it is not much consolation, but this too shall pass.
Even though the LORD may seem distant right now, He is with you. Maybe carrying you. He has you in his hands and is working in your life even if you cannot see or feel it.
Psalms 119
105 Your word is a lamp to my feet
And a light to my path.
106 I have sworn and I will confirm it,
That I will keep Your righteous judgments.
107 I am exceedingly afflicted;
[aq]Revive me, Lord, according to Your word.
108 Be pleased to accept the [ar]voluntary offerings of my mouth, Lord,
And teach me Your judgments.
109 My [as]life is continually [at]in my hand,
Yet I do not forget Your Law.
110 The wicked have set a [au]trap for me,
Yet I have not wandered from Your precepts.
111 I have inherited Your testimonies forever,
For they are the joy of my heart.
112 I have inclined my heart to perform Your statutes
Forever, even to the end.
This song speaks to me right now.

Release me
No remnants were ever found of it
Feeling the hot bile
With every fake smile
Though no evidence was ever found it never went away completely
I try to appellate a holy sound of it
Another day gone
Another night's drawn
Dark forces pull me underground and never went away completely

How can I feel this empty
I will not recover this time
This loneliness is killing me

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I’ve felt pretty good the last 3 days. Better than I can remember in a long time. I know I’m not magically better. There will be bumps and groans along the way.

So I go for a run this morning and get done. There’s an email from Dr M saying that “if I’m ready we should discuss why I enjoy physical pain in today’s session…..”

Awesome, let’s talk about the things I’m absolutely the most embarrassed about for an hour…….IMG_3269.gif
I’ve felt pretty good the last 3 days. Better than I can remember in a long time. I know I’m not magically better. There will be bumps and groans along the way.

So I go for a run this morning and get done. There’s an email from Dr M saying that “if I’m ready we should discuss why I enjoy physical pain in today’s session…..”

Awesome, let’s talk about the things I’m absolutely the most embarrassed about for an hour…….View attachment 655608
I hope Dr M is a real therapist and not some leather-clad lady with a "therapy" dungeon full of pain inducing implements.

Either way, best wishes for your session.

I hope Dr M is a real therapist and not some leather-clad lady with a "therapy" dungeon full of pain inducing implements.

Either way, best wishes for your session.

She’s a PHD specialized in sexual trauma.
She’s pretty young but she’s no joke. She knows what I’m feeling before I say anything. She asks lots of questions and lets me get there without ever telling me what she thinks.

I did a ton of research before I applied to be seen by her and she had a full book of patients so I had to be interviewed and accepted. Fortunately I’m broken enough that she thought I was in need of help.

Appreciate you McD
You got your hell together
You know it could be worse
A self-inflicted murder
Maybe, maybe
You say it's all a crisis
You say it's all a blur
There comes a time you've gotta face it, face it

Hey, hey, hell is what you make, make
Rise against your fate, fate
Nothing's gonna keep you down
Even if it's killing you
Because you know the truth

Listen up, listen up
There's a devil in the church
Got a bullet in the chamber and
This is gonna hurt

Ya know…..with pain being today’s theme
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One of the things that came out …..or I realized yesterday is that I tend to help people or am involved in charity type work. This is related to things I’m going through. For example I might be the kinda guy who would make his struggles public so that others who are suffering would also decide to seek help. I’m not sure why I do it. Is it trama response to cope and feel better or concern for my fellow man?
I guess I’m going to get to figure it out because this morning I got this in an email.

“Reminder:Begin to explore the difference between the persona you needed to create in response to trauma vs. the parts of you that are not in response to trauma. “

I don’t like this very much

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