Oregon counties/Join Idaho vote

He sees it everywhere. Haven’t you figured that out? White guilt.
I've known a few people who "don't want nothin to do with no colored folk".
Those people could even move out of the trailer park let alone to another state.
I've known a few people who "don't want nothin to do with no colored folk".
Those people could even move out of the trailer park let alone to another state.
Me too. And I’ve encountered the same racial hostility in urban areas. And frankly in this age it’s more violent.

Edit: you got your answer above. See? Complete stupidity.
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Also I think this really highlights the political divide between rural and urban America across much of the country. The mindsets are diametrically opposed with no desire for reconciliation.
And this is where this grand experiment starts to fail.
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Who else would want to become a part of Idaho? Do they have to get a tattoo of Randy Weaver before joining?
You didnt read the link did you?

I know many people out that way (Idaho, Utah, Wyoming, Montana). All college educated so cant speak about the white trash faction. It's beautiful out there. Lots of Mormons. They like their independence and a more relaxed lifestyle.
I know many people out that way (Idaho, Utah, Wyoming, Montana). All college educated so cant speak about the white trash fraction. It's beautiful out there. Lots of Mormons. They like their independence and a more relaxed lifestyle.
Utah is one of the biggest tax and spend states in the union.
Promote the general welfare. Somewhat involves taxation at some point.

Has the ever been a government that has lasted long term that did not tax in some form, shape, or fashion?
You didnt read the link did you?

I know many people out that way (Idaho, Utah, Wyoming, Montana). All college educated so cant speak about the white trash faction. It's beautiful out there. Lots of Mormons. They like their independence and a more relaxed lifestyle.
I'll take your word for it. Some places are meant to be seen from the window of a plane.
Promote the general welfare. Somewhat involves taxation at some point.

Has the ever been a government that has lasted long term that did not tax in some form, shape, or fashion?
Is the word "promote" intentional in your opinion?
Is the word "promote" intentional in your opinion?
Given the care the Founding Fathers used in crafting the Preamble I quoted from, I would say that it is.

But they, the FF, were also a stubborn and bullheaded lot. They could not stand each other. Our national bird was damn near being a turkey; German or Hebrew were almost our national languages. But somehow this disagreeable lot worked together, sorted out their major differences, and realized we are all better together.

We just throw up our hands, insult the other side, and demand our way or else. And there's no give whatsoever. We have stopped promoting the general welfare and are backing the truck up to run over it again and again.
Given the care the Founding Fathers used in crafting the Preamble I quoted from, I would say that it is.

But they, the FF, were also a stubborn and bullheaded lot. They could not stand each other. Our national bird was damn near being a turkey; German or Hebrew were almost our national languages. But somehow this disagreeable lot worked together, sorted out their major differences, and realized we are all better together.

We just throw up our hands, insult the other side, and demand our way or else. And there's no give whatsoever. We have stopped promoting the general welfare and are backing the truck up to run over it again and again.
Would it be fair or accurate to say you prefer "providing for the general welfare" rather than "promoting the general welfare"?
You didnt read the link did you?

I know many people out that way (Idaho, Utah, Wyoming, Montana). All college educated so cant speak about the white trash faction. It's beautiful out there. Lots of Mormons. They like their independence and a more relaxed lifestyle.
They need a lot of land to get away from the multiple wives they have inevitably pissed off
Now extrapolate that to government support programs which favor urban areas just due to sheer population when they already levy higher taxes for their required infrastructure.

And if the Feds would butt out on beliefs legislation as well as federal support programs and let the states handle it in their own this would settle itself out. People would live where their beliefs and taxation fits their needs.
I agree completely. Let the states run their own business. Let Tennessee be what Tennessee wants to be. Let California be California. Texas, Idaho, etc. Stop trying to force people with different cultures and values to adhere to someone else’s that lives thousands of miles away.
I agree completely. Let the states run their own business. Let Tennessee be what Tennessee wants to be. Let California be California. Texas, Idaho, etc. Stop trying to force people with different cultures and values to adhere to someone else’s that lives thousands of miles away.

This is where we have gone off the rails. The states should truly be independent constantly evolving experiments for culture, economies, govt, etc.
Would it be fair or accurate to say you prefer "providing for the general welfare" rather than "promoting the general welfare"?

I fall under the "promote" category, with understanding that it does involve a modicum of providing.

My mom was fully disabled and medically unable to work by the time I was in kindergarten. Assistance from the government In the firm of disability assistance greatly helped my family by saving my dad from having to work three jobs to make up for the loss of income. That promoted the welfare of my family and freed my dad up to be involved in family and community life.

The general welfare is promoted through defense. Infrastructure. Quality public education. Equity programs. Short-term assistance for the work-able. Access to quality healthcare without fear of bankruptcy. I could go on.
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I've driven all over Montana and it's spectacular - I presume Idaho is much the same.
Coworker of mine plans to retire to Idaho in a year or two. I’d start looking up Idaho stuff online at work to see what she’s moving to and it sounds great. Beautiful country, weather sounds good. If I ever get to retire I honestly plan on checking it out more thoroughly to see if I’d want to move up there.

A more moderate climate with little to no humidity sounds awesome.
I fall under the "promote" category, with understanding that it does involve a modicum of providing.

My mom was fully disabled and medically unable to work by the time I was in kindergarten. Assistance from the government In the firm of disability assistance greatly helped my family by saving my dad from having to work three jobs to make up for the loss of income. That promoted the welfare of my family and freed my dad up to be involved in family and community life.

The general welfare is promoted through defense. Infrastructure. Quality public education. Equity programs. Short-term assistance for the work-able. Access to quality healthcare without fear of bankruptcy. I could go on.
Understood. Your example from your family dynamic is an example of providing the specific welfare rather than promoting the general welfare. Correct? And by the way, I'm not deriding the help your family received in any way with my questions. I hope you know that.
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I agree completely. Let the states run their own business. Let Tennessee be what Tennessee wants to be. Let California be California. Texas, Idaho, etc. Stop trying to force people with different cultures and values to adhere to someone else’s that lives thousands of miles away.
That’s all I’m saying. If the Feds would fall back to their original charter our tax burden would go down and our people would be less pissed off. If CA wants to allow abortion and TX doesn’t then let it be handled that way. And the Feds shouldn’t be taking care of the people the states should do that. Remove all the federal cheese that passes back to the states and let the states manage their own services.

And before some nimrod plays the idiot “blue states contribute more than red states” if you’re gonna drop a study then remove all federal entitlement funds from it. The states dont factor into that one bit. SS is a federal pension plan with the individuals. And no state gives money to the Feds. All states take money which is part of the damn problem.
Coworker of mine plans to retire to Idaho in a year or two. I’d start looking up Idaho stuff online at work to see what she’s moving to and it sounds great. Beautiful country, weather sounds good. If I ever get to retire I honestly plan on checking it out more thoroughly to see if I’d want to move up there.

A more moderate climate with little to no humidity sounds awesome.
I am already dreading another TN summer. It's gorgeous right now but I know what's around the corner.

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