Oregon counties/Join Idaho vote

We? You're the only poster here who seems to keep track of when I post and how often. It's 2021 now you don't need to hide anything anymore.
I “keep track of your posts” by seeing your stupidity spam in threads I’m posting in and mockingly reply to point and laugh? Guilty.
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I “keep track of your posts” by seeing your stupidity spam in threads I’m posting in and mockingly reply to point and laugh? Guilty.
Yes and you have a habit of immediately responding. It's kind of weird but I'm flattered at the same time
Given the care the Founding Fathers used in crafting the Preamble I quoted from, I would say that it is.

But they, the FF, were also a stubborn and bullheaded lot. They could not stand each other. Our national bird was damn near being a turkey; German or Hebrew were almost our national languages. But somehow this disagreeable lot worked together, sorted out their major differences, and realized we are all better together.

We just throw up our hands, insult the other side, and demand our way or else. And there's no give whatsoever. We have stopped promoting the general welfare and are backing the truck up to run over it again and again.
And that’s why we will fail. Too many self interests over the common good.
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As far as weather I didn’t do a deep dive. I just compared the seasons avg temps for a few months and kinda liked what I saw. Colder than Memphis but a lot less snow than I would have thought I think.

to be fair, the locals insisted that the winter that year was the exception to the normal snowfall. The cold on the other hand was typical they said.
A gigantic blue front dropped down from the arctic and wouldn't leave. Never thought I would be as uncomfortable driving as I was in whiteout conditions.
Lots of folks live their in warmer months and go to Arizona in the winter.
Yep. Somewhere along the way people stopped respecting other people’s individuality to just be and collectively decided they had to bend people to their own views. The Golden Rule and the Ten Commandments alone form a pretty solid code to live by and then figure out the rest as you go along.

There used to be a lot more space between us - physically and in terms of communication. If you don't know what other people are doing, it's less an issue. Libs could band together and have their own love in doing whatever it is they want to do without affecting everyone else, but once you reach a certain level of population density, neighbors are too close - especially when they seek to persuade governments to make everyone the same.
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There used to be a lot more space between us - physically and in terms of communication. If you don't know what other people are doing, it's less an issue. Libs could band together and have their own love in doing whatever it is they want to do without affecting everyone else, but once you reach a certain level of population density, neighbors are too close - especially when they seek to persuade governments to make everyone the same.
Social media will be the downfall of mankind.

And yes the communities ive felt the closest to were the ones of least population density.
What I'm getting at is states like NY and IL, they have 1 big metropolis that controls the entire state and laws passed at the state level are tailored to those metropolises.

Other states may have a few metropolises that make up a good part of the state but are dictated to by the rural voters who control the rest of the state (gerrymandering helps in both cases). People need to quit whining and realize they don't get everything they want out of politics or life. America and its constitution are great until somebody doesn't get there way.
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Hogg gave my answer. I live in the burbs but spend a good amount of time in both worlds. Rural people think urban people are idiots. Which is nothing new. But they just want to be largely left alone from my experience.
Where have you been the last 14 months? Follow the science?

I think you will find that feeling to be mutual on both sides...
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Where have you been the last 14 months? Follow the science?

I think you will find that feeling to be mutual on both sides...
Yes but since urban dwellers are idiots they are clearly wrong in their assertion that rural people are idiots. Duh.

Plus rural people have been living social distancing since before this fiasco. Science.
Other states may have a few metropolises that make up a good part of the state but are dictated to by the rural voters who control the rest of the state (gerrymandering helps in both cases). People need to quit whining and realize they don't get everything they want out of politics or life. America and its constitution are great until somebody doesn't get there way.

If you get away from control and dictating every little thing, then there's less of people not getting their way. We need a lot less government - especially federal. States can please several million voters far more easily than the feds can please 350 M.
Who else would want to become a part of Idaho? Do they have to get a tattoo of Randy Weaver before joining?
I have been to Idaho and thought it sucked. I am not sure how this thread derailed to WS but I am all for those ignorant bastards moving to that state.
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You didnt read the link did you?

I know many people out that way (Idaho, Utah, Wyoming, Montana). All college educated so cant speak about the white trash faction. It's beautiful out there. Lots of Mormons. They like their independence and a more relaxed lifestyle.
I am an East Tennessee Mormon. Idaho blows! There is at least some cool sh1t to do in Utah.
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