Where are you driving from? If Knoxville, there is no way $50 will cover it in gas.
Where are you driving from? If Knoxville, there is no way $50 will cover it in gas.
Yeah, from Knoxville. It's about 2600 miles from here to Eugene, OR. My friend's car gets about 40mpg, so that comes out to anywhere from 60-70 gallons. I'll assume anywhere from $3-$4 for gas per gallon. Split five ways is about $50-$60.
Yeah, from Knoxville. It's about 2600 miles from here to Eugene, OR. My friend's car gets about 40mpg, so that comes out to anywhere from 60-70 gallons. I'll assume anywhere from $3-$4 for gas per gallon. Split five ways is about $50-$60.
Yeah, from Knoxville. It's about 2600 miles from here to Eugene, OR. My friend's car gets about 40mpg, so that comes out to anywhere from 60-70 gallons. I'll assume anywhere from $3-$4 for gas per gallon. Split five ways is about $50-$60.
You planning on staying in Eugene once you get there, or were you also wanting to come back to Knoxville after the game?
Ok...fair enough, I forgot about the trip back haha. But still, that'll be $120 or $130 max. Going 5 deep might not be ideal, but we're college students so we can't really complain.
Flying out of Chatt will cost me around $210/ticket (If im able to go/friends do not back out). Fly to Charlotte, to Phoenix ,then to Portland. Not sure on getting a room in Portland or Eugene. I know the drive between the two cities is around 1.5 hours. If im wrong id like to know more ab that travel. Get a rental car, hotel, food, and alcohol should be around $1k.
you sure about $210/tik? that's incredibly cheap for ANY day of the year