Oregon Game Travel

Flight from Nashville to Eugene 550.00
Room Best Western near stadium 200.00 per night
Tickets 100.00 each
Possumtownvol which airline did you find a ticket for portland for $550 I need to fly from nashville also and was looking for a good deal.
Driving 2300 miles in a car that is small enough to get 40mpg, loaded with 5 people and luggage is a recipe for disaster. Imagine the drive back should UT lose. Consider yourself warned.
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Driving 2300 miles in a car that is small enough to get 40mpg, loaded with 5 people and luggage is a recipe for disaster. Imagine the drive back should UT lose. Consider yourself warned.

Better get some stick ups...After a few bean or cheese burrito's :rock:
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Even if our Vols lose those Oregon cheerleaders are worth the trip cost
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If it helps i live in california and know some ducks. From what i'm hearing any hotel in eugene is more than walkable to autzen.
Yes. The actual price is $207. I know someone who works with the airport here in Chattanooga and they get these kind of discounts(I could fly round trip from Chatt to Tampa for $60-$70). Its actually pretty sweet bc if not for this price then no way I would be thinking of going.

Don't know who you are but if there was any way you could hook me up with a pair of 60-70 round trip tickets to Tampa I will be your best damn friend lol
If it helps i live in california and know some ducks. From what i'm hearing any hotel in eugene is more than walkable to autzen.

do you want to walk 3-4 miles one way to and from the stadium? Several hotels are that far away.
If it helps i live in california and know some ducks. From what i'm hearing any hotel in eugene is more than walkable to autzen.

Yeah, mr redskin and I were out there last September. It seems that the stadium isn't all that close to the campus? I can't remember for sure...drunk. We started on campus. But seems you got to cross a big river or interstate or something to get over near the stadium.
Just so you guys know it's way cheaper the fly into Sea-Tac then it is Portland and only a 2 1/2 - 3 hour drive
Yeah, mr redskin and I were out there last September. It seems that the stadium isn't all that close to the campus? I can't remember for sure...drunk. We started on campus. But seems you got to cross a big river or interstate or something to get over near the stadium.

Where did you stay? How much were expenses out there? Bars, food, etc.. also how is the campus and surrounding areas?
Yeah, from Knoxville. It's about 2600 miles from here to Eugene, OR. My friend's car gets about 40mpg, so that comes out to anywhere from 60-70 gallons. I'll assume anywhere from $3-$4 for gas per gallon. Split five ways is about $50-$60.

The further west you go the higher the gas will cost ...its $3.85 now in sept end if summer it will be $4.25-50. Good luck homey.

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