Oregon now on TV vs UVA. 21-7 UO 2nd qt. ABC/ESPN2 What Tenn can expect to see.

Is there a team with more uniform ptions than Oregon.

Devestating drop by the Cavs on that one would have been a first down.
Watching Mariota run like that and hit those passes just screams disaster for our defense. Wait...HUGE TURNOVER. Virginia, not backin down.

Which is why The Vols will need win TOP to have any chance to keep it from becoming a embarassment.
you have to remember,none of our QBs ran for anything,weird isn't it ? talking Vol football and QBs running
Did any of you see the 5th play of the game, right at the start of the game? Our QB ran for like a 80 yard TD, then we went for 2, got it. Anyways, so far this year, our QB has TONS of rushing yards piled up. Our QB is the single best QB Oregon has ever had, EVER. If he does not win the Heisman, I will be ticked.

Masoli was that dude
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Doesn't Oregon almost always go for 2 after the first touchdown of the game? Why is that?

Yes. Starting when Gary Crowton was our OC, we began to line-up for a 2-pt conversion every kick. But then Chip Kelly came as OC (GC went to LSU) and kept the practice. He began to run 2-pt conversion attempts every 1st TD of every game as HC. It was the deciding factor when we beat Cal 15-13 in 2010. CCK's reasoning: 1-point is all it takes to win a game.
Doesn't Oregon almost always go for 2 after the first touchdown of the game? Why is that?
Yes, probably 96% of the time. They usually draw up some type of trick play to get the 2. But also, if the kicker by default for every kick, does not see them match up well vs us, then we have set plays to go for two, ie, not planned, but from what formations they give us. We do it, because A, we are good at it. We invented that whole spread out, see if they match all our guys thing, then come back to normal set. And many other teams now have copied us. It just is a really easy way to steal a point. But most often after we steal the first one, they guard us better and we cannot steal another 2 point conversion... Remember, the name of the game is to score more points then them. And Chip invented this. And there have been times that had we not done this, and got it, we would of not been tied at the end of game, or won it ect...
Did any of you see the 5th play of the game, right at the start of the game? Our QB ran for like a 80 yard TD, then we went for 2, got it. Anyways, so far this year, our QB has TONS of rushing yards piled up. Our QB is the single best QB Oregon has ever had, EVER. If he does not win the Heisman, I will be ticked.

Boyd and Bridgewater may have a say in that.
And it sucks that Florida lost and has a bye before us to sit and fume and get pissed and beat us like a drum. If they had won, I would actually like our chances better.

Not really. Florida still is likely going to be talked about don't expect the tide to change this year the Gators are going to smash a rebuilding Volunteers team, and the Volunteers shut up critics with a win.
If we can stop them from scoring a touchdown on 2 drives during each half, I'll be amazed.

That said, their D doesn't look that impressive...
Which is why The Vols will need win TOP to have any chance to keep it from becoming a embarassment.

Absolutely, TN running game has to be able to grind it out and keep the chains moving. Try not to put Worley in tough pass situations, short high % passes and slow the game way down.

7 Turnovers wouldn't hurt either.
Maybe Wilcox will field a call from Janeck this week, you know just to talk about Wilcox's days at Boise St.
There team speed is ridiculos. Wathing them play right now makes me break out in hives. Tn is going to have to play a perfect game on both sides of the ball. I believe this team could beat Alabama they are that good. We may be looking at the next NC of college football what does everybody else think? Damn There speed is scary!
Doesn't Oregon almost always go for 2 after the first touchdown of the game? Why is that?
Yes, 98% of time , on first PAT attempt we have a planned trick play. We get it 99% of time. Then as always, if they do not match up our players right, when we spread out, we will run planned 2 point plays. And now many other teams have copied us. But we invented it. You do it cause anytime you can steal a point, you want to. Esp easy ones. For sometimes, that can mean the diff of you being in the game at the end, ie see Auburn 2010 natty. We went for it after first TD. Then our last TD, all we had to do was go for 2 again and we would be tied. We did and were tied. Had we not gone for it early, we would of never had a chance, unless onside kick, to tie up the game. Its called being aggressive and that is who Oregon is...
The Ducks seem to play similar to the 2011 NO Saints.
They can score fast putting you in a hole of more than 14 points forcing you to play catch up the pass, and hard to come back.
Score first keeping the Ducks from getting a large lead, and minimize the devestating plays. Keep up with the Ducks in a tug of war is needed. The longer you keep it a close game the higher the chance you have of beating the Ducks.

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