Oregon player comments

I understand that sometimes the media over hypes the SEC, but until a conference can produce a team good enough to win a championship against a top tier SEC opponent, junk like this is pure jealousy.
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This is one of those no-win situations for both teams.

Oregon wins, and people will say they should have won. No big deal. Everyone says that Oregon wouldn't make it in the SEC. Yet, they've beaten Tennessee and Mississippi State twice in the last decade. They lost to Auburn and LSU, but so did everyone else those years because those teams were really talented and championship caliber. So what is it? Oregon wouldn't make it in the SEC. Yet we beat a few SEC teams and people say, "Well those wins don't count because those teams aren't any good."

Tennessee wins and they have to put together a really good season for it to mean anything. If they lose to Florida, Georgia, and eUSC after beating the Ducks, people will say, "Well it was a fluke - an aberration." It'll be considered an upset because that's what an upset is: a team that really shouldn't have won, wins.

It sucks. The way I see it, these are two good teams, especially Oregon being ranked #2, and the win should mean something no matter what happens. Tennessee is good. I think the 27.5 spread is crazy. No matter who wins, it should be considered an impressive accomplishment.

Mississippi State isn't any good, we're down. Big difference. Teams that have the 8th most wins in the history of a sport and 6 national titles are rarely deemed as 'not any good'. Truth is Oregon wouldn't have made it in the SEC until 4 or 5 years ago. While your team has had some good showings, it wasn't until recently that Oregon had a team to year in and year out compete with the big boys.

Tennessee will be back and I would love to see this game in 2 to 3 years when both 1st year coaches have had some time on the job. Playing us now is like if we played you guys in the 90s or even the early 2000s, your team would have been an afterthought like ours is to you guys right now.
I love the South. I've been everywhere from Japan to India and everywhere in between. I always extol the fine qualities of the south to my international friends. I tell them, "Visit the south! People are nice, food is great, history is rich - you'll love it!" So I'm not here to incite you guys. I'm all for the south and your courteousness :)

As for the titles: hell yeah, you've dominated the title competition as of late. But I have to take issue with some of the other things you said.

Let's look at math (stay with me - might be confusing). You all play 8 conference games. The rest of the country plays 9. Using our conference as an example, playing a 9 game conference schedule means our league is guaranteed 6 more losses as a whole. Most of the 4th OOC games played in the SEC are patsy home games (Alabama plays Chattanooga week 11, LSU plays Furman week 9, Georgia plays Appalachian State week 9, as examples). Those games are effectively a second bye week when your teams are most exhausted and beat up. I would love it if Oregon got to miss one more conference game and got to to play Idaho in between Stanford and UCLA. All I'm saying is that 6 more guaranteed losses is the difference between a none bowl team and a bowl team, the difference between a good season and a BCS bowl game season, the difference between a #8 ranking and a #13 ranking, and a BCS bowl game season and a BCS championship game season.

Now the other problem with the "SEC schedules would kill you" argument is that the scheduling is too variant. It's so different year to year and has all kinds of differences because the 8 game schedule means some teams luck into easy schedules and others are thrown into meat grinders.

You guys have an INSANE schedule this year. You play Oregon, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, and Alabama. That's ridiculous. Honestly. Oregon would be really lucky to come out of that schedule with an 11-2 record, and would likely be looking at a 10-3 or 9-4 record depending on onjuries and such. But how many teams over the last 4 years play your schedule and come out with really good record? Not many.

Conversely, let's look at Alabama. That schedule is soft as hell. They luck into missing South Carolina, Florida, and Georgia. Oregon is looking at best case 12-0 record with luck (necessary for an undefeated season) and worst case 10-2, with losses to LSU and someone unexpected. Same with aTm. With that schedule, Oregon is looking at 11-1 or 10-2.

The thing with Oregon is that it's a rhythm and timing based offense. It can be beat with time to prepare (Auburn had 1+ moth to prepare for us and LSU had 8 months). But to play a team like Oregon with 6 or less days to prepare? It's really effing hard. That's why Saban beats whatever decent team they play to open the season and whatever good team he plays in the title game, but becomes beatable when having to prepare an offense like aTm with 6 days to prepare. Fact is, offenses like Lregon, aTm, and Clemson can be stopped with preparation. But stopping them with short practice time is damn hard. So the huge gap between the last game of the year and the major bowl circuit will always favor a great defense over a great offense.

The problem with that kind of scheduling is that it isn't fair for certain teams in your conference. One year, an Ole Miss fan can feel really good about the talent on their team, see their schedule, and think, "We're fu**ed." Then at the same time, a Florida fan can feel okay about the talent on their team, see the schedule, and think, "Hell yeah! We're title bound!" It's so inconsistent. Especially now with 14 teams in your league.

I actually miss the days of the PAC-10's round robin schedule when everyone played everyone. It crowned a true champion. No lucky draws. No good-team-misses. Everyone played everyone. And it left no question as to who the best team was.

Now what the SEC has is the 1-2 most elite teams in the country. I would bet that, based on recent history, whatever SEC team is the best will likely win the title. That's how it's played out.

All in saying is that many of those 8 nationally ranked SEC teams are higher ranked because A) the league has fewer losses per year based on playing 8 conference games, and B) some of the other teams miss 90% of the best teams and cruise to inflated records.

Look, I'm all about the SEC because I'm a college football fan first and foremost. And I would never belittle the accomplishments of teams like LSU and Alabama in recent years. Just thought I'd point out a couple of things I've noticed. I know I know. I'm an ignorant fan and I don't know anything about football...excuse my ignorance ;)

All in all, I'm a fan of the SEC (except Florida and Auburn, the crooked wanks), and I love Tennessee. I'll be rooting for you guys to win every one of your damn games. Following a loss to us, of course :)

I just can't wait until the day when scheduling becomes consistent across the country and the fake national title game becomes one of validity with a normal playoff system. Like every other sports league in the world. A lot more will be proven then. Good luck!!

That's actually a pretty fair assessment. What Oregon's record would or would not be is purely subjective but everything else seems to be realistic. And this is the last year of a 2 team championship game. Starting next year, the top 4 teams get a shot at the title.
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260 is big for a DE in a 4-3

Marion Walls weighs about 275

Corey Miller weighs about 260

Jordan Williams is 250

The rest are pass rushers pretty much

But you are correct for the most part about our DTs. They aren't huge besides Dan(who can be a force when he wants to).

LBs are prototypical 4-3 size fast OLBs and a good tackling MLB ....not real big but big enough

Miller is 265, Williams is 260 but he's 6'5
Walls is about 275
Alot of these lost weight too(walls,hood,big Dan)
Jac is the 245lb speed rusher. I know he hasn't done what we thought to this point but the way he's put together he looks like a freak. Hoping he can make a difference. He will def be jacked up enough. He's had a great attitude thru the thumb injury.
Well whatever the outcome I just hope it is a good grind nose football game. Not a blow out either way. But guess what come Sunday morning either way I am still a Vol Fan and will always be one. We are working our way back up look out football world were coming!
I'd say that the past 3 years Oregon had a shot at a national title. 2 of those 3 years an SEC team ruined that. Grapes must be sour.
Well whatever the outcome I just hope it is a good grind nose football game. Not a blow out either way. But guess what come Sunday morning either way I am still a Vol Fan and will always be one. We are working our way back up look out football world were coming!

I would love for us to blow them out.
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Miller is 265, Williams is 260 but he's 6'5
Walls is about 275
Alot of these lost weight too(walls,hood,big Dan)
Jac is the 245lb speed rusher. I know he hasn't done what we thought to this point but the way he's put together he looks like a freak. Hoping he can make a difference. He will def be jacked up enough. He's had a great attitude thru the thumb injury.

Most strong side DEs are bigger than 260. when we were in a 4-3 last,Tukuafu, fullback with the 49ers, was pushing 280. The point is that the size thing is a myth. When we played LSU, they weren't huge by any stretch. If anything their secondary was big. Mingo at 245 was generously listed and Montgomery was 255. Benny Logan and Downs were under 290. It was the quality of athlete in the trenches that was impressive...and the depth.

The local media has been yapping all week in every interview. I thought Fisher was funny.
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Most strong side DEs are bigger than 260. when we were in a 4-3 last,Tukuafu, fullback with the 49ers, was pushing 280. The point is that the size thing is a myth. When we played LSU, they weren't huge by any stretch. If anything their secondary was big. Mingo at 245 was generously listed and Montgomery was 255. Benny Logan and Downs were under 290. It was the quality of athlete in the trenches that was impressive...and the depth.

The local media has been yapping all week in every interview. I thought Fisher was funny.

howd that workout for yall?
Video cracked me up. Didn't seem like he was calling anyone out, nothing to take offense to at all(though I'm sure the coaches will be using this clip for motivation!). Pretty obvious hes been asked the same question("how do you feel about facing a big, strong, SEC line this week", "well what about SEC? SEC strong big SEC"). I'd probably be a smart ass about it too at this point. He seemed more tired of answering questions & repeating himself than anything.
I'd imagine other teams are tired of hearing about how good the SEC is. But, surely to God he realizes they are playing a team that's been down for several years now. I'd like to see those comments before they had to play Bama or A&M
It is an undisciplined response. Saying something like this only motivates an opponent and does no good for your team. Also, he might be joking, but this is clearly in his head. His statement is way off message.
It is an undisciplined response. Saying something like this only motivates an opponent and does no good for your team. Also, he might be joking, but this is clearly in his head. His statement is way off message.

Hopefully this isn't what's needed to motivate the team.
I love when teams that have ZERO championships talk sh** about the Sec.

I'm not gonna lie. I hate it when UT fans talk about the SEC. Who gives a #$^#$ about how many national titles our conference has? If UT isn't winning them it might as well be Utah State winning them.
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Those types of attitudes typically lead to upsets. Im glad that mother freaker is thinking that way. We have been pushed by lesser challenges than we pose even when we were at our best because of attitudes like that.
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I wouldn't be too scared of us right now either. The facts are that TN is in the middle of it's worst run of Football. These are strange times that we are in.

NO need to be disrespectful and talk trash. I for one have never liked trash talk. It just puts more pressure on you.

When things get better for us, people will not dare say such disrespectful things. If they were getting ready to play South Carolina, Georgia, LSU, or Bama I promise he would not be making sarcastic remarks. He would not say ANYTHING...
I hope for a good game where no one gets hurt, sportsmanship is evident, and the Vols shock the nation and this guy in particular. GO VOLS

This.....AND I hope we knock his deck in the dirt!!!

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Just a very few years ago, we wouldn't have given a **** about what he "thinks". This game would pretty much be meaningless to us about as much as we are to them now. Douche.

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