I really thought he was supposed to narrow it donw to two. Right nows he's got FSU, UT, and UGA as his top three. Can anyone confirm this or give a time.
Dungy prob discussed his good relationship with Monte and how awesome he is. Mike prob said Kiff is a cool cat but also bragged about pete and USC. No telling what was discussed
no hard feelings. youre definitely top 5. possibly number 2. I loved watching ms. jackson while she was here. But I just have to go with the humor of knoshown trying to hurdle EB.
i dont here the screaming. the tony dungy conversation probably helped UT, considering his links to Monty, and to Peyton. (Even though the Peyton thing is kind of weak, all I am saying is that Peyton bringing him a super bowl can't make him dislike UT.)
I will definitely be checking this thread rigorously on friday to see if he comes here, but I won't be expecting anything
He was respectful and considerate, so I would like to be the same to him, but I feel that our chances are good.
UGA may pull it out, but I don't see it going that way.
How could you say that???:boxing2:
What is more comfortable about athens? Because his QB is there? How many of your high school buddies did you follow?
he has Im sure of it. Ill also bet he has talked with our OC as well within the past week or so. I have a feeling though now he will be a damn dawg because he stated thats where he is most comfortable.
I say he goes to UGA but i hope im wrong. We really need orson at TE. But there are more than one fish in the sea so if we dont get him im sure we will reel in one next year.
How could you say that???:boxing2:
What is more comfortable about athens? Because his QB is there? How many of your high school buddies did you follow?
he has Im sure of it. Ill also bet he has talked with our OC as well within the past week or so. I have a feeling though now he will be a damn dawg because he stated thats where he is most comfortable.