Oscar Ratings Crash

I usually watch the Oscars on delay and speed thru 75% of it. Wasn't into it at all this year because of the thin movie landscape and then I tuned in and the format was terrible and I quickly tuned out.

Hollywood elites have been insufferably political for as long as I can remember, so why the stark ratings decline in recent years? It's gotta be mostly due to other factors.
How are "ratings" even calculated anymore? Are they still counting eyeballs locked in to the TV or do they include streaming/online or could i be that television is just loosing ground to online services?
After all of their wokeness and preaching and patting themselves on their backs on how inclusive they were this year...

Best Actor: Anthony Hopkins

Best Actress: Frances McDormand

It’s almost like they are putting on a show with their cultural pandering also 🤷‍♂️
Nobody went to the movies last year to see them bc of the covid-19 lock down. Nobody knew movies were even being made to go see. I wouldn't go anyway bc ticket prices & drinks/popcorn are a small fortune to pay.

Our it could be the choices being made for the larger categories are too horrid to contemplate.

Facing facts here, only a handful of films over the last 20 years that won "Best Picture" were truly entertaining.
You ever think that maybe it was a down year because there were no movies in 2020 to celebrate?

If it makes you warm and fuzzy to think it was about politics, have at it I guess
People who watch things like the Oscars are the same people who watch shows about midgets raising a Mormon sized family, 700 pound people wiping their asses with a MacGuyvered MacGrubered toilet scrubber, and MTV.
After all of their wokeness and preaching and patting themselves on their backs on how inclusive they were this year...

Best Actor: Anthony Hopkins

Best Actress: Frances McDormand

It’s almost like they are putting on a show with their cultural pandering also 🤷‍♂️
What was Anthony Hopkins in?
You're literally the only person here who has ever admitted to not only watching that show, but liking it. Congrats.

Yeah, duh. Key word "admitted"

I also wasn't dumb enough to think the host would make a good president hahaha. It was scripted people, come on
The fall of the Oscars is the quintessential we let the thugs in the nice nightclub analogy. Soon no one is interested including the thugs.

Hollywood has allowed woke to openly get out to the public in such a way that now their audience is taking a knee. Even their liberal base has abandoned being an income stream. Someone is going to feel it in their pockets.

Good analogy. I have no statistical knowledge if this is true or not but anecdotally my experience has been the demographic of who would tune in are the same who couldn't care less, and mostly offended, by the wokeness and racism centered narrative.

Everybody needs to see Sound of Metal

Definitely worth the watch. I don't think it's some groundbreaking movie but enjoyable and decent to fill your allotted watching time.
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Good analogy. I have no statistical knowledge if this is true or not but anecdotally my experience has been the demographic of who would tune in are the same who couldn't care less, and mostly offended, by the wokeness and racism centered narrative.

Definitely worth the watch. I don't think it's some groundbreaking movie but enjoyable and decent to fill your allotted watching time.

From a film-making perspective, the sound experience was incredible and the writing was super tight. The pacing is perfect. They made a bummer of a story into an entertaining and inspiring movie.

I do think people are less willing to tolerate wokeness at the Oscars, in large part due to the fact that there are just so many better and convenient entertainment options now on a Sunday night. We put on Netflix and watched Peaky Blinders. 15 years ago, I would have had to have the season on a $35 DVD set to watch a cool show on-demand like that.
From a film-making perspective, the sound experience was incredible and the writing was super tight. The pacing is perfect. They made a bummer of a story into an entertaining and inspiring movie.

Oh, Lord, Huff has turned into a movie critic
If Hollywood would quit sniffing their own farts with these depressing artsy horse sh*t movies, maybe more people would tune in. Is it a rule that to win best picture, a film must be boring and depressing?
WHen Smokey and the Bandit was not nominated I lost interest.
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