Our chances at Oregon.....

I firmly believe that this team needs to think that they can win. I am sure CBJ is instilling that in them, but here is a poem that I think kind of suits this team:

The victor
C. W. Longenecker

If you think you are beaten, you are,
If you think you dare not, you don't.
If you like to win, but you think you can't,
It is almost certain you won't.

If you think you'll lose, you're lost,
For out in the world we find,
Success begins with a fellow's will.
It's all in the state of mind.

If you think you are outclassed, you are,
You've got to think high to rise,
You've got to be sure of yourself before
You can ever win a prize.

Life's battles don't always go
To the stronger or faster man.
But soon or late the man who wins,
Is the man who thinks he can.
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Why is it that no one really thinks a coaching change may lead to a lesser quality team? They may take a step backwards with the new staff. We gonna whip de arses!
Anything can happen.

But they have a lot of speed, a talented offense, and we'll be at their house on the other side of the country.

Interesting point about recruiting though. Last year, Tennessee and Notre Dame, for instance, had the same 4 year rolling recruiting rankings, and both lost to Bama by 31. So I do think 4 year recruiting rankings can be a good measure of comparable teams.

We are on the same page. I wrote about that very thing right after the national championship game.
Here is a link to that post---> If I Bleed Orange, I Am Bled Out: January 2013
Why is it that no one really thinks a coaching change may lead to a lesser quality team? They may take a step backwards with the new staff. We gonna whip de arses!

Because when Kelly left the OC was promoted and now runs the same exact system. Same DC also. Kelly leaving was the only staff change.

Same thing happened with Stanford when Harbaugh left. OC was promoted. Ran the same system. Had the same S/C coach.
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Why is it that no one really thinks a coaching change may lead to a lesser quality team? They may take a step backwards with the new staff. We gonna whip de arses!

We have a new staff too :)... but much, much improved on. Oregon really has the majority of their staff back right? Or did others leave besides CK? Asking cause I really dont know. I know at one time they had guys on staff that have bedn there forever.
If you could either gameplan equally for both Oregon/Florida and lose both or gameplan for only Florida and have a much better chance to win..

Good coaches prepare for every team.

In 2007, what if Appalachian State's coaches said, "let's not worry about Michigan; we have a more winnable game against Lenoir-Rhyme next week"?

When you don't try, you don't win. If you're not competing, you're not getting better. If UT half-a##es the Oregon game, they'll be less prepared for Florida.
We have a new staff too :)... but much, much improved on. Oregon really has the majority of their staff back right? Or did others leave besides CK? Asking cause I really dont know. I know at one time they had guys on staff that have bedn there forever.

I don't care if everyone of them is back, the CEO left. There will be changes, could be better , could be worse, but there will be changes!
Oregon may fall off a bit, but I suspect that if they do, it will be more of a Larry Coker at Miami type of slow decline. Oregon hired the current coach for continuity. They aren't doing anything radically different. They'll still be very good this season.

The big question is whether we can find some answers on offense by then. We have a new QB and we're currently lacking a strong #1 wide receiver.

Our defense will likely be improved over last year's disaster, but Oregon is going to score points regardless. We have to keep up, and I'm not sure we'll have the weapons to do it by Week 3.

I'm, of course, hopeful that we can make a game out of it, but don't want to get my expectations too high, especially before seeing how we fare against Austin Peay and WKU.
We better hope the football team doesn't read this message board because their confidence level going to Oregon to play on the road will be a defeatist attitude right from the start. They will know that the odds are against them to begin with. They will have to have a perfect game & play way above their heads to just stay up even with the likes of a 3rd ranked team. I would give anything for this team to pull the upset & then beat up on a Florida team. But let's all be realistic here. We have growing pains to go through to reach our goal as SEC East Champions. We have to have the mindset of one game at a time & not look ahead to the next opponent. Oregon 56 TN 17.
Their head coach was the OC of one of the most prolific offenses in the nation last year. What about this makes you think he's unproven?
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Good coaches prepare for every team.

In 2007, what if Appalachian State's coaches said, "let's not worry about Michigan; we have a more winnable game against Lenoir-Rhyme next week"?

When you don't try, you don't win. If you're not competing, you're not getting better. If UT half-a##es the Oregon game, they'll be less prepared for Florida.

Again. Answer my question directly. If you could prepare for both Oregon and Florida equally and likely lose both... or prepare for 1 and stand a much better chance of winning what would you do?

Stop trumping this idealism.

These are 2 radically different teams across the nation from one another and we're taking a team new to the Defense and specifically a new QB/WRs with a new system as well.

I'm also not saying the coaches telling the team to not compete. Specifically in the amount of scheme adjustments that they will make specifically for Oregon which is the 2nd game this staff will have... and that will come at the expense of time they can use to continue installing the main Off/Def looks that we'll need for more conventional games in the season.

Nice hyperbole though. Mich/Oregon and Florida/Lenoir-Rhyme are totally comparable.
we better hope the football team doesn't read this message board because their confidence level going to oregon to play on the road will be a defeatist attitude right from the start. They will know that the odds are against them to begin with. They will have to have a perfect game & play way above their heads to just stay up even with the likes of a 3rd ranked team. I would give anything for this team to pull the upset & then beat up on a florida team. But let's all be realistic here. We have growing pains to go through to reach our goal as sec east champions. We have to have the mindset of one game at a time & not look ahead to the next opponent. oregon 56 tn 17.

OH H*LL NO!:yikes:
Oregon's facility blows Bama's away. It's much nicer looking even if it is too cold for my taste.
Their head coach was the OC of one of the most prolific offenses in the nation last year. What about this makes you think he's unproven?

We had a good offense last year, but I wouldn't want Chaney for our head coach. Everyone knows Chip was calling the plays. Would Bama's defense be as good next year with Kirby the head man?:peace:
Again. Answer my question directly. If you could prepare for both Oregon and Florida equally and likely lose both... or prepare for 1 and stand a much better chance of winning what would you do?

Deliberately not preparing for one game, does not equate to giving you better odds to win another game. You get better at something, by actually doing it.

Stop trumping this idealism.

It's not "idealism." Your logic simply makes no sense.

You don't gain a 'better chance' at beating Florida, merely because you fail to gameplan for Oregon.

This isn't baseball where you are playing 7 games a week, and you simply lack time to plan for every opponent. Nor is it the NBA, where you have an 82 game season and makes sense to 'take off' a game here and there.

You are assuming that two weeks of gameplanning is going to result in a radically better result for the Florida game. In all likelihood, it's not. The coaches and the players gain more out of preparing for Oregon and learning their lessons, and using that experience and knowledge to hopefully help them against Florida.

If you want to see a successful model for a college football program, look at what Jim Harbaugh did at Stanford. That Stanford team played every single game like their lives depended on it, even when they were 30 point underdogs. Harbaugh prepared for everyone and convinced his team they could beat anyone.

You don't get better, by not trying.
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are better than most think. Admittedly, I always drink the kool-aid, and wear orange tinted glasses. I have been thinking about this game for a while, trying to think of a reason we can hang with this team. I decided to do a little checking/research, and this is what I found interesting, and hopeful.

Over the past four recruiting years, 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013, Tennessee and Oregon are exactly even, both averaging finishing at number 15. We keep hearing of the differences in talent, but they have lost quite a bit also. Our defense was not as bad as it appeared on the field(Sunseri), and our team is not void of talent(but it is void of Dooley, thankfully). Oregon is also void of Chip Kelly, and their head coach is completely unproven, and could be their Dooley.

Given the closer overall talent, and I believe a coaching advantage for UT, I believe it will be a MUCH closer game than people think. With a fortunate defensive score, or couple of turnovers, who knows. If UT can score 1st, and get momentum, Oregon may not respond as well as they hope. You never know with kids, new coaching staff, etc.....

Here's to hope! (flame away.......):crossfingers:

No flame Bob.. some numbers though

in those 4 recruiting classes, 28 signees are no longer around.

For Oregon 15 signees are no longer around..

So those classes are not equal.

Also, I would have to look at Oregon and research their results but there are several of the Tennessee signees that have not played close to their high school rankings, like Miller, Neal, Smith, Lane, Palardy as examples
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as an aside i think our offense is equivalent to the offense we had the last time we played them with simms at qb...the only real chance we have is if we absolutely dominate running the ball and keep the game to only a few possessions for each team. the reason oregon rolls in the pac 12 is that every team plays for offense which plays into oregon's hands.
I make no predictions but, based on what we know about Butch thus far, I believe he will prepare this team for the Oregon game with the following attitude: "This is the kind of game you come to a program like Tennessee to play. Leave no stone unturned, no shred of effort unexpended, no drop of sweat or blood in reserve, and let the proverbial chips (i.e. the scoreboard) fall where they may."
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No flame Bob.. some numbers though

in those 4 recruiting classes, 28 signees are no longer around.

For Oregon 15 signees are no longer around..

So those classes are not equal.

Also, I would have to look at Oregon and research their results but there are several of the Tennessee signees that have not played close to their high school rankings, like Miller, Neal, Smith, Lane, Palardy as examples

Fair enough. Good points(I did think about the attrition). I just can't help believing most of our problems stem from coaching, not talent. Team chemistry and cohesion can get players to "buy-in", and play to their potential. I honestly think the potential isn't that much different between the two teams. If our team had matched their potential(recruiting rankings), they should be a top 20 team. If we were ranked 15th, would the match-up look any better? That is where we, theoretically, be this year. Perception isn't reality, but we put that spin on most things.

Do I think this is a top 20 team? Probably not even a top 40 team.......but we do have pieces. We have a top 2-3 offensive line in the country.....2 4* running backs, and a pretty good front 7 on D. QB that was national player of the year, and quite a bit of talent at WR, although unproven. It is the unknown that makes this season even more exciting!

I am as tired of losing as anyone.....but as of August 2nd, my VOLUNTEERS are undefeated, and I have hope. My expectations are to make it to a bowl game, have even more success recruiting, and look like a TEAM for the first time in years. :hi:
I have been saying for a couple months now that this is the game we have a real good chance for a upset. I just feel its all set up for us.

We are a much better team than last years record indicates and our boys will go into this game with something to prove.

We have maybe the very best offensive line in the country and you just cant explain what a advantage that is. Our offense will be just fine and will get better every game. But it will start out a lot better than people think it will.

Our defense is no where near as bad and as slow as some of the people on here would have everyone believe. They are back in the style defense they are built to play in. If you watched the O&W game most people thought our offense was bad but what I saw was our defense was much much better than I expected. They swarmed to the ball they had nice pressure on the QB's and I only saw 1 blown assignment. THEY PLAYED MEAN. They will be head and shoulders above what we saw from them last year.

I am telling you , this game will not be a blow out and if Oregon isn't ready to play like it's the NC game then they could very well lose. Oregon better not overlook us or believe the hype and the point spread because they have a surprise coming.

This team has something to prove and they will start proving it at Oregon.
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I make no predictions but, based on what we know about Butch thus far, I believe he will prepare this team for the Oregon game with the following attitude: "This is the kind of game you come to a program like Tennessee to play. Leave no stone unturned, no shred of effort unexpended, no drop of sweat or blood in reserve, and let the proverbial chips (i.e. the scoreboard) fall where they may."

:toast: That is the attitude we need. If, and when, we get beat, don't abandon ship......Stay on board, the sailing WILL get better with our new captain steering the boat.
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