Packing of Supreme Court

Are you saying she’s not actually a gorilla or that people here don’t call her that? If the latter, what forum have you been reading?
Saying she's not a gorilla.

Its funny that most of you focused on the one item that I said was definitely false but went right past the other items on the list that I did not debunk.
I don't care. We aren't "even." Biden should settle the score. His wishy washiness on court packing was one of the reasons I didn't pick him in the primaries.

Dems should go 100% into that, a lesson needs to be taught that all the trash we dealt with for the last 4-6 years under Trump/Mcconnell was unacceptable

you think Donald Trump would be against court packing if the situations were reversed? Ha.... yeah right. We'd get a packed court with his airheaded barbie press secretary telling us it was good for the nation
You’re promoting an action that would set off an incendiary reaction that I think would spread across the country like wildfire. Fundamentally changing the structure of the SC is akin to a coup
I don't care. We aren't "even." Biden should settle the score. His wishy washiness on court packing was one of the reasons I didn't pick him in the primaries.

Dems should go 100% into that, a lesson needs to be taught that all the trash we dealt with for the last 4-6 years under Trump/Mcconnell was unacceptable
Trump voters said the same in 2016.

Where does it end? The endless cycle of revenge isn’t a successful long term plan for the US.
You’re promoting an action that would set off an incendiary reaction that I think would spread across the country like wildfire. Fundamentally changing the structure of the SC is akin to a coup

Yah we know how you Trump worshippers love coups 🙄

So dramatic
fair enough, the Democratic caucus then plays too nice.

I'm tired of bending over backwards so we don't offend the people that crammed "alternative facts" down our throats while they broke precedent & decorum countless times.
You do realize it was Harry Reid who broke decorum here right? And that Mitch warned him what he would do if he ever had the opportunity to pay him back. Stop pretending the Dems have the righteous path on this.
Anybody see this idiot.

Rep. Mondaire Jones talks Supreme Court expansion bill, is ‘hopeful’ gun and police reform will pass | PIX11

As some Democrats call for the expansion of Supreme Court justices, Jones said “Our democracy is hanging by a thread.”

The country must restore power to the people and save our democracy by expanding the court

Jones also added the country has a 6-3 hyper partisan, and a court expansion would provide a balance.
What balance is necessary, and most importantly, why? Can any of you leftists point to a single ruling where bias has come into play?
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Anybody see this idiot.

Rep. Mondaire Jones talks Supreme Court expansion bill, is ‘hopeful’ gun and police reform will pass | PIX11

As some Democrats call for the expansion of Supreme Court justices, Jones said “Our democracy is hanging by a thread.”

The country must restore power to the people and save our democracy by expanding the court

Jones also added the country has a 6-3 hyper partisan, and a court expansion would provide a balance.

Ha! “Hyper partisan”...Which anyone that has studied recent SCOTUS decisions can see that Roberts isn’t some hardcore, conservative activist judge by any stretch and other Justices end up voting with some of those on the other side in many cases. All these narratives are being used as shock and awe catch phrases to create a false sense of anxiety and urgency over absolutely nothing.
Anybody see this idiot.

Rep. Mondaire Jones talks Supreme Court expansion bill, is ‘hopeful’ gun and police reform will pass | PIX11

As some Democrats call for the expansion of Supreme Court justices, Jones said “Our democracy is hanging by a thread.”

The country must restore power to the people and save our democracy by expanding the court

Jones also added the country has a 6-3 hyper partisan, and a court expansion would provide a balance.

Obviously some parts of the country need to have voting rights revoked - as much for their own good as anything.
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Any democrat who is for this or thinks this is ok is anti-democratic and knows it. This is a power grab plain and simple.

Ever notice the dems never had a problem with the court representation when it was the other way? It's like 5 year old kids playing games and changing rules when things temporarily don't go their way. Imagine the uproar if someone made a comment about a "wise and knowledgeable white guy" bringing wisdom and experience to the court.
Ever notice the dems never had a problem with the court representation when it was the other way? It's like 5 year old kids playing games and changing rules when things temporarily don't go their way. Imagine the uproar if someone made a comment about a "wise and knowledgeable white guy" bringing wisdom and experience to the court.

I am gonna sound horrible here but if every Biden voter just suddenly left the the country I would be totally ok with it.
Ever notice the dems never had a problem with the court representation when it was the other way? It's like 5 year old kids playing games and changing rules when things temporarily don't go their way. Imagine the uproar if someone made a comment about a "wise and knowledgeable white guy" bringing wisdom and experience to the court.

I'm not a fan of court-packing, but changing the rules isn't just a dem issue. Remember the "we can't confirm a new judge in an election year" argument?

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