Packing of Supreme Court

actually the commission is looking at term limits - I presume the law can be changed to remove the lifetime appointment.

it's all ridiculous partisan bull crap

I think that would require a constitutional amendment. Changing the number of justices would not. The may look into it, but amending the Constitution wouldn't be easy.
I think that would require a constitutional amendment. Changing the number of justices would not. The may look into it, but amending the Constitution wouldn't be easy.

It's in the charge from Biden.

President Biden to Sign Executive Order Creating the Presidential Commission on the Supreme Court of the United States | The White House

The topics it will examine include the genesis of the reform debate; the Court’s role in the Constitutional system; the length of service and turnover of justices on the Court; the membership and size of the Court; and the Court’s case selection, rules, and practices.
This will pass or fail based on whoever can win over Manchin. It’s a bs move regardless. Clear that the Dems want to stack the the voting booth, the courts, etc.
This will fail if it even reaches the Senate. The Dems can't pass this via reconciliation and a simple majority. No way in hell are there 60 votes for this in the Senate. I seriously doubt there are even 50.
It's in the charge from Biden.

President Biden to Sign Executive Order Creating the Presidential Commission on the Supreme Court of the United States | The White House

The topics it will examine include the genesis of the reform debate; the Court’s role in the Constitutional system; the length of service and turnover of justices on the Court; the membership and size of the Court; and the Court’s case selection, rules, and practices.

I'm not sure how that contradicts my assertion that judicial appointments are lifetime appointments under the constitution and would require a constitutional amendment to remove them.
I'm not sure how that contradicts my assertion that judicial appointments are lifetime appointments under the constitution and would require a constitutional amendment to remove them.

it wasn't meant to contradict it - just showing that it is part of the charge for the commission to examine.
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I'm not sure how that contradicts my assertion that judicial appointments are lifetime appointments under the constitution and would require a constitutional amendment to remove them.
The EO on the SCOTUS commission also has absolutely no teeth. It is a glorified study that will make recommendations. Court packing and term limits for SCOTUS ain't happening in this political climate. The support just is not there for it.
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Wouldn’t this have to get 60 votes in the senate? Unless they do away with the filibuster
Pro tip: When you storm/break into/vandalize whatever government building you're protesting in, make sure to claim you are "petitioning the government" and you "stayed within the velvet ropes and took selfies," that way you will have "mainly stayed peaceful."
I thought throwing bottles, rocks and Molotov cocktails was also “mostly peaceful”...... oh and burning sh** down
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The EO on the SCOTUS commission also has absolutely no teeth. It is a glorified study that will make recommendations. Court packing and term limits for SCOTUS ain't happening in this political climate. The support just is not there for it.
It’s a MASSIVE overreach and should be dealt with accordingly if it comes to fruition
Wouldn’t this have to get 60 votes in the senate? Unless they do away with the filibuster
It would need 60 votes. But even if they get rid of the filibuster, which is doubtful, I still don't think there are 51 votes to support passing a bill on court packing.
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I don't think the House passes it either even with the simple majority required
Agree, I don't think so either. I would hope liberals think it through. This could backfire in a massive way, not just for liberals, but all of us when you think about it.
The commission can't do anything but present the findings of their study. That's it. I have issues with court packing as well, I don't agree with it. Look out, I even disagree with Pete about it!!

the "commission" is a tried and true way to pass the buck on an issue you don't want to touch.

I'm more than a little surprised Nancy would let a proposal go forward in the House with such a tenuous majority and the historical results of midterm elections for the party in power. She could easily punt to the commission.

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