Palin for President

I've heard her speak.


...and when Obozo the clown speaks without his teleprompter, he's all over the place. Stutters, "and the uh, uh, the uh,........uhhhhhh, let me see,.....uh...the thing is uhhhh,...if you uh, have a health plan, uh,.......can uh, keep your uhhhhh healthplan.

Yeah LG, frightening.
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Yea, an aging lesbian who let our ambassador and navy seals get murdered is a much better representation of today's woman.

I don't get all this about Benhgazi. Is the right so desperate to have "dirt" on Clinton that they'll foist an assassinated ambassador as the hook in which they'll try to hang their hat in 2016?

Hey I mean, it sucks for these three people getting killed and all, but they were in you know, Libya. Were they under the illusion of being safe in the middle east, while working for the US Gov?

If the right is hoping that rational Americans will view Benhgazi as a deal breaker in 2016 - then the GOP has already lost.
I don't get all this about Benhgazi. Is the right so desperate to have "dirt" on Clinton that they'll foist an assassinated ambassador as the hook in which they'll try to hang their hat in 2016?

Hey I mean, it sucks for these three people getting killed and all, but they were in you know, Libya. Were they under the illusion of being safe in the middle east, while working for the US Gov?

If the right is hoping that rational Americans will view Benhgazi as a deal breaker in 2016 - then the GOP has already lost.

Uh, was 4 people.
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I don't get all this about Benhgazi. Is the right so desperate to have "dirt" on Clinton that they'll foist an assassinated ambassador as the hook in which they'll try to hang their hat in 2016?

Hey I mean, it sucks for these three people getting killed and all, but they were in you know, Libya. Were they under the illusion of being safe in the middle east, while working for the US Gov?

If the right is hoping that rational Americans will view Benhgazi as a deal breaker in 2016 - then the GOP has already lost.

Democratic talking points bulls**t. Whistling past the cemetery for the Democraps
I don't get all this about Benhgazi. Is the right so desperate to have "dirt" on Clinton that they'll foist an assassinated ambassador as the hook in which they'll try to hang their hat in 2016?

Hey I mean, it sucks for these three people getting killed and all, but they were in you know, Libya. Were they under the illusion of being safe in the middle east, while working for the US Gov?

If the right is hoping that rational Americans will view Benhgazi as a deal breaker in 2016 - then the GOP has already lost.

the ambassador to France has more security than one in a country the US destabilized. Every amb in a hole we helped create should be afforded adequate security

the real issue for me is what they were actually doing there and how much she knew about the operation. Of course no one will ever answer that and we'll be left with Dem cries of a manufactured scandal
I don't get all this about Benhgazi. Is the right so desperate to have "dirt" on Clinton that they'll foist an assassinated ambassador as the hook in which they'll try to hang their hat in 2016?

Hey I mean, it sucks for these three people getting killed and all, but they were in you know, Libya. Were they under the illusion of being safe in the middle east, while working for the US Gov?

If the right is hoping that rational Americans will view Benhgazi as a deal breaker in 2016 - then the GOP has already lost.

You never served in the military did you?
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Round it up to 10, still won't matter in 2016.

Yeah,...Dems don't care about character and what they've done in the past, because they get away with murder and they like a lawless gov't. They make the rules as they go along and could careless about the Constitution.

Let's put another community organizer in charge.
Speaking of whistling past the cemetery, anyone found those WMD's America was promised in Iraq?


Yup , they're in Syria .

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