Yeah,...Dems don't care about character and what they've done in the past, because they get away with murder and they like a lawless gov't. They make the rules as they go along and could careless about the Constitution.
Let's put another community organizer in charge.
I honestly cannot fathom the level of suicidal stupidity that could possibly cause the GOP to nominate her. She'd blow up in debates, be rightfully mocked at every turn, and there's no limit on the idiocy that would come out of her mouth on that big a stage.
The GOP should not be taking pointers on how to run their party from the Democrats. It's in the best interest of the Democrats that the GOP screw up.
Considering the results of the last two general presidential elections, you may want to rethink that.
When a highly decorated war veteran, white republican senator loses to a black guy with zero appreciable experience in America - something may be wrong with the message.
I don't get all this about Benhgazi. Is the right so desperate to have "dirt" on Clinton that they'll foist an assassinated ambassador as the hook in which they'll try to hang their hat in 2016?
Hey I mean, it sucks for these three people getting killed and all, but they were in you know, Libya. Were they under the illusion of being safe in the middle east, while working for the US Gov?
If the right is hoping that rational Americans will view Benhgazi as a deal breaker in 2016 - then the GOP has already lost.
I'd say the direction of the economy weighed more heavily than the W throwing us in to a war. I suppose that's debatable though.
The glaring point behind the Benghazi situations with Hillary was the very pointed comment she made of "what difference does it make" during the hearings. That's a little harsh, no?
The remainder of the outrage is the entire handling of the situation by the Administration as a whole.
I would say continuing the war weighed a lot more heavily than the initial reasons.
But he is correct, there was nobody that could have been put up on the GOP ticket that would have made a difference.