Palin for President

Harsh? Not in the context of the actual conversation. It was part of a pointed response to an question on whether or not the attack was as a result of a an attack or protest.

In context:

"With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided that they'd they go kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make? It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again, Senator."

While certainly a tragedy that may or may not have been prevented. It wasn't. Clinton wasn't there to debate partisan politics from a GOP senator who was looking to finger point.

Context is everything.

Another vast, right - wing conspiracy. Obviously.
Harsh? Not in the context of the actual conversation. It was part of a pointed response to an question on whether or not the attack was as a result of a an attack or protest.

In context:

"With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided that they'd they go kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make? It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again, Senator."

While certainly a tragedy that may or may not have been prevented. It wasn't. Clinton wasn't there to debate partisan politics from a GOP senator who was looking to finger point.

Context is everything.

Even in context though, the point behind the botched attempts at downplaying the terrorist attacks to demonstrations as well as the four dead Americans was evident and relevant by the time that hearing came out. Perhaps she didn't know how the Administration was going to react (though I highly doubt this) by continuing the charade they started in the immediate aftermath until finally forced to admit the truth. Perhaps she was upset at both sides for what happened and lashed out at the wrong time.

And the biggest problem with this context? Her own agency was in on the sham from the start of attempting to downplay the involvement of terror groups. Is this culpability? Not necessarily. But the fact that security precautions were not taken especially on the anniversary of 9/11 in a country that for decades had harbored terror groups was central to the questioning. And by attempting to bypass the overall motive behind the attacks, she puts herself and her own knowledge of the situation into question.

But no matter what, even in context they are very poorly chosen words.
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Are you implying W's administrative actions and policies were to blame for the GOP loss in the general?

No. I believe the media had the largest impact on a US election in history by demonizing any candidate that had an (R) next to their name in that election. It was the most acidic and biased reporting ever seen in an election.

Yes, the press helped sway that election.

And no, I don't think McCain would have been a good President.
No. I believe the media had the largest impact on a US election in history by demonizing any candidate that had an (R) next to their name in that election. It was the most acidic and biased reporting ever seen in an election.

Yes, the press helped sway that election.

And no, I don't think McCain would have been a good President.

McCain is a Democrat pretending to be a republican because he's in a republican district. JM would have made a good blue dog democrat.
Okay, so I was thinking this might have been Volmav under a different screen name, but the comments in some posts are too wordy for him.

Velo Vol doesn't fit the MO either.

LG under disguise for a big troll job?

He's pretty close to velo. Just a little more aggressive.
The GOP should not be taking pointers on how to run their party from the Democrats. It's in the best interest of the Democrats that the GOP screw up.

You are correct. The GOP does not need screwing up. They do a fine job all by themselves.
So this:


Or this:


For the State of the Union Address for a minimum of four years...
You know, the DNC should be actively supporting Palin for any Presidential run. I mean, if she's so horrid and bad, why would they pass up the opportunity for a GOP member to fall flat on their face and possibly ensure a DNC controlled White House for another eight years?

If anything, shouldn't they be actively supporting her and encouraging people to vote for Palin instead of trying to denounce her at every given turn?

Or is this just a simple case of the left being afraid of a candidate and what they stand for?
You know, the DNC should be actively supporting Palin for any Presidential run. I mean, if she's so horrid and bad, why would they pass up the opportunity for a GOP member to fall flat on their face and possibly ensure a DNC controlled White House for another eight years?

If anything, shouldn't they be actively supporting her and encouraging people to vote for Palin instead of trying to denounce her at every given turn?

Or is this just a simple case of the left being afraid of a candidate and what they stand for?

I don't think no one (Dem or GOP) Is scared of Palin running for POTUS
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I don't think no one (Dem or GOP) Is scared of Palin running for POTUS

She can sway a voting base. The dastardly Tea Party you always scream about.

And that's a large enough percentage to swing an election away from a centrist candidate.
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She can sway a voting base. The dastardly Tea Party you always scream about.

And that's a large enough percentage to swing an election away from a centrist candidate.

There may be a crowed Tea Party group vying for the GOP nomination according to some of the names being floated around. If I were betting today I would bet that Paul wins the tea party vote in 2016. I personally dont think Palin has any chance of winning the GOP nomination.
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There may be a crowed Tea Party group vying for the GOP nomination according to some of the names being floated around. If I were betting today I would bet that Paul wins the tea party vote in 2016. I personally dont think Palin has any chance of winning the GOP nomination.

I don't disagree with this. And Paul would be a valid choice as long as the mainstream GOP doesn't go after him.
I don't disagree with this. And Paul would be a valid choice as long as the mainstream GOP doesn't go after him.

Two years is a long time in politics, many things can happen. As of today I think the nomination will be between Paul and one of the moderate candidates , someone like Christi or Jeb. That is if Bridgegate does not destroy Christi. Huckabee could be a player as well. Paul has already started moving slightly to the middle.
Two years is a long time in politics, many things can happen. As of today I think the nomination will be between Paul and one of the moderate candidates , someone like Christi or Jeb. That is if Bridgegate does not destroy Christi. Huckabee could be a player as well. Paul has already started moving slightly to the middle.

I couldn't vote for Christie,Jeb or Huckabee. Those three are too liberal for My taste. I definitely will be a 3rd party voter then. I think a large part of the conservatives in the GOP would vote 3rd party or not go to the polls at all if one of those three is the GOP candidate in 2016.
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