Paris Terror Attack Underway

Why would I ask him if he's Islamic? I'll help you out here scooter. When discussing these matters over the years I've learned that a person of Islamic faith sees things entirely different than those who do not. It helps with the discussion.
You? You're simple to read. A mush minded liberal.

Bless your heart, lad.
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Liberals are like the people that go to the Smokies and feed the bears. They are the smartest people they know, they know exactly what they're doing, and although they have never seen an actual bear or studied them one bit they have every reason to believe the bear will act in a rational manner when confronted with something it considers an enemy. Nothing will go wrong. And when the bear bites their arm off, well that's simply an anomaly. The vast majority of bears would not have bitten their arm off. They know that because, again, they are the smartest people they know. They really think if you keep trying to "feed" the extremist bear, empathize, defend, give aid, etc. it will play nice. It really is a mental disorder.
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Liberals are like the people that go to the Smokies and feed the bears. They are the smartest people they know, they know exactly what they're doing, and although they have never seen an actual bear or studied them one bit they have every reason to believe the bear will act in a rational manner when confronted with something it considers an enemy. Nothing will go wrong. And when the bear bites their arm off, well that's simply an anomaly. The vast majority of bears would not have bitten their arm off. They know that because, again, they are the smartest people they know. They really think if you keep trying to "feed" the extremist bear, empathize, defend, give aid, etc. it will play nice. It really is a mental disorder.

Well duh

They watched Winnie the Pooh and stuff
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This thread has made it painfully obvious that VN has absolutely no idea what a liberal is
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I think this ultimately comes down to fighting religious extremism. The fact is these people truly believe they will get themselves and all their friends and family into paradise by blowing themselves up in a crowd full of innocent victims. This kind of crazy idea has to be challenged. Unfortunately us non-Muslim folks in the west don't have much credibility when it comes to Muslim's views. That's why the moderates and sensible Muslims have to overthrow this idea of Jihad and terrorism. Fortunately the majority of Muslims are moderate and sensible. And they are the ones suffering the most from extremism like ISIS. I just hope this war of ideas can be won before more innocent people lose their lives for absolutely no reason.
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It is sad. Thinking that dropping WMDs onto populated locations throughout the middle east will solve the problem of radical islam is so blatantly stupid that there could only be one real explanation- they don't actually care about whether such tactics will help stop radical islam. They just want to kill as many muslims and watch as many cities burn as possible for their own personal sense of revenge. We drop a WMD on a city and ISIS isn't lamenting their upcoming defeat or the loss of a couple hundred grunts, they're celebrating the absolute best example of western evil we could possibly give them, and their numbers will grow exponentially. Congratulations, we murdered a city of 95%+ innocents and strengthened ISIS.

I know there are plenty of reasonable posters here who understand this, but there are also an alarming number who don't. It makes you thankful they aren't in charge, or we would have started WWIII a long time ago.

Agreed completely. Not only would this be completely immoral (hundreds or thousands of times more deaths than the paris attacks), but completely counter productive. We have to stop extremism at its source, within the Muslim community. It needs to start from moderate Muslims, who are the ones suffering the most from these extremists.
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Agreed completely. Not only would this be completely immoral (hundreds or thousands of times more deaths than the paris attacks), but completely counter productive. We have to stop extremism at its source, within the Muslim community. It needs to start from moderate Muslims, who are the ones suffering the most from these extremists.

These "moderate Muslims" have had thousands of years and have yet to act. Why do you think they will start now?
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These "moderate Muslims" have had thousands of years and have yet to act. Why do you think they will start now?

Unfortunately youre right, we don't have hundreds of years to get this done. But information travels much quicker these days, and it is not out of the reach for a Muslim revolution of sorts to overthrow these ideas.

To draw some comparison, us Christian Americans were burning witches at the stake not too terribly long ago before we realized that they in fact do not cause disease. This change happened slowly, but also with limited technology.

However, the scary thing to me is not that moderate Muslims haven't had the time to act, its that extremist are just now living in a time where cheap travel, explosives and automatic weapons are easily obtained. That's why this change needs to happen now before making nuclear ICMBs becomes as easy as getting an AK-47 and a passport.
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Unfortunately youre right, we don't have hundreds of years to get this done. But information travels much quicker these days, and it is not out of the reach for a Muslim revolution of sorts to overthrow these ideas.

To draw some comparison, us Christian Americans were burning witches at the stake not too terribly long ago before we realized that they in fact do not cause disease. This change happened slowly, but also with limited technology.

So there are witches, they just don't cause disease?
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Why would I ask him if he's Islamic? I'll help you out here scooter. When discussing these matters over the years I've learned that a person of Islamic faith sees things entirely different than those who do not. It helps with the discussion.
You? You're simple to read. A mush minded liberal.

I'm a black, libertarian, pro-traditional nuclear family, anti-Planned Parenthood atheist...
These "moderate Muslims" have had thousands of years and have yet to act. Why do you think they will start now?

Islam is about around 1400 years old

There are 4 types of Muslims.

1)There are Muslims who will give there life in the name of Allah and take joy in killing the infidel (American, French, British, Westerners) and believe in the Caliphate.

2)There are Muslims who don't want to die in the name of Allah but have no problem supporting those who will.

3)There are muslims who won't give there life or provide support for jihadists but agree with what they are doing.

4)And you have the Muslims who are so called "Moderate Muslims" but they have no power and can't in anyway reform Islam because they are out numbered.
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This thread has made it painfully obvious that VN has absolutely no idea what a liberal is

Looks like the narrative is if you dont follow the MSM or White House talking points, you're a liberal... pretty confusing because I've been accused of being a liberal several times in this thread.
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Classical liberalism and modern liberalism are completely different

Neither are relevant to this discussion other than to point out the majority of westerners(and us here on VN) are one or the other, and that the muslim theocrats hate both without bothering to differentiate much between the two. We're in this together and blaming each other accomplishes nothing excepting to show the contrast between our resolve and theirs.
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