Paris Terror Attack Underway

He also just made us sound very weak... "it costs money to go to war and there will be lives at stake"... or something to that effect. jmo... but all that does is send a message to ISIS that we are reluctant to get involved.

Reluctant to get involved? We are involved and have been for a while.
@ananavarro: Dear Obama handlers. Time to bring out the hook, end this presser. He's flippant, impatient & defensive. Not achieving intended purpose.

@ananavarro: At times, Obama has shown the ability to be very eloquent and effective as the face of a concerned nation in shock. Today, he missed it.

@20committee: That was the most embarrassing public performance by a POTUS on a global stage in my lifetime. Which is saying quite a lot.

@MelissaAFrancis: That was one of the most startling and heartbreaking press conferences in memory.
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"every few weeks I meet with my entire national security team and go over every single threat stream that is presented."

He plays a lot more golf than discusses terrorism
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Why is that important? Especially if our leader is such a joke?

Because we have always been recognized as a world leader, and a country that was more than willing to fight for and protect our freedoms, and at times the freedoms of others. Obama's presser today made us sound like a middle to lightweight country that is more interested in standing on the sidelines because we're too concerned about spending money or possibly "getting hurt".

Again... jmo... but that is a VERY FAR drop from the image most have of America.
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So you want him to back Assad, or what?

I don't want refugees (potential terrorists) coming here under any circumstances. He made it clear his priority is them over us. It was a giant FU to the American people, once again. They don't know who these people are and what they will do. But he's going to show us, by hell. You may welcome the risk for you and yours but I don't take any risks for my family.
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