Paris Terror Attack Underway

Forget it, he's rolling.

Its not often I get serious, but I believe its important to avoid babbling incoherently from time to time. This **** ain't funny and there's nothing more counterproductive than a shoddy diagnosis
Just wondering how many people know that France has been heavily involved in the Syrian conflict? I ask because nobody is saying much about this and I was largely unaware.
Just wondering how many people know that France has been heavily involved in the Syrian conflict? I ask because nobody is saying much about this and I was largely unaware.

France had already declared war on ISIS. Not sure what you're getting at, though.
France had already declared war on ISIS. Not sure what you're getting at, though.

Well, Islamic terrorists tend to attack their neighbors and/or countries that intervene. I was confused as to why Paris would be a target, because I didn't know they fit either profile.

Turns out they do. I guess it's fairly common knowledge that France has been bombing ISIS for a year now. They were also arming the "moderate" rebels (like we were) and the moderates became radical or got overrun and now ISIS has a lot of those arms.

This **** is just a quagmire.
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Neither are relevant to this discussion other than to point out the majority of westerners(and us here on VN) are one or the other, and that the muslim theocrats hate both without bothering to differentiate much between the two. We're in this together and blaming each other accomplishes nothing excepting to show the contrast between our resolve and theirs.

Agree. My point is that it's misleading to your argument to say "you're technically a liberal" because in the sense that the people you are debating with, that is not true.

However, you are absolutely correct that we only defeat ISIS by standing together.
clearly a JV team here. Glad the President has them contained


It does not take a brilliant mind or a lot of planning to do these types of attacks. Those same attacks could easily be done in the USA any day chosen to do so. We are so unprotected it is pathetic. That is one cost of living with the freedoms we have.
He just sounded ridiculously unprofessional and pretty butthurt over the candidates criticisms.

Good stuff.

He also just made us sound very weak... "it costs money to go to war and there will be lives at stake"... or something to that effect. jmo... but all that does is send a message to ISIS that we are reluctant to get involved.

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