Paris Terror Attack Underway

I don't think Tennessee should completely close the borders. I feel doing so is highly un-American and the antithesis of the core values of individual rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness that our nation was founded on. We should certainly property vet the refugees and I think military aged men should face the highest scrutiny of any refugee we bring in. In the words of Benjamin Franklin, "those who are willing to sacrifice liberty for temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety," and I think that's important to note. A large part of being free is being able to move where better opportunities abound. Many of these refugees are doing just that and to stop them in the face of a terror threat is sacrificing liberty for safety in my opinion.
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I don't think Tennessee should completely close the borders. I feel doing so is highly un-American and the antithesis of the core values of individual rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness that our nation was founded on. We should certainly property vet the refugees and I think military aged men should face the highest scrutiny of any refugee we bring in. In the words of Benjamin Franklin, "those who are willing to sacrifice liberty for temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety," and I think that's important to note. A large part of being free is being able to move where better opportunities abound. Many of these refugees are doing just that and to stop them in the face of a terror threat is sacrificing liberty for safety in my opinion.

I didn't realize baring potential terrorists was sacrificing liberty, learn something new in VN daily.
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Just In: Gov. Haslam has issued a statement urging federal govt. to suspend Syrian refugee settlement in Tennessee
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I didn't realize baring potential terrorists was sacrificing liberty, learn something new in VN daily.

Oh yes those women and 6 year old children are going to be very likely to be terrorists. Come on Hog. You and I agree on a lot of stuff but I just can't be okay with closing the borders to people who are trying to escape actual oppression. "potential terrorists" sounds a lot like thought crime to me especially when they're women and children that I'm speaking of.
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I didn't realize baring potential terrorists was sacrificing liberty, learn something new in VN daily.

The politics forum consist of a group of posters that one or more will have the answer to every problem that may arise on Earth or answer any religious question one may have. You want to know the exact monkey you evolved from, no problem just ask. It is truly a vault of knowledge.
Oh yes those women and 6 year old children are going to be very likely to be terrorists. Come on Hog. You and I agree on a lot of stuff but I just can't be okay with closing the borders to people who are trying to escape actual oppression. "potential terrorists" sounds a lot like thought crime to me especially when they're women and children that I'm speaking of.

You do know that ISIS, Hamas and other terror groups use women as props and as suicide bombers. I'm just saying.
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I don't think Tennessee should completely close the borders. I feel doing so is highly un-American and the antithesis of the core values of individual rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness that our nation was founded on. We should certainly property vet the refugees and I think military aged men should face the highest scrutiny of any refugee we bring in. In the words of Benjamin Franklin, "those who are willing to sacrifice liberty for temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety," and I think that's important to note. A large part of being free is being able to move where better opportunities abound. Many of these refugees are doing just that and to stop them in the face of a terror threat is sacrificing liberty for safety in my opinion.

Are we going to send investigators to Syria to conduct background investigations on refugees? How do you propose we "vet" these refugees? The intelligence community does not have files on every extremist and/or terrorist in existence. There is a large amount of risk potentially involved.
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Oh yes those women and 6 year old children are going to be very likely to be terrorists. Come on Hog. You and I agree on a lot of stuff but I just can't be okay with closing the borders to people who are trying to escape actual oppression. "potential terrorists" sounds a lot like thought crime to me especially when they're women and children that I'm speaking of.

My question is, why aren't more stable middle eastern countries accepting larger amounts of refugees?
Oh yes those women and 6 year old children are going to be very likely to be terrorists. Come on Hog. You and I agree on a lot of stuff but I just can't be okay with closing the borders to people who are trying to escape actual oppression. "potential terrorists" sounds a lot like thought crime to me especially when they're women and children that I'm speaking of.

Most of the refugees I see on the news are military age men, not women and children.

Another question for you. When/if Syria becomes stable again, do we send them back? Is this temporary, it hasn't worked that way in the past.

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