Paris Terror Attack Underway

Isn't the Pittsburgh area heavy GOP?

He putting those refugees far, far away from the heavy dem area of Philadelphia.

Not sure if Pitt is red, there aren't many counties in PA that aren't red.
The Governor of Pennsylvania (a Democrat) Tom Wolf says he will NOT turn away Syrian Refugees and that they will be settled in Pittsburgh. What an idiot.

So when one of these peaceful, tolerant people attack us we know where to lay the blame.
France hasn't launched a major airstrike against ISIS since the Charlie Hebdo attacks. Last night was the first time in months.

The problem is you can't just stop and expect to immediately not be a target. That's going to be the hard part for us if we ever try to walk away from the war on terror.

France was still actively involved, either way. A week ago they announced that they were sending an Aircraft Carrier to the Persian Gulf.
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I'm a black, libertarian, pro-traditional nuclear family, anti-Planned Parenthood atheist...

I asked because you mention the house of Saud and have major issues with Israel. You would be the first person I've ever had a discussion with who mentioned them both that wasn't Islamic. That's why I asked.
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"There will be setbacks and there will be successes. The terrible events in Paris were obviously a terrible and sickening setback," Obama said Monday.

129 people killed was a "setback".
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Governors from AL, AR, LA, TX, MI & IN have banned Syrian refugees. Seems like a Govenor every hour is saying no. Big time issue for King Putt

While I agree with the governors I don't think they can really do anything about. If the Feds grant them asylum how do they plan on preventing them from coming to their state? Any of our legal on here know? I think the only thing they could do is not extend them any benefits
"There will be setbacks and there will be successes. The terrible events in Paris were obviously a terrible and sickening setback," Obama said Monday.

129 people killed was a "setback".

Yes of course. Simply a setback. Like ISIS is our puppy and it just peed on the rug. NO ISIS, BAD ISIS. NO BISCUIT. The statement implies ISIS will eventually stop peeing on the rug. That they will mature and realize massacring innocent people is wrong. It would be like Roosevelt calling Pearl Harbor a setback instead of an act of war. Which it was.
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While I agree with the governors I don't think they can really do anything about. If the Feds grant them asylum how do they plan on preventing them from coming to their state? Any of our legal on here know? I think the only thing they could do is not extend them any benefits

They will go to court and seek a delay. They will say that the security of the citizen in the states is at risk.
Yep several times.

Its overwhelmingly blue, but there ain't a lot of tree hugging or hearts bleeding (except for actual real blood) going on there. The suburbs, maybe, but I think they're too busy counting their money to care much about what the trees are doing.
Here's the plan

Work with Russia and convince them that stability can only be obtained by removing Asad. Make it a secure location for western locations to vacation and bring in Disney to set up some resorts

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While I agree with the governors I don't think they can really do anything about. If the Feds grant them asylum how do they plan on preventing them from coming to their state? Any of our legal on here know? I think the only thing they could do is not extend them any benefits

10th Amendment
Why is that important? Especially if our leader is such a joke?

It's important since as the most power nation in the world (economically and militarily) we should be providing leadership to the coalition. Or as a senior member along with Russia and NATO.

Yet, you bring an extremely valid point in your second sentence. And one that is hard to refute.
They will go to court and seek a delay. They will say that the security of the citizen in the states is at risk.

I should have asked my question differently. Say PA takes in 100,000 immigrants. Which the Governor says he won't turn them away. Once they are "processed" and granted asylum, I assume at that point their is no way for other states to prevent them from spreading everywhere. Is that correct? And if so we are screwed.
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