Paris Terror Attack Underway

Zero Hedge asks the same question I've been posing: Are we bombing the wrong country?

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Yes to identifying more names, sources, cells and leadership/overseas connection.

I understand that, but mushrooming local LEO and other protection agencies without giving specifics doesn't help the overall fusion of the intelligence gathering. Basically it's a case of the right hand not talking to the left. Both sides have information to share, but neither side knows what the other is looking for or can help in that regard.

Tim is correct that loose lips sink ships and months/years of investigation work can be destroyed by a single comment given to the wrong person. But at the same time, local LEOs and other investigative agencies can offer substantial intelligence on the matter which federal agencies might miss otherwise. It's the difference in a local cop working a beat that notices something out of place and reporting it than an FBI Agent walking into the same neighborhood where everything seems out of place.

Its a fine line. Being totally read into some of this stuff also eliminates independant discovery of information. In other words if I told you xyz you may see xyz and it may help however if I told you xy and you discovered z you just independantly verified information. Not saying a direct threat should not be publicized at all, Im talking about gathering information and vetting it. I cannot imagine a perfect way to handle intlligence.
Morning Joe just showed a clip of Sen. Feinstein completely contradicting what Obama said in his presser.
She says she is very concerned, she sees the intelligence, ISIL is growing and is planning to strike in America.
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Morning Joe just showed a clip of Sen. Feinstein completely contradicting what Obama said in his presser.
She says she is very concerned, she sees the intelligence, ISIL is growing and is planning to strike in America.

Minor setback ..
France has invoked, for the first time, the European Union's mutual defense pact. I wonder if the next step is invoking NATO's obligations?
GOP word of the day is "petulant."

Seriously, any doubt but that everyone is emailed anti-Obama talking points has been removed.

Funny, I use the same word to describe you whenever you go into a tizzy over something a GOP member says about Obama.

I can claim ownership of that one.
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GOP word of the day is "petulant."

Seriously, any doubt but that everyone is emailed anti-Obama talking points has been removed.

Democrat word of the day:

Pandering. No wait..gimmie free sh!t..damn thats not just one word, we want tolerance and equality but the color of our skin can elevate our worth higher than others..dangit.

Stupid? There we go.
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