Paris Terror Attack Underway

How in the world could they get something like that on a plane? They took my damn toothpaste this morning! And I'm not surprised by Graham. He has been very consistent about the need for the US to take the fight to ISIS.

They put the bomb in a can of pineapple schnapps. Where do you find that at on a plane???? In the refreshment cart that goes on every plane. They went full "Homeland" on this attack.
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French President Francois Hollande Welcomes Refugees Despite Paris Attack

Good luck with that. If another attack happens, it's on him. Scared of widows and orphans my ass. It's like 72% single men. There are more children than women. I can't believe we have to suffer through another year of this garbage. That's so much time for the master of destruction to burn this mother down.


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Liberals are not the enemy. They are what makes America great because they can express those differing opinions irregardless how the govt or anyone else thinks about it. It's that freedom, and that one alone, that make our country the greatest in the world. Liberals are not the enemy, but they do tend to be arrogant a$$holes, Bill Maher for example.
Funny how Bill Maher used to be a libtard poster poster child until he went all in on islam, now he's an azzhole.
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That is very scary

Scary, yes. I'll give you another scary one.

There is a major Midwestern airport that has a 48" storm drain that runs from a section of the airport by the gates to about 1/8 mile outside of the fencing into an overgrown wooded area. The grating covering the drain in the taxiway is not locked and the end is not barred in the least.
Funny how Bill Maher used to be a libtard poster poster child until he went all in on islam, now he's an azzhole.

ummm he's an *******, but he's my *******. Maher has been nothing but right about Islam. Why are you so good at putting words into people's mouths?

Scary, yes. I'll give you another scary one.

There is a major Midwestern airport that has a 48" storm drain that runs from a section of the airport by the gates to about 1/8 mile outside of the fencing into an overgrown wooded area. The grating covering the drain in the taxiway is not locked and the end is not barred in the least.

If you know about this then why hasn't something been done? Makes no sense to me
He is routinely lampooned by the left for his views on Islam.

I know and I applaud him for it. But with time, more and more are coming around and beginning to understand what Maher is really trying to say. It's not about right or left/conservative or liberal.

Honestly, I'm grateful that you've continued spreading my message with your signature. People should know Obama is a filthy pig that needs to be impeached.

Your quote in my signature has nothing to do with spreading your message and everything to do with it being the funniest thing I have ever read on this board. Keep em coming!
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ummm he's an *******, but he's my *******. Maher has been nothing but right about Islam. Why are you so good at putting words into people's mouths?

If you know about this then why hasn't something been done? Makes no sense to me

Good question. We see many examples of this at airports. I've come to the conclusion that airport security is an illusion to make the traveler feel better.
Scary, yes. I'll give you another scary one.

There is a major Midwestern airport that has a 48" storm drain that runs from a section of the airport by the gates to about 1/8 mile outside of the fencing into an overgrown wooded area. The grating covering the drain in the taxiway is not locked and the end is not barred in the least.

Take a look at non-secure our power grid is. high school kids could take it out.
Think about the thousands of Christmas Parades coming up in the next month across small town America, another Boston style bombing would be so easy to do.
Many of the things we use to take for granted as being safe family friendly events could now be terror targets, it is scary
Take a look at non-secure our power grid is. high school kids could take it out.
Think about the thousands of Christmas Parades coming up in the next month across small town America, another Boston style bombing would be so easy to do.
Many of the things we use to take for granted as being safe family friendly events could now be terror targets, it is scary

Macy's Parade...

Highly televised, high profile, major crowds.
Macy's Parade...

Highly televised, high profile, major crowds.

Black Friday as well. The fact is besides the highly visible targets, which are almost always guarded, the West is too full of tempting soft targets. I would hate to be a CT guy in this environment. You never have enough people, equipment/technology, resources and budgets but are expected to stop all of the attacks. Even when you stop 9/10 attacks but the one you didn't stop everyone instantly blames you for it.
Black Friday as well. The fact is besides the highly visible targets, which are almost always guarded, the West is too full of tempting soft targets. I would hate to be a CT guy in this environment. You never have enough people, equipment/technology, resources and budgets but are expected to stop all of the attacks. Even when you stop 9/10 attacks but the one you didn't stop everyone instantly blames you for it.

Bad guys only have to get lucky once.
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