Paris Terror Attack Underway

Black Friday as well. The fact is besides the highly visible targets, which are almost always guarded, the West is too full of tempting soft targets. I would hate to be a CT guy in this environment. You never have enough people, equipment/technology, resources and budgets but are expected to stop all of the attacks. Even when you stop 9/10 attacks but the one you didn't stop everyone instantly blames you for it.

Exactly why inviting them over here is ludicrous. We don't have the resources to police every mall, Best Buy, Walmart, and strip mall in the country. Even if we did, our freedoms would be so eroded that this wouldn't even be the same country any more.
Obama is going to veto a bill requiring refugee screening. Also 2 polls came out, both saying 65% A) don't want refugees B) want boots on the ground.
Black Friday as well. The fact is besides the highly visible targets, which are almost always guarded, the West is too full of tempting soft targets. I would hate to be a CT guy in this environment. You never have enough people, equipment/technology, resources and budgets but are expected to stop all of the attacks. Even when you stop 9/10 attacks but the one you didn't stop everyone instantly blames you for it.

Macy's is like a terrorist wet dream. National television for instant media exposure and what better way to show that decadent infidel west who's boss?

If I was in charge of security, it'd be tighter than a dolphin's ass.
Macy's is like a terrorist wet dream. National television for instant media exposure and what better way to show that decadent infidel west who's boss?

If I was in charge of security, it'd be tighter than a dolphin's ass.

Just how tight is a Dolphins ass?
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Apologies if already posted; it's too difficult keeping up with this thread.



Duty, their rearholes. They're accepting so many refugees because they have to, or else the entitlements Europeans currently enjoy will dry up, and they'll all be working till they croak because their native populations aren't popping out enough babies to keep the system going in perpetuity.

As I see it, Europe has faced six primary existential crises to date, crises that fundamentally shaped the identity and future of Europe:

1. France, 8th Century AD and the confrontation between Martel and the Ummayyads that saw the eventual rejection of Islam in Europe

2. The repelling of Asiatic invaders (namely the Mongols and Tatars) from the European center

3. The Thirty Years' War and the Peace of Westphalia

4. The defeat of the Ottoman incursion into the European heartland in Vienna

5. The defeat of fascism

6. The defeat of communism

Europe's population crisis and the almost necessary influx of cultural "outsiders," pitting Europe between a rock and a hard place, is now the seventh. Whether or not it comes out ahead in this one, I do not know, as it is a much more perfidious crisis that cannot necessarily be met head on with force.
Yes. It did happen here with 30x as many casualties. I still say you have to let suffering Muslims in, regardless of what you are scared some may do.

I dont agree. There are many tame, placid bees that supply honey....

The thing is, they look exactly like killer bees...
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An ex-terrorist turned CIA agent says he believes the Paris attack was a trial run and we would have one here in the states with in 2 weeks
Isn't that what got us into this Its russian roulette at best...

No processed refugee has ever committed an act of terror on US soil.

There is a decent chance that several babies born this year will turn out to be terrorists. There is certainty many of them will be murderers and rapists. Abort all babies? Ship them all abroad? Get rid of them somehow, cause ****...I'm scared of lightning striking.
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