Paris Terror Attack Underway

Paris attacks: Police in deadly swoop on apartment in northern suburb - BBC News

A female suspect blew herself up with a suicide belt and some reports suggest two suspects died. Loud gunfire was heard as police met fierce resistance in the operation, which is continuing.

Five people have also been arrested.

The focus of the operation is Abdelhamid Abaaoud, the alleged mastermind of the Islamic State-claimed attacks that killed 129 people.

She's a good girl. She didn't do nothing wrong.
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We're all human, right? Some of us just happen to be human bombs. Please blow yourself up somewhere else on your own. I assure you, I would not pray for you or care.
The number of states opposing refugees has grown to 31 as of last night.


The sad thing is all it takes is for one state to allow refugees and then they can travel to anywhere in the country they want.
Have we established the fact that the people in these attacks weren't refugees?

Also, you guys realize that ISIS wants us to turn away refugees, right? The more they're able to vilify the west the better.

Amusing that all of this comes near Christmas-time. Given that 21 of the 22 states to denounce refugees are republican, you'd think they would remember a little story about a couple in the middle-east desperately needing shelter.

Didn't they find Syrian passport on one of the bombers outside the soccer stadium? Didn't the Greeks say that he came through their country on the way to France?
This was shared by my friend who was deployed to this location

How a US prison camp helped create ISIS | New York Post

Not a bad read, but I too was deployed to Bucca. And I was in the group the Oklahoma Guard relieved and some of the problems in the latter days of that camp were caused by those units.

But the article doesn't exactly go into depth on the conditions there so to speak. It makes it sound like we put ISIS together there to form. And that's not exactly true. Plus tossing in the reference of Compound 34 isn't exactly telling. The hasty compounds (as the 30s were known as) were the worst of the worst and the majority of the detainees in those particular camps were the ones shunned by the reminder of the population. Most of your Takfiri were there, yes, but it was either put them together in one place to cause trouble or spread them out to other compounds where they would have caused more trouble.

I'd be more than happy to answer any questions you might have about Bucca and what went on if you'd like. As well as a more in depth explanation of life there.
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It's not that easy. I think there are big religious differences that keep them from accepting other Arab immigrants, including Syrians.
It's not that easy. I think there are big religious differences that keep them from accepting other Arab immigrants, including Syrians.

Not as much religious as political. Syrians are majorly in the Sunni sect of Islam. As is Saudi and the Gulf States. On the other hand, taking in 10,000 plus refugees would tend to cause a security nightmare especially in a place where the populations are already somewhat thin.

It's a valid question of why the other Sunni nations aren't taking them in. But of course western leaders aren't asking those tough questions.
Not as much religious as political. Syrians are majorly in the Sunni sect of Islam. As is Saudi and the Gulf States. On the other hand, taking in 10,000 plus refugees would tend to cause a security nightmare especially in a place where the populations are already somewhat thin.

It's a valid question of why the other Sunni nations aren't taking them in. But of course western leaders aren't asking those tough questions.

That's what I was looking for. I was not sure if these places practiced different sects of Islam, but apparently not. Thus, it's even more inexcusable to me that they are allowing no one to come in. That leaves only political reasons, which from a Saudi point of view, I can understand why they wouldn't let them in.
That's what I was looking for. I was not sure if these places practiced different sects of Islam, but apparently not. Thus, it's even more inexcusable to me that they are allowing no one to come in. That leaves only political reasons, which from a Saudi point of view, I can understand why they wouldn't let them in.

Again, western leaders won't ask those questions. At least not in public.

Trust me, those Gulf States do have the money and can afford a little charity when it comes to those refugees. Zakat is one of the Pillars of Islam, meaning social responsibility and giving to those less fortunate. So if this was made into a religious discussion, they certainly have nowhere to go on religious grounds.
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These countries are building the worlds tallest buildings, they are building man made islands in the shape of palm trees, they are floating on oil. They can afford 100k refugees
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For those saying its ok to let the Syrian refugees to come in because they are women and children, the French ran a raid on a terrorist hide out. Woman blew herself up in that raid

Muslim *****es be cray too
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Just form a coalition of ground forces and take back the territories held by ISIS and these refugees can go back home where they belong. Have UN forces, supported by air power, occupy these territories afterward so ISIS can't come back easily. They are fish out of water outside their own country.
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Just form a coalition of ground forces and take back the territories held by ISIS and these refugees can go back home where they belong. Have UN forces, supported by air power, occupy these territories afterward so ISIS can't come back easily. They are fish out of water outside their own country.

They seldom if ever do.
Barack Obama is an ignorant SOB and ignorance is dangerous

"Might give ISIL a recruiting tool to show that Islam is at war with the West"

You stupid ****. They are
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Barack Obama is an ignorant SOB and ignorance is dangerous

"Might give ISIL a recruiting tool to show that Islam is at war with the West"

You stupid ****. They are

What do you expect from a guy who admitted he goes to Intel briefings every few weeks. Way to keep yourself involved there Barry.
Barack Obama is an ignorant SOB and ignorance is dangerous

"Might give ISIL a recruiting tool to show that Islam is at war with the West"

You stupid ****. They are

Obama is taking huge risk by not changing the strategy and importing Syrians into the USA. If a problem comes from either of these issues he will come under heavy fire and be asked to resign. I think he should step aside now and let more experienced people handle these tough issues.
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Obama is taking huge risk by not changing the strategy and importing Syrians into the USA. If a problem comes from either of these issues he will come under heavy fire and be asked to resign. I think he should step aside now and let more experienced people handle these tough issues.

Now that's some funny ****e.
These countries are building the worlds tallest buildings, they are building man made islands in the shape of palm trees, they are floating on oil. They can afford 100k refugees

Exactly. And these are the questions our president and government need to be answering! Why are Christian countries taking on the burden of these refugees and not other Muslim countries?

This is exactly why I continually question our governments motives. They are counterproductive and just plain stupid...

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