Paris Terror Attack Underway

Yes it is.

I didn't say they were particularly strong but they hold a valuable insight into our society and have for generations. The mistake I think many make here is the belief that those liberal ideas are the equivalent of an attack against the United States. I haven't met any self-professed liberals that hate America; they all just have different viewpoints for how America can succeed that's all. It's a liberal idea to not stand for the Star Spangled Banner and that is a particularly powerful one,because when we are made to stand and salute that's when we will know that we have really lost this country to an enemy.

Free speech is used by the left to justify such acts as you describe, but when a group holds a cartoon contest for drawing the Islamic prophet, the left roundly criticizes the event as being hateful and disrespectful. Criticize or disrespect America, the left cries free speech. Criticize or disrespect any number of leftist agendas, the left cries hate speech.
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Just form a coalition of ground forces and take back the territories held by ISIS and these refugees can go back home where they belong. Have UN forces, supported by air power, occupy these territories afterward so ISIS can't come back easily. They are fish out of water outside their own country.

Because that makes to much damned sense.
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Obama admin Syrian refugee vetting questions

1) Are you a terrorist?


2) If answer to one is yes, would you vote Democrat?

If answer to #1 is yes but no to #2, send the person back

If answer to #1 is yes and #2 is yes, keep

If answer to #1 is no,but #2 is yes, keep

If answer to #1 is no and #2 is no, send back
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Here's the picture of the bomb ISIS used to blow up the Russian jetliner. This has got to be the most simple explosive device I've ever seen. Guys we are in trouble.


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SMDH....Alan Colmes was just now on Fox News defending this pos President saying all the good things this ignorant President has done & has not received the credit for during this ISIS attack. The left-wing loony birds have gone full retard for sure.
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SMDH....Alan Colmes was just now on Fox News defending this pos President saying all the good things this ignorant President has done & has not received the credit for during this ISIS attack. The left-wing loony birds have gone full retard for sure.

Combs and LG one in the same maybe?
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Here's the picture of the bomb ISIS used to blow up the Russian jetliner. This has got to be the most simple explosive device I've ever seen. Guys we are in trouble.

Not real sure what I am looking at here. Anyone with more expertise care to help? And how would someone get that on a plane?
Not real sure what I am looking at here. Anyone with more expertise care to help? And how would someone get that on a plane?

What they did was put the explosive in the can of pineapple schnapps by cutting bottom out. They then put the explosive primer (the piece in the middle) into the explosive the black piece looks like it was both the power source and the detonator .

When I joined the army and became a combat engineer they taught us it takes 4 things to make a bomb. (explosive,detonator, initiator, and the power source)
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Senator Lindsey Graham is introducing before congress an AUMF (an authorization for Use of Military Force) to fight ISIS.


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How in the world could they get something like that on a plane? They took my damn toothpaste this morning! And I'm not surprised by Graham. He has been very consistent about the need for the US to take the fight to ISIS.
How in the world could they get something like that on a plane? They took my damn toothpaste this morning! And I'm not surprised by Graham. He has been very consistent about the need for the US to take the fight to ISIS.

Checked luggage.

And also remember where the plane departed from.
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