Paris Terror Attack Underway

Huff is in charge of advertising for Wounded Warriors, ASPCA, Unicef, and Jerry's Kids. He has extensive experience in guilt trips. He is also a Jewish mother on his day off.

Sorry to confront you with the realities of the world in a thread where we are talking about the realities of the world.

I didn't interrupt your Tennessee game with images of malnourished dogs. You came to talk about the kids in Syria that you don't give a **** about, and I showed you a picture of them.
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My main concern is the safety and well being of America and American Citizens

We can help in other ways than bringing refugees here

We can help create safe zones in their own country of Syria, just like we did in Mogadishu.

What you're suggesting is bringing more people into this country that can't assimilate with how our society works. But that falls exactly into the hands of the progressives. Flood in people to destabilize the country, both socially and economically

You're seeing it in Europe now.

I'm sorry, the people shouldn't be having to flee the Religion of Peace to come to the Great Devil of the West
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My main concern is the safety and well being of America and American Citizens

We can help in other ways than bringing refugees here

We can help create safe zones in their own country of Syria, just like we did in Mogadishu.

What you're suggesting is bringing more people into this country that can't assimilate with how our society works. But that falls exactly into the hands of the progressives. Flood in people to destabilize the country, both socially and economically

You're seeing it in Europe now.

I'm sorry, the people shouldn't be having to flee the Religion of Peace to come to the Great Devil of the West

Well said


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Well said

Seriously, what about Islam makes you think they can overtake the west? We're so strong. Terrorism is very difficult to fight and the best they can do is an act here and there against the west. It's a few Davids vs real Goliaths, and the Davids don't have any stones that can take us out.

Why are you so afraid? Do you actually think Britain could be conquered by Islam?
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Seriously, what about Islam makes you think they can overtake the west? We're so strong. Terrorism is very difficult to fight and the best they can do is an act here and there against the west. It's a few Davids vs real Goliaths, and the Davids don't have any stones that can take us out.

Why are you so afraid? Do you actually think Britain could be conquered by Islam?

I'm scared of my kids getting blown up.
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Seriously, what about Islam makes you think they can overtake the west? We're so strong. Terrorism is very difficult to fight and the best they can do is an act here and there against the west. It's a few Davids vs real Goliaths, and the Davids don't have any stones that can take us out.

Why are you so afraid? Do you actually think Britain could be conquered by Islam?

Birth Rates. To the tune of 8:1 in Europe. They won't need guns. They won't need to impose sharia on anyone. The demographics will shift totally in a couple of generations and then everyone will choose sharia.
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Seriously, what about Islam makes you think they can overtake the west? We're so strong. Terrorism is very difficult to fight and the best they can do is an act here and there against the west. It's a few Davids vs real Goliaths, and the Davids don't have any stones that can take us out.

Why are you so afraid? Do you actually think Britain could be conquered by Islam?

Islam will spread as long as people are willing to believe in their rhetoric

Christianity started as a small group, but spread all over the world

Fascism spread like wildfire in Germany in just a few years. Millions were murdered because of it

Communism started from one guy and his teachings. It spread over a 1/3rd of the world and was responsible for millions of murders

Islam is Anti-freedom in every shape and form. It teaches death to the non believer. It teaches to kill those that don't conform to Islamic law. Progressives, of all people, have the most to fear from Islam. Homosexuals, atheists, feminist's, etc.. Under Islam, those people are eliminated

But just like sheep, they allow the wolf to enter the field and kill them one at a time. They don't care as long as the grass is green and there is plenty of it to eat
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Seriously, what about Islam makes you think they can overtake the west? We're so strong. Terrorism is very difficult to fight and the best they can do is an act here and there against the west. It's a few Davids vs real Goliaths, and the Davids don't have any stones that can take us out.

Why are you so afraid? Do you actually think Britain could be conquered by Islam?

You overestimate and put way too much faith in the majority of Americans. Our military is strong. Our government, our citizens, our culture, all are way too Americanized to deal with the extremists. They do not get the simplicity of what these people stand for. They will kill all of us, period, and will not stop. This isn't short term, but long. They will not quit. Also, you don't underestimate the enemy, and you are. Sooner or later, they will hit us with a nuke, not a question of if, but, when.

This whole situation can be summed up with the Jack court room scene in A Few Good Men. People can't handle the bad and sometimes barbaric things one must do to survive. Self preservation is a much embedded human instinct, it's simple. So is the simplicity with which these animals exist, for one reason, one reason only, to kill all of us who simply don't think like they do.

Toleration is great if both sides can abide, these crazies don't care to tolerate us. They want us dead. I don't think the average American can stomach having to survive or is willing to die for their beliefs as these extremists do and are showing us. So, who wants it more, who's willing to sacrifice the ultimate? They are, the idiots like obumba and the lg's of this country don't stand a chance against these people.
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You overestimate and put way too much faith in the majority of Americans. Our military is strong. Our government, our citizens, our culture, all are way too Americanized to deal with the extremists. They do not get the simplicity of what these people stand for. They will kill all of us, period, and will not stop. This isn't short term, but long. They will not quit. Also, you don't underestimate the enemy, and you are. Sooner or later, they will hit us with a nuke, not a question of if, but, when.

This whole situation can be summed up with the Jack court room scene in A Few Good Men. People can't handle the bad and sometimes barbaric things one must do to survive. Self preservation is a much embedded human instinct, it's simple. So is the simplicity with which these animals exist, for one reason, one reason only, to kill all of us who simply don't think like they do.

Toleration is great if both sides can abide, these crazies don't care to tolerate us. They want us dead. I don't think the average American can stomach having to survive or is willing to die for their beliefs as these extremists do and are showing us. So, who wants it more, who's willing to sacrifice the ultimate? They are, the idiots like obumba and the lg's of this country don't stand a chance against these people.

Look up JFKs: The Soft American

We have become weak morally, mentally, and physically. Its becoming our downfall. Our laziness and way of life has made us soft
Birth Rates. To the tune of 8:1 in Europe. They won't need guns. They won't need to impose sharia on anyone. The demographics will shift totally in a couple of generations and then everyone will choose sharia.

Do you have a link on that? 8:1 sounds fake and it's a rather large assumption to expect their rate to remain constant. It will decline, if history is any indicator (the wealthier you get, the less kids).

By 2030, Europe will only be 10% Muslim, at this rate.

This Pew research shows 2.2:1.5, not 8:1

If there was a bowl of M&Ms and I told you a couple were poisonous, would you eat them?

Try again.

If you told me many people will suffer and die if I don't eat from a bowl of 10,000 M&Ms, that may or may not have a few poisonous ones, I would most definitely eat from the bowl.
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Try again.

If you told me many people will suffer and die if I don't eat from a bowl of 10,000 M&Ms, that may or may not have a few poisonous ones, I would most definitely eat from the bowl.

That why we should set up safe zones so we don't have the possibility of eating poisonous M&Ms
Do you have a link on that? 8:1 sounds fake and it's a rather large assumption to expect their rate to remain constant. It will decline, if history is any indicator (the wealthier you get, the less kids).

By 2030, Europe will only be 10% Muslim, at this rate.

This Pew research shows 2.2:1.5, not 8:1


Per Wikipedia, 3.1 per woman, not per family. If a man can have 3 or 4 wives...

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