Paris Terror Attack Underway

I am against us accepting refugees but I do think not doing so is a win for ISIS. It could easily be sold that ISIS has put so much fear in Americans that we will not even accept women and children as refugees. It could be a huge recruiting tool used by ISIS that make them look stronger than the USA.

Just something to think about.

If we worked with other Muslim nations to create safe havens inside countrys like Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Libya, etc.

Create these refugee camps and protect them from outsiders

Insert intelligence operatives inside these camps and weed out the radicals.
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They don't win if they scare us. They win if they spread radical Islam through our country.

Disagree. They win either way.

If they scare us into rash legislation (think Patriot Act) and removes even more Rights, they win.

If they spread radical Islam, they win.
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They don't win if they scare us. They win if they spread radical Islam through our country.

The definition of terror is spreading fear. The terrorist job is to spread fear.

ISIS is thugs that could not care less about following a religion.

They have killed more followers of Islam than any other group.


Bill Bratton NYPC.

"Fear is the oxygen of terrorism, and what they're trying to do is pump much more oxygen into the system, and we're prepared to respond to it," said Bratton. "We tell people to be aware but don't be afraid."
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The definition of terror is spreading fear. The terrorist job is to spread fear.

ISIS is thugs that could not care less about following a religion.

They have killed more followers of Islam than any other group.


Bill Bratton NYPC.

"Fear is the oxygen of terrorism, and what they're trying to do is pump much more oxygen into the system, and we're prepared to respond to it," said Bratton. "We tell people to be aware but don't be afraid."

If they didn't want world domination, they wouldn't bother with terrifying everybody. The only way they can dominate the world is by the spread of radical Islam and implementation of sharia.
You have a strange definition of winning.

As I said earlier I don't want to let the refugees in the US. That is my personal feelings. I then try think about it rationally I don't think we should have to change our way of life because we are scared of a terrorist group. Our nation has always accepted refugees. I think by stopping now, it is a sign we are caving in to terrorism.

The right thing is do is over my pay grade. I just think we need to be careful in how we approach this. I have never seen America look weak in my lifetime, imo this makes us look weak.
And more importantly our freedom.

Gramps does have a point, they do win when we are afraid to the point we allow our government to strip away our freedoms. However delaying or preventing refugees isn't doesn't qualify.

That is my point hog, thanks. You made it much better than I did
Let them all in. Let some attacks happen across the US. Here comes martial law and all of our freedoms will be gone in the name of homeland security.
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Let them all in. Let some attacks happen across the US. Here comes martial law and all of our freedoms will be gone in the name of homeland security.

But. But. There has never been a terrorist attack by a refugee here. Just people on expired student visas, political asylum ext. but not refugees.
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It's what I figured.

My military buddies think so too.

Lets get this going.

Administration letting enough in so an attack could happen a couple days before November 8, 2016 or January 20, 2017. Anyone want to take a guess as to why?
Lets get this going.

Administration letting enough in so an attack could happen a couple days before November 8, 2016 or January 20, 2017. Anyone want to take a guess as to why?

To keep Tennessee from playing in the National Championship Game?

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