Paris Terror Attack Underway

I thought this was hilarious, and sad at the same time:

US Bombs Israel 'Just To Be Sure'

Dunford concluded, “So, you see, ISIS is supported by Arabs, who are opposed by Iranians, who are both opposed and allied with the US, who is sort of allied with Turkey and the Kurds, who are opposed to each other. Since the enemy of my friend is now my enemy, it made sense for the US to bomb Israel, Iran’s bitter adversary.”

The briefing then shifted to issues surrounding Afghanistan and Pakistan.

“There, the situation is much more simple,” Cook continued. “The US is fighting the Taliban by providing billions of dollars in military aid to Pakistan, which is supporting the Taliban. Basically, it’s like that scene in The Empire Strikes Back where Luke Skywalker thinks he’s fighting Darth Vader, only to find his own face in Darth Vader’s helmet. That’s pretty much what we’ve gotten ourselves into.”
That's OK

Someone will step up and fight for you while you sit on the sideline, drinking your latte, while calling them murderers

Looking forward to further US involvement. I wonder what terrorist organization we'll give start up money to next considering we funded Al-Qaeda in the 80s and ISIS in early 2014.
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Try again.

If you told me many people will suffer and die if I don't eat from a bowl of 10,000 M&Ms, that may or may not have a few poisonous ones, I would most definitely eat from the bowl.

Yet you never signed up to go fight for those suffering and dying. Interesting.
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Huff, our Wikipedia links contradict each other on birthrate.

You don't take defectors into account. Across the world the Millennial Generation (1990-1996) has 38% of people identifying as non-religious.

This could be due to two historical factors, as we all know history repeats itself:

1. We're going through a secular period. Throughout human history there are valley's and troughs of religiosity. Example: Dark Ages was very religious, following Renaissance was secular, then the Great Awakening was Religious agian.

2. Abrahamic faiths could be dying out. "Every human culture has a set of creation myths" - Carl Sagan. It may just be time for the Abrahamic faiths to take the backseat to something else. They're long overdue to have run their course according to history. Most faiths last 500-1000 years at best. This is all coupled with the fact that the Abrahamic faiths aren't very culturally relevant anymore. Judaism is dying out with its last believers as we speak, Christianity is struggling to retain youth, and Islam is pushing everyone away from it that they don't have mind control and indoctrination over due to the terrorism.
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Why are you guys so surprised these people are fleeing from a country that's in the middle of turmoil? Men on both sides die in the endless battles between the government and rebels for towns, villages and military bases that produce no clear victory. The Islamic State kills people in the areas it controls with beheadings and other brutal punishments. The United States is leading a bombing campaign against the Islamic State but has shown little interest in solving the wider Syrian war, which seems destined to only escalate further with the deepening involvement of Russian troops.

These people aren't out to get you. They're a bit too concerned with escaping a war-zone. Many of which are dying in the process. The least we can do is help these people get solid ground beneath their feet.
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Why are you guys so surprised these people are fleeing from a country that's in the middle of turmoil? Men on both sides die in the endless battles between the government and rebels for towns, villages and military bases that produce no clear victory. The Islamic State kills people in the areas it controls with beheadings and other brutal punishments. The United States is leading a bombing campaign against the Islamic State but has shown little interest in solving the wider Syrian war, which seems destined to only escalate further with the deepening involvement of Russian troops.

These people aren't out to get you. They're a bit too concerned with escaping a war-zone. Many of which are dying in the process. The least we can do is help these people get solid ground beneath their feet.

Would you flee if that was happening here?
You might want to look up the date AQ was founded.

Same could be said of ISIS. We funded the Afghani war against Russia involving Osama Bin Laden. We're not so stupid as to fund a terrorist organization when they're already founded, but you can't deny that we give them start up money for the organizations prior.

Plus Al-Qaeda was founded in 1988-89.
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Same could be said of ISIS. We funded the Afghani war against Russia involving Osama Bin Laden. We're not so stupid as to fund a terrorist organization when they're already founded, but you can't deny that we give them start up money for the organizations prior.

We supplied and funded the Mujahideen, we can debate whether this was the correct move or not. Not all of the Mujahideen became AQ or the Taliban.
Why are you guys so surprised these people are fleeing from a country that's in the middle of turmoil? Men on both sides die in the endless battles between the government and rebels for towns, villages and military bases that produce no clear victory. The Islamic State kills people in the areas it controls with beheadings and other brutal punishments. The United States is leading a bombing campaign against the Islamic State but has shown little interest in solving the wider Syrian war, which seems destined to only escalate further with the deepening involvement of Russian troops.

These people aren't out to get you. They're a bit too concerned with escaping a war-zone. Many of which are dying in the process. The least we can do is help these people get solid ground beneath their feet.

Why are they making demands and if not met, they will return home?
Birth Rates. To the tune of 8:1 in Europe. They won't need guns. They won't need to impose sharia on anyone. The demographics will shift totally in a couple of generations and then everyone will choose sharia.

I doubt it's that quick or easy of a transition, but I was going to essentially say the same thing in response to huff's post. It's not a matter of whether or not the "forces of Islam" are powerful enough to takeover Europe. That's a first and second millennium model. Things don't necessarily work like that so much anymore in this era of high tech weaponry. Rather, Islam can perform a de fact "takeover" of Europe through more perfidious means, like demographic change, as you point out.

The key to assimilation is and has always been diluting the potential power of any particular group in the total immigrant pool by diversifying their numbers and by allowing immigrants from numerous different regions/cultures. This is how the US, and Europe to a lesser extent in the past, was able to properly assimilate immigrants. No one immigrant group ever gained enough numbers and/or power to create a resistance bloc to the dominate, established native culture.

The problem now, however, is that immigration to Europe and the US is the least diverse it has ever been, in both cases. Europe's mainline of immigration streams from the Islamic world, while the US's largely comes from Latin America, particularly Mexico. In both cases, potential problems lurk down the road, simply because of demographics (natives aren't spitting out babies while the incomers are) and the lack of a diverse immigrant pool. This means that, in each case (Europe and US), nations may possibly have to confront disproportionately powerful and influential immigrant power blocs. While, it's not a given, this presents possibilities like secessionist movements, ethnic enclaves, ghettosization, immigrant-dominated political opposition (like a hypothetical Islamic Party of France), alternative cultural models competing with the previously dominant one, etc.

Luckily, for the US, Mexicans (which are our biggest potential immigration problem, although not necessarily) share much more in common with us than Muslims do with Europeans.
Would you flee if that was happening here?

If the government here turned its back on us, other powerful countries were randomly bombing us in air strikes, and a violent heavily armed militant group was gaining power with every passing day? Throw in the fact that these people are by and large malnourished and it's a losing fight, no matter how you cut it.
If the government here turned its back on us, other powerful countries were randomly bombing us in air strikes, and a violent heavily armed militant group was gaining power with every passing day? Throw in the fact that these people are by and large malnourished and it's a losing fight, no matter how you cut it.

The government here IS turning its back on us
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Luckily, for the US, Mexicans (which are our biggest potential immigration problem, although not necessarily) share much more in common with us than Muslims do with Europeans.

Agreed with everything you posted. And while non diverse immigration populations might not be good, I am so glad our neighbors to the south don't have a substantially large sect of religious zealots hell bent on converting us or killing us.

You've been posting this in every political thread without any comments, and it just now occurred to me what the point was you were trying to make... be weary of young Muslims because when they grow older some will become violent. Very subtle, but thanks for sharing.

Fatal Dog Attacks & Dog Bite Fatalities
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Rumors the GOP Refugee Bill is veto proof. Would be epic

I am against us accepting refugees but I do think not doing so is a win for ISIS. It could easily be sold that ISIS has put so much fear in Americans that we will not even accept women and children as refugees. It could be a huge recruiting tool used by ISIS that make them look stronger than the USA.

Just something to think about.
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I am against us accepting refugees but I do think not doing so is a win for ISIS. It could easily be sold that ISIS has put so much fear in Americans that we will not even accept women and children as refugees. It could be a huge recruiting tool used by ISIS that make them look stronger than the USA.

Just something to think about.

Let's protect the homeland first, then worry about their recruiting. Hopefully after Obozo is gone we will have a leader and end this BS.
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