Paris Terror Attack Underway

The comparison is incredibly weak. He has a tiny, singular focus and worry, compared to the long list of things Obama deals with every day.

Tiny singular focus is being surrounded by people who want to exterminate you? Ok man. There's bias, then there's full blown retard.
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Yes. It did happen here with 30x as many casualties. I still say you have to let suffering Muslims in, regardless of what you are scared some may do.

These "suffering Muslims" appear to be made up of about 80% fighting age men. Are you out of your mind? These people should be fighting for their own country. They remind me of the Kuwaitis that sat on their asses while our fighting forces took their country back for them.

Get real.
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Try again.

If you told me many people will suffer and die if I don't eat from a bowl of 10,000 M&Ms, that may or may not have a few poisonous ones, I would most definitely eat from the bowl.

Can I ask in which branch of the military you served to help the suffering people of the world?
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Palestinians have actually been killed at 8x the rate of Israelis.

Before you say anything about them being terrorists, over 1500 of those deaths were of children.

You know why...


Hussam Abdo...14-year-old with mental disabilities...


Religion of Peace at work in Gaza...

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Very true. Should he use the hybrid 3 iron or the 5 wood...

Such juggling can cause serious problems.

ETA: And I just learned he doesn't carry a 5 wood. So the choice comes down to the traditional 3 iron or the hybrid.
Funny! With his weak ass swing, I would strongly suggest the hybrid. He couldn't get a 3 iron airborne.
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Palestinians have actually been killed at 8x the rate of Israelis.

Before you say anything about them being terrorists, over 1500 of those deaths were of children.

Your talking about people that blow themselves up for a living. The rate at which they are killed to Israelis is an abstract irrelevant number and you didn't even post a link to where you got that figure from.
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@RichardGrenell: French officials tell me @AmbassadorPower was irrelevant to the drafting & negotiation of UN anti-terrorism resolution. "We didn't miss her"
@RichardGrenell: French officials tell me @AmbassadorPower was irrelevant to the drafting & negotiation of UN anti-terrorism resolution. "We didn't miss her"
Of course they didn't. She and her wacko husband are an embarrassment to this nation. The fact that Obozo appointed her and her nut job hubby speaks volumes about his position on issues and his judgment.
Of course they didn't. She and her wacko husband are an embarrassment to this nation. The fact that Obozo appointed her and her nut job hubby speaks volumes about his position on issues and his judgment.

She did call Hillary a monster back in 08. Maybe o thought he was indebted to her.
Look up "satire."

While they have not officially enacted Sharia law, they most likely have enacted a variation of it in the community. There are plenty of videos out there showing their animosity towards non-Muslims. I think the best is the guy going to bakeries asking them to make a gay wedding cake and the bakers flat out refuse. It's amazing they can get away with that and no one flips out demanding equality, but Christians do the same thing and face massive fines (for the record I don't think the Muslims should have to make cakes either).
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