Paris Terror Attack Underway

While they have not officially enacted Sharia law, they most likely have enacted a variation of it in the community. There are plenty of videos out there showing their animosity towards non-Muslims. I think the best is the guy going to bakeries asking them to make a gay wedding cake and the bakers flat out refuse. It's amazing they can get away with that and no one flips out demanding equality, but Christians do the same thing and face massive fines (for the record I don't think the Muslims should have to make cakes either).

It's still blown way out of proportion, man.
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Serious question. Do you agree with this guy on the YT clip that essentially America is the cause of great evil around the world?

Since WWII, this is not even debatable.

The hope is that the American populace will get smarter and move towards The Constitution/true capitalism and away from socialism/collectivism (Democrats) and crony capitalism/fascism (GOP).
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Since WWII, this is not even debatable.

The hope is that the American populace will get smarter and move towards The Constitution/true capitalism and away from socialism/collectivism (Democrats) and crony capitalism/fascism (GOP).

So the US is to blame for the rise of Mao, Pol Pot, the Rwandan genocide, etc?
The "evil" for which we are actually responsible is far outweighed by the good.

Our stupidity, however, is sometimes pretty alarming.
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This team reminds me a lot of Muschamp's first year. Surprising record, eeking out wins, never really beating anyone soundly.

I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if we got crushed in our next three games.

You will for sure in the next two....Florida flashed and got hot for three or weeks, but they're fading fast.
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