Paris Terror Attack Underway

Never mind, looked it up myself:

Who were the terrorists? Everything we know about the Isil attackers so far - Telegraph

Omar Ismail Mostefai

Turkish authorities twice flagged up the 29-year-old as a possible terror suspect last year, but their alerts were unanswered until after Friday’s Paris attacks.
The Frenchman born to Algerian parents was a known radical and is believed to have trained with Isil inside Syria last year.

Salah Abdeslam

As the manhunt continued on Monday, a number of links between Abdeslam and the suspected attack mastermind, Abdelhamid Abaaoud, began to emerge.
Both men are childhood friends and lived in the Molenbeek suburb of Brussels which has become notorious for radicalisation. The two were jailed for armed robbery in 2010.

Ibrahim Abdeslam

The older brother of Salah Abdeslam blew himself up outside the Comptoir Voltaire café.

Bilal Hadfi

The 20-year-old French national, who lived in Neder-over- Heembeek, Belgium, had recently called for attacks on the “infidel dogs” of the West.

He fought with Islamic State in Syria as recently as this spring, using the names Abu Moudjahid Al-Belgiki and Bilal Al Mouhajir. On his return to Belgium, Hadfi disappeared from the radar of Belgian security services.
In July, he issued a call on Facebook for attacks in the West.

Ahmad Al Mohammad

The real name of the suicide bomber apparently carrying a fake Syrian passport when he detonated at the Stade de France remains a mystery, but officials say he entered Europe as an asylum seeker less than two months earlier. The counterfeit document bearing the name 'Ahmad al Mohammad' was found alongside the body, whose fingerprints match a man using the name to enter Greece in early October.

Federica Mogherini, the EU's chief diplomat, said all the attackers are believed to be EU citizens, however, raising the possibility the man was using the fake passport to re-enter Europe, possibly because his real identity was on a watch list.

Samy Amimour

Samy Amimour, one of the three gunmen who killed at least 89 in the Bataclan concert hall, was placed on a watch list of potential terrorists after attempting to travel to Yemen three years ago.

The 28-year-old former bus driver was placed under judicial supervision following an attempt to travel to the region in 2012.

But French police issued an international arrest warrant the following year, after he went missing and was suspected of having travelled to Syria to join Islamic State.

Abdel Hamid Abaaoud

Abaaoud was believed to be the leaders of the Vervier cell of returned Syrian jihadists that was broken up by police in January in a deadly shootout.

His father Omar is a grocer in Molenbeek and he is reputed to have taken his brother Younes, 13, to Syria with him in January 2014.

He has claimed in the IS English-language magazine Dabiq to have rejoined the group in Syria, and has featured in Isil propaganda videos and their magazine, boasting of how he evaded police. He is believed to have been in Raqqa in April/June 2014, then Tabka, Deir ez Zor and finally Kobani.

Hasna Aiboulahcen

Hasna Aiboulahcen, the 26-year old Frenchwoman who blew herself up during Wednesday's police assault in Saint Denis was a "drinker" and liked to be called "the cowgirl", according to French reports, as it emerged that she often visited her Moroccan father in eastern France.

So while technically none of the individuals were of Syrian refugee decent (perhaps one, but still unsure) there tends to be a common theme behind all of them. Care to guess what that is?
Never mind, looked it up myself:

Who were the terrorists? Everything we know about the Isil attackers so far - Telegraph

Omar Ismail Mostefai

Salah Abdeslam

Ibrahim Abdeslam

Bilal Hadfi

Ahmad Al Mohammad

Samy Amimour

Abdel Hamid Abaaoud

Hasna Aiboulahcen

So while technically none of the individuals were of Syrian refugee decent (perhaps one, but still unsure) there tends to be a common theme behind all of them. Care to guess what that is?

They all smelled of camel ass and bacon? :)
Sorry to confront you with the realities of the world in a thread where we are talking about the realities of the world.

I didn't interrupt your Tennessee game with images of malnourished dogs. You came to talk about the kids in Syria that you don't give a **** about, and I showed you a picture of them.
You are right. I don't care enough about kids in Syria to bring them here. We have enough problems in the U.S. before we can try to fix the whole world.
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Palestinians have actually been killed at 8x the rate of Israelis.

Before you say anything about them being terrorists, over 1500 of those deaths were of children.

They bring it on themselves. If the Palestinians would just Coexist, then everything would be fine

And those numbers you get, are they coming from the same people claiming Palestine is actually a nation?
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Palestinians have actually been killed at 8x the rate of Israelis.

Before you say anything about them being terrorists, over 1500 of those deaths were of children.

This is one of the few credible posts you've made that I will stand behind. This is true. Israel's treatment of Palestinians Isn't being told truthfully, because the Jews have a monopoly on world media. They can always play/show the victim role.

Before people bash with emotion, just dig a little and you will see that Palestinians are being oppressed by Israelis.
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This is one of the few credible posts you've made that I will stand behind. This is true. Israel's treatment of Palestinians Isn't being told truthfully, because the Jews have a monopoly on world media. They can always play/show the victim role.

Before people bash with emotion, just dig a little and you will see that Palestinians are being oppressed by Israelis.

That's the only portion I would bash.
Caring about suffering children = liberal garbage

I have never wanted to call myself a liberal before.
And nothing will change. Her children will be destitute refugees.. And so will her children's children. It is a never ending cycle. You should change your screen name to Sally Struthers.
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This is one of the few credible posts you've made that I will stand behind. This is true. Israel's treatment of Palestinians Isn't being told truthfully, because the Jews have a monopoly on world media. They can always play/show the victim role.

Before people bash with emotion, just dig a little and you will see that Palestinians are being oppressed by Israelis.

People who kill innocent civilians on busses, cafe's and markets deserve to be oppressed. And they are barbarians.
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We will have to just disagree on that I suppose. Rarely, if ever, are the Palestinians portrayed as legit...politically, diplomatically or religiously...mainly as barbarians.

No, I'll disagree with the Jewish mafia controlling the world media conspiracy theory.

I have no doubt the Palestinians are "persecuted" and whatnot. But they also bring a good deal on themselves.
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No, I'll disagree with the Jewish mafia controlling the world media conspiracy theory.

I have no doubt the Palestinians are "persecuted" and whatnot. But they also bring a good deal on themselves.

Sure, they bring things on, but let's face it, they aren't represented by media in equal terms with Israel.

It's no conspiracy that Jews infiltrated and saturated media, tv, academia long ago...

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