Paris Terror Attack Underway

It's supposedly the only democratic state in the ME. FREEDOM...

But what about all the "moderate" muslims? Why would they not want to help their fellow muslims out? Instead they go the one of the smallest countries in the area and the ONLY non-muslim nation. Hmmmmmm
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Jews have been one of, if not the most, persecuted people's in history

I don't blame them one bit for not taking anyones ****

With all due respect Count, because I value your opinion, this isnt true historically. Jews have truly been victims, but theres a reason they have been battled throughout history. They are not ALL to blame in this conflict, but they're not without blame, either. Imo.
It's supposedly the only democratic state in the ME. FREEDOM...

You're right about the only democracy in the region. The Muslim citizens in Israel get to vote just like Jews and Christians. Get this, now this is really neat. They actually allow women to vote too. Shocking attitude for a place surrounded by the religion of peace huh?
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You're right about the only democracy in the region. The Muslim citizens in Israel get to vote just like Jews and Christians. Get this, now this is really neat. They actually allow women to vote too. Shocking attitude for a place surrounded by the religion of peace huh?

I'm not just anti Israel. They serve a great purpose in the middle east and in the world. However, they do supress others in order to keep Israel a jewish state. I actually am envious in that sense...our leaders should take notes.
I'm not just anti Israel. They serve a great purpose in the middle east and in the world. However, they do supress others in order to keep Israel a jewish state. I actually am envious in that sense...our leaders should take notes.

It's self preservation. The entire region would attack them in an instant if Israel showed weakness.
And I agree. Benjamin Netanyahu is twice the leader than what we have.
I'm not just anti Israel. They serve a great purpose in the middle east and in the world. However, they do supress others in order to keep Israel a jewish state. I actually am envious in that sense...our leaders should take notes.

They have to. They're surrounded by people that want to exterminate them.

Palestine isn't some woe is me area. They bring everything they receive upon themselves.
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It's self preservation. The entire region would attack them in an instant if Israel showed weakness.
And I agree. Benjamin Netanyahu is twice the leader than what we have.

The comparison is incredibly weak. He has a tiny, singular focus and worry, compared to the long list of things Obama deals with every day.
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Surely you would admit that Obama has to juggle a lot more.

Very true. Should he use the hybrid 3 iron or the 5 wood...

Such juggling can cause serious problems.

ETA: And I just learned he doesn't carry a 5 wood. So the choice comes down to the traditional 3 iron or the hybrid.
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I'm not just anti Israel. They serve a great purpose in the middle east and in the world. However, they do supress others in order to keep Israel a jewish state. I actually am envious in that sense...our leaders should take notes.
The Japanese are similar. Very xenophobic society. It's OK with me.

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