Paris Terror Attack Underway

No. But it's an example of the government doing "something" to get an agenda pushed.

That I agree with, however, here is Pacers post that I was replying to.

riginally Posted by Pacer92:
Because you can stage shootings for gun control and actually get away with it here..

I don't think he nor anyone else can name such a shooting. To me that accusation is on the same line as the libs claiming Bush was involved in 9/11, total bullshat.
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No. But it's an example of the government doing "something" to get an agenda pushed.

Exactly. If people believe that JFK was knocked off, then it shouldn't be too hard to think that these kind of things(shootings) can and do happen...
Go for it.

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What shootings in the USA has been staged for gun control?

I'm not sure about gun control specifically, but the Operation Northwoods document shows the levels of extreme the government will go in order to get the American people on board.

I have a family member in a 3 letter agency that is supposed to be defending America. Well, imagine my surprise when talks about guns came up and he said that American citizens should not be allowed to be armed. That was a scary moment for me and I lost ALL respect for him. It became clear to me that his agency's true goal was to have complete power, which they can't have until the citizens have no means to fight back.
I'm not sure about gun control specifically, but the Operation Northwoods document shows the levels of extreme the government will go in order to get the American people on board.

I have a family member in a 3 letter agency that is supposed to be defending America. Well, imagine my surprise when talks about guns came up and he said that American citizens should not be allowed to be armed. That was a scary moment for me and I lost ALL respect for him. It became clear to me that his agency's true goal was to have complete power, which they can't have until the citizens have no means to fight back.

Gotta give an example of said agency.

Can't leave us hanging like this.
I'm not sure about gun control specifically, but the Operation Northwoods document shows the levels of extreme the government will go in order to get the American people on board.

I have a family member in a 3 letter agency that is supposed to be defending America. Well, imagine my surprise when talks about guns came up and he said that American citizens should not be allowed to be armed. That was a scary moment for me and I lost ALL respect for him. It became clear to me that his agency's true goal was to have complete power, which they can't have until the citizens have no means to fight back.

I don't put anything above our government doing. I simply asked what shooting. Still haven't received an answer.

When someone claims shootings inside the a USA happened in order to boost gun control laws, one should be able to back one claim.
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I don't put anything above our government doing. I simply asked what shooting. Still haven't received an answer.

When someone claims shootings inside the a USA happened in order to boost gun control laws, one should be able to back one claim.

One could argue Ruby Ridge would fall into that category.
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One could argue Ruby Ridge would fall into that category.

More Waco and the Branch Davidians I would think. Ruby Ridge didn't serve the ultimate goal of gun control. However, remember how much emphasis was put on the amount and assorted types of weapons in that compound?
More Waco and the Branch Davidians I would think. Ruby Ridge didn't serve the ultimate goal of gun control. However, remember how much emphasis was put on the amount and assorted types of weapons in that compound?

Both could be used. Ruby Ridge was over a sawed off shotgun.
Both could be used. Ruby Ridge was over a sawed off shotgun.

And a completely botched, BS raid over a court date that was wrong on the letter he received.

But of the two, only one was a veiled push at the gun control realm.
More Waco and the Branch Davidians I would think. Ruby Ridge didn't serve the ultimate goal of gun control. However, remember how much emphasis was put on the amount and assorted types of weapons in that compound?

I can agree all three of those were provoked by the US Government. I would not say they were staged.

The shooting that gun control has been a big issue has been the school, church, theater, etc shootings. I think they were committed by physco's with no government ties.
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I can agree all three of those were provoked by the US Government. I would not say they were staged.

The shooting that gun control has been a big issue has been the school, church, theater, etc shootings. I think they were committed by physco's with no government ties.

Only two actually (Waco/BD same thing)

And that depends on your definition of "staged."

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