Paris Terror Attack Underway

I don't put anything above our government doing. I simply asked what shooting. Still haven't received an answer.

When someone claims shootings inside the a USA happened in order to boost gun control laws, one should be able to back one claim.

So, it's conceivable, but you need proof. If you are interested there are sites available...

Just because I see lightning strike on my side of town, doesn't mean I have to send a pic to show proof when it's sunny on your side. If you wanna know...dig. If not, don't...
I can agree all three of those were provoked by the US Government. I would not say they were staged.

The shooting that gun control has been a big issue has been the school, church, theater, etc shootings. I think they were committed by physco's with no government ties.

Just if you get bored

Project MKUltra—sometimes referred to as the CIA's mind control program—was the code name given to an illegal program of experiments on human subjects, designed and undertaken by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
So, it's conceivable, but you need proof. If you are interested there are sites available...

Just because I see lightning strike on my side of town, doesn't mean I have to send a pic to show proof when it's sunny on your side. If you wanna know...dig. If not, don't...

No I don't need proof. As I posted earlier. I think the shooting that gun control issues have been pushed were done by physco's without government ties.
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Only two actually (Waco/BD same thing)

And that depends on your definition of "staged."

First sentence, my bad.

2nd sentence. I think they were more provoked I think staged would be a shooting that the government is in no way publicly involved in. As you say it depends on one's definition.
Just if you get bored

Project MKUltra—sometimes referred to as the CIA's mind control program—was the code name given to an illegal program of experiments on human subjects, designed and undertaken by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

That explains some of mine and others postings on here. The guvment made us post such dumb crap. :)
No I don't need proof. As I posted earlier. I think the shooting that gun control issues have been pushed were done by physco's without government ties.

And that's your perrogative...

Some have been, but I disagree they all are.....which is mine..
First sentence, my bad.

2nd sentence. I think they were more provoked I think staged would be a shooting that the government is in no way publicly involved in. As you say it depends on one's definition.

Provoking to stage an incident was my implication.
If mass shootings are being staged for the purposes of furthering the gun control agenda, then whoever is heading this secret government initiative is doing a darn poor job.

On a related note, the new "X-Files" series needs to take cues from VolNation Politics Forum for creative inspiration.
I'm not sure about gun control specifically, but the Operation Northwoods document shows the levels of extreme the government will go in order to get the American people on board.

I have a family member in a 3 letter agency that is supposed to be defending America. Well, imagine my surprise when talks about guns came up and he said that American citizens should not be allowed to be armed. That was a scary moment for me and I lost ALL respect for him. It became clear to me that his agency's true goal was to have complete power, which they can't have until the citizens have no means to fight back.

There are diverse opinions, backgrounds, and political leanings in those agencies. Assuming all the others are like the one you know would be foolish.
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There are diverse opinions, backgrounds, and political leanings in those agencies. Assuming all the others are like the one you know would be foolish.


Awfully naive methinks.

Those agencies do work independently of one another. Well, so they say.

Awfully naive methinks.

Those agencies do work independently of one another. Well, so they say.

He's saying that individuals that work within those agencies are exactly that: individuals, with opinions on things, just like anyone else, and not walking brainwashed government ideological platforms like in the old Soviet Union.
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He's saying that individuals that work within those agencies are exactly that: individuals, with opinions on things, just like anyone else, and not walking brainwashed government ideological platforms like in the old Soviet Union.

And I say BS.

They do what they are told. They don't know the agenda from the higher ups.

Much like our military. They may think it's one thing, but it's for something else.

They still don't have google down there?

Apparently, not. I'm still waiting for one to show the conspiracy of cohesive government agencies (with respect to individuals) that want to eliminate guns in same way their is cohesive law enforcement (with respect to individuals) that want to eliminate guns.
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Apparently, not. I'm still waiting for one to show the conspiracy of cohesive government agencies (with respect to individuals) that want to eliminate guns in same way their is cohesive law enforcement (with respect to individuals) that want to eliminate guns.

I'm going to say the government tends to ride the political winds. I.E. right now, many agencies are anti-gun due to the political climate and DNC leadership.

Problem is they can't get the necessary legislation through Congress. But don't kid yourself, if the State Department has rules about gun ownership as well as regulations about gun dealers, you could say the problem is widespread.
There are diverse opinions, backgrounds, and political leanings in those agencies. Assuming all the others are like the one you know would be foolish.

Let's just say this one has the most power. I can't say anymore, but this person isn't a low-level lackey.

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