Paying Players Deal

Salary cap and player contracts are the next step, along with corporate sponsorship of school stadiums and teams. I think eventually they’ll have no choice but to have NFL like contracts to “fix” the transfer portal free for all.
Well of course. Contracts are the only reasonable endpoint.

This is way overdue.
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expect the donations for ticket opportunities to increase dramatically as well as the cost of tickets to attend. Tennessee had an 11 million dollar surplus last fiscal year which means they had half of the required 22 million to pay athletes.
Start with all those current salaries.

Get the ratio closer to the free market. In the NFL (fairly free market) the roster of 53 makes 20-30x that of the HC.

Coaches, admin, etc should drop relative to the revenue. Similar to NBA v WNBA salary discussions.

I may have misread, but I believe it was "up to" that amount and not required? Haven't looked much into it, that part was confusing. Not sure what is voluntary about it.
Fact of life: cheaters are gonna cheat.

Corollary: dumb cheaters are gonna get caught cheating.

If paying players were legal back then, Pruitt would've been caught cheating in whatever other way he pursued.

It's just who he is. He got nothing to be pissed off about.

Go Vols!
True. True. He did; however, keep paying for a player's mother's car after he got canned. So can we agree on moron with a big heart? 🤣
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I didn't say don't control. We don't need spyre anymore. Or at least I could not be bugged with on screen advertisements while I sit in the shade of chair back watching us beat bama. Gimme more replays.
Wrong. We absolutely need Spyre.
Spyre can raise money in wars that the University cannot. Spyre is not limited by laws that regulate public institutions.

Spyre can make deals with a single elite player that the University cannot afford. If we don't keep Spyre, the schools that have similar collectives and still use them will get elite athletes that we might otherwise get. Spyre can write less restrictive deals and don't have the same interest in institutional control that NCAA institutions have.

We need both pay for play and Spyre in order to return to greatness.
I’m awake. I just don’t buy into college football being on the agenda at Bilderberg. I don’t think the corruption in football is quite lucrative or sophisticated enough to go that high yet. However… I do think it’s ripe for abuse by gambling interests especially.

by the way, I’m posting from just outside Macon and there’s only like 10 Vol fans in town, so there’s a 50/50 shot that we know each other lol.
I don’t see the NFL getting involved in college football. The NFL is a different game played at a different, more difficult level, where mistakes could cost you your job. Even when drafted, college football players, except for a handful at certain positions, are not ready to play and require risk and investment by the team. The NFL has enough problems without getting involved with this.
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If ticket prices say double for instance, that’s a lot of money to go toward true professional sports. Season tickets for UT become Braves A list tickets or several more nice vacations.
I don't follow the world of college football like I did a few years ago. It is clear to anyone watching it has become a mess. It will only get worse. Your recruiting class is not really the players that are going to develop in the program the next 3 or 4 years. It's becoming a "me", "look at me" sport. Egos are fragile like in general society that leads to transfer because it's about "look at me" and these players are ready to leave the moment things get tough.

The coaches salaries are out of control which helped create this environment.
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According to a summary of proposed settlement terms first reported by Yahoo! Sports and ESPN and later obtained by USA TODAY Sports, the NCAA would fund the damages pool over a 10-year period and schools would begin sharing future revenues with athletes. More than half of the money for the damages pool would come from reductions in the NCAA’s distributions to all Division I schools and conferences.

The NCAA will be withholding money from the Division I schools over a 10-year period. That implies less for each school and those that make no money have to find money from some where because the NCAA is coming for the money.
If ticket prices say double for instance, that’s a lot of money to go toward true professional sports. Season tickets for UT become Braves A list tickets or several more nice vacations.

I'm almost to that point - this may be my last year for season tickets.
I will be so sad that I don’t get to watch SW Missouri Central St play Ball St anymore.

The sad part is that many athletes will no longer get a chance to play college sports and also obtain a college education. That is the real loss in all this - the opportunity that many have will eventually no longer exist all because the greed of a few.

I am all for players having spending money - but that is not the desire here - they want what the pros make.
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Well, it sure isn't socialism, is it?

Actually it could end up being like that - take from the rich schools to afford paying the bill for the poor schools to survive. 50% of this is coming from the Division I schools and conferences - you can bet that will be used for ALL schools even those that don't make money.
Actually it could end up being like that - take from the rich schools to afford paying the bill for the poor schools to survive. 50% of this is coming from the Division I schools and conferences - you can bet that will be used for ALL schools even those that don't make money.
Doubt it, the big conferences won't let that happen. Never get between a dog and his meat.
Doubt it, the big conferences won't let that happen. Never get between a dog and his meat.

The money goes to the NCAA who distributes it based on what I read. And the reduction in revenue to support it comes from D1 schools. So D1 schools automatically get less than what the are getting now.
If ticket prices say double for instance, that’s a lot of money to go toward true professional sports. Season tickets for UT become Braves A list tickets or several more nice vacations.

Combine that with now they are telling people if you donate to X fund you can help us get player A. Otherwise they will have trouble competing. This for college athletics. It's out of control.
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The money goes to the NCAA who distributes it based on what I read. And the reduction in revenue to support it comes from D1 schools. So D1 schools automatically get less than what the are getting now.
We'll see. Never underestimate the power of either greed, will, or ways to circumvent parity when it comes to money.
I don't follow the world of college football like I did a few years ago. It is clear to anyone watching it has become a mess. It will only get worse. Your recruiting class is not really the players that are going to develop in the program the next 3 or 4 years. It's becoming a "me", "look at me" sport. Egos are fragile like in general society that leads to transfer because it's about "look at me" and these players are ready to leave the moment things get tough.

The coaches salaries are out of control which helped create this environment.
Johnny Manziel, Swag Kelly, Deion Sanders,
Golden Richards, and Joe Namath send their regards.
I’m awake. I just don’t buy into college football being on the agenda at Bilderberg. I don’t think the corruption in football is quite lucrative or sophisticated enough to go that high yet. However… I do think it’s ripe for abuse by gambling interests especially.

by the way, I’m posting from just outside Macon and there’s only like 10 Vol fans in town, so there’s a 50/50 shot that we know each other lol.
I live in North Macon, But the Bilderbergers want every penny, nickel, and dime they can get. The NCAA generated nearly $1.3 billion in revenue in 2022-23. They want the money and control. College football is in ruins. It is now NFL Jr. I quit watching NFL years ago.

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