Pearl's Already Gone: The Exit Strategy Hypothesis

Wow, good find. Bold move from Tenacious D to post all that within 10 days of joining the forum. However, with this 2 1/2 years behind us, and knowing what we know now about the coaching search, he couldn't have been more off base. Maybe TD can totally redeem himself with his info on the Pearl situation.

As a general rule, I don't attempt to obtain redemption via message boards.

That Verce is researching my posting history is more telling - and flattering - then anything I might otherwise offer.

As the title suggests, the information proposed in this thread is intentionally hypothetical. However, like Verce, you are welcome to PM me with any proposed amount which you would like to wager as to its accuracy. Then, when none of this happens and I am proven to be shamefully in error, you can not only publicly gloat about it, but will do so with some cash in your pocket, to boot.

Doing so would really teach me a lesson.
Perhaps others can discern the differences between the two, where you may have failed to do so.

Of course, I am more than open to making any wager that you'd be willing to propose.

Please PM me with your (hopefully) sizeable sum.

Heh, the internet wagering guy is almost as funny a stock character as the internet tough guy who wants to meet somewhere and fight.

I'm not "researching" your post history; how hard is it to remember a brand new poster who dumped 1,000 words of the most steaming happy horseshat in the history of this message board during that coaching search? There aren't many posters who join and then immediately turn themselves into the board laughingstock for a couple of weeks.

Maybe your sources have improved considerably since then. All I know is that in Nov 2008 you were either a bad troll or laughably credulous. And as you beat your chest these days about all the inside information you have -- while never actually saying anything that some of the real insiders haven't already said, of course -- it's worth pointing out to some of the newer guys what kind of credibility you once established for yourself on this board.

There are indeed posters on this board who obviously have good inside information. Pretty sure none of them ever posted a thousand words on why Bill Cowher was coming to UT with Lane Kiffin as his OC, though.
Heh, the internet wagering guy is almost as funny a stock character as the internet tough guy who wants to meet somewhere and fight.

I'm not "researching" your post history; how hard is it to remember a brand new poster who dumped 1,000 words of the most steaming happy horseshat in the history of this message board during that coaching search? There aren't many posters who join and then immediately turn themselves into the board laughingstock for a couple of weeks.

Maybe your sources have improved considerably since then. All I know is that in Nov 2008 you were either a bad troll or laughably credulous. And as you beat your chest these days about all the inside information you have -- while never actually saying anything that some of the real insiders haven't already said, of course -- it's worth pointing out to some of the newer guys what kind of credibility you once established for yourself on this board.

There are indeed posters on this board who obviously have good inside information. Pretty sure none of them ever posted a thousand words on why Bill Cowher was coming to UT with Lane Kiffin as his OC, though.

Watch out. Namecalling by moneybags D is on the horizon for you. Wanna bet 25K on it?:peace2:
As a general rule, I don't attempt to obtain redemption via message boards.

That Verce is researching my posting history is more telling - and flattering - then anything I might otherwise offer.

As the title suggests, the information proposed in this thread is intentionally hypothetical. However, like Verce, you are welcome to PM me with any proposed amount which you would like to wager as to its accuracy. Then, when none of this happens and I am proven to be shamefully in error, you can not only publicly gloat about it, but will do so with some cash in your pocket, to boot.

Doing so would really teach me a lesson.

Can you kindly summarize what your prediction is?
Just read the op. It wasn't that difficult, I promise.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

Reading the OP, then the ensuing 480 posts in the thread clouds up the exact prediction. Is he claiming knowledge that BP will resign and knowing the replacment along with an exact timeline? If so, I need to fire up a PM.
Heh, the internet wagering guy is almost as funny a stock character as the internet tough guy who wants to meet somewhere and fight.

I'm not "researching" your post history; how hard is it to remember a brand new poster who dumped 1,000 words of the most steaming happy horseshat in the history of this message board during that coaching search? There aren't many posters who join and then immediately turn themselves into the board laughingstock for a couple of weeks.

Maybe your sources have improved considerably since then. All I know is that in Nov 2008 you were either a bad troll or laughably credulous. And as you beat your chest these days about all the inside information you have -- while never actually saying anything that some of the real insiders haven't already said, of course -- it's worth pointing out to some of the newer guys what kind of credibility you once established for yourself on this board.

There are indeed posters on this board who obviously have good inside information. Pretty sure none of them ever posted a thousand words on why Bill Cowher was coming to UT with Lane Kiffin as his OC, though.

So, you don't want to wager, just talk, right?

It's curiously convenient that you don't consider pulling a 2.5 year old post out as being "researched". Did you just happen to stumble across it?

And the fact that you have (and continue) to be incapable of differentiating the information in the respective threads only further proves that your deficiences extend even beyond your inability to understand the most basic scientific terminology. Given this, I am unable to determine how best to provide and explain your obvious educational deficiencies and intellectual failings. Simply, if the term "research" caused you such difficulty, there is little hope that you could possibly understand the devastatingly cumulative effect of inferior genetics and poor parenting, no matter how much time we spent in its attempt.

And speaking of laughingstocks: The unintentional irony of your allegation that I am "beating my chest" about inside knowledge.......but then, "don't say anything that others haven't previously said" is exquisitely argued and very much appreciated in the course of a post that showed so little promise, otherwise. Perhaps you've misread my posts, what with all of their, "words". Or, perhaps you also struggle with dates and times (I'm growing tired of listing your deficiencies - had I known that this would have been required, I would have brought her home way earlier ) - or you would see the information which I provided was confirmed (via LWS, Hat, BPV et al) AFTER I had posted it.

And as for "not posting information" - I assume that missed the original post outlining my hypothesis and its supporting beliefs, broken down by both individual persons and other involved elements. I could not have better provided that information to you than if I had it printed on the back of your sister's t-shirt.

See if you can "research" those things, and get back to me, Corky.
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Reading the OP, then the ensuing 480 posts in the thread clouds up the exact prediction. Is he claiming knowledge that BP will resign and knowing the replacment along with an exact timeline? If so, I need to fire up a PM.

The original novella called Pearl's resignation a "hypothesis." At some point during the thread -- following a couple of other guys' lead -- he's hardened that hypothesis into a flat-out declaration that Pearl will be gone shortly after the tournament loss. He's hinted at having insider knowledge of the search for a replacement, but offered no specifics. In other words, vapor.
Watch out. Namecalling by moneybags D is on the horizon for you. Wanna bet 25K on it?:peace2:

While I neither know the going rate for plasma nor what tending stalls at a truck stop via 15 minute intervals might produce - it's impossible for me to offer positive proof that neither you nor any combination of persons in your extended family could produce $25K, were I to have the wager paid in this century.

However, it remains a strong hypothesis, nonetheless.

But, there's better things that we could both be doing instead of arguing. You should be preparing to truly savor the next game or so, just as I will be happy to see them conclude. We both win.
The original novella called Pearl's resignation a "hypothesis." At some point during the thread -- following a couple of other guys' lead -- he's hardened that hypothesis into a flat-out declaration that Pearl will be gone shortly after the tournament loss. He's hinted at having insider knowledge of the search for a replacement, but offered no specifics. In other words, vapor.

I was hoping for something a little more message board friendly, we get plenty of long winded meaningless posts from people trying to write for the tribune around here. A few bullets of concrete events that he is sticking out a wager offer on if you will.

I guess not, and as you said, vapor.
just to gum things up a bit... my mom was at the sun spa in West Knoxville yesterday waiting for her tanning appointment and in walks CBP... he was very friendly and engaging as always... he had stopped by to sign a one year tanning contract for members of his family... so, draw your own conclusions... to me, it sounds like he and/or his family plan on being in Knoxville for at least the next year... so, there you go!
Reading the OP, then the ensuing 480 posts in the thread clouds up the exact prediction. Is he claiming knowledge that BP will resign and knowing the replacment along with an exact timeline? If so, I need to fire up a PM.

I only know of one of those to be a certainty at this point - and can't imagine that anyone could speak to the other two, nor certainly to predict them. If so, they'd be best served plying their craft somewhere besides a message board.
I only know of one of those to be a certainty at this point - and can't imagine that anyone could speak to the other two, nor certainly to predict them. If so, they'd be best served plying their craft somewhere besides a message board.

So you are willing to wager that BP will formally resign with a severance package from UT within 24 hours of their season ending?
The original novella called Pearl's resignation a "hypothesis." At some point during the thread -- following a couple of other guys' lead -- he's hardened that hypothesis into a flat-out declaration that Pearl will be gone shortly after the tournament loss. He's hinted at having insider knowledge of the search for a replacement, but offered no specifics. In other words, vapor.

To be clear, and because I love to debate someone of such keen intellectual and analytical skills, like yourself:

1. Here's the first line from my OP:

"Bruce Pearl and Tennessee have mutually agreed to part ways at season's end, for their respective best interests."

Sounds pretty straightforward to me. Could you point me to that portion which you believe to be nebulous, and how I could have stated it more clearly?

2. I have had a very reliable person tell me that preliminary contact with potential canidates has been unofficially made via intermediaries. I've also heard several names, but have refused to say anything about them - either publicly or via innumerous PM's - because I doubted the accuracy of the information from only a single source. I don't think that anyone knows what is going on at the moment, as other things remain in flux.

I know that this does nothing for your earlier allegation of my "chest-thumping", but could aid your latest "vapor" accusation. That is, insofar as you believe that such is defined by the exercising of discretion to ensure for some reasonable accuracy (but your shortcomings with terminology are now well-known, and apparently, long-standing).

Much to my eternal shame, I inexcusably once wrote several posts (when Kiffin was hired) where I advocated for Mike Leach's hiring. Would you rather talk about that, instead, as it should make your formulation of ad hominen and straw man arguments much easier.

Can you get me a link to one of those in your wanderings?
So, you don't want to wager, just talk, right?

It's curiously convenient that you don't consider pulling a 2.5 year old post out as being "researched". Did you just happent to stumble across it?

And the fact that you have (and continue) to be incapable of differentiating the information in the respective threads only further proves that your deficiences extend even beyond your inability to understand the most basic scientific terminology. Given this, I am unable to determine how best to provide and explain your obvious educational deficiencies and intellectual failings. Simply, if the term "research" caused you such difficulty, there is little hope that you could possibly understand the devastatingly cumulative effect of inferior genetics and poor parenting, no matter how much time we spent in its attempt.

And speaking of laughingstocks: The unintentional irony of your allegation that I am "beating my chest" about inside knowledge.......but then, "don't say anything that others haven't previously said" is exquisitely argued and very much appreciated in the course of a post that showed so little promise, otherwise. Perhaps you've misread my posts, what with all of their, "words". Or, perhaps you also struggle with dates and times (I'm growing tired of listing your deficiencies - had I known that this would have been required, I would have brought her home way earlier ) - or you would see the information which I provided was confirmed (via LWS, Hat, BPV et al) AFTER I had posted it.

And as for "not posting information" - I assume that missed the original post outlining my hypothesis and its supporting beliefs, broken down by both individual persons and other involved elements. I could not have better provided that information to you than if I had it printed on the back of your sister's t-shirt.

See if you can "research" those things, and get back to me, Corky.

Ah, another wall of pretentious prose to parse. Whee.

I pulled up your ancient turd about Cowher/Kiffin/Steele by going up to search, typing in your screen name, and "cowher." Boom, it came right up. If you call that "research," then I hate to imagine what your academic career was like.

I'm not sure what kind of imaginary line you're trying to draw with this stuff about "differentiating the information in the respective threads." You called your Nov 2008 thread "Riddle solved -- new coach(es) revealed." You were, as you've also been in this thread, hazy about whether this was a hypothesis or an actual prediction, but it was so laughable that it didn't matter. Anyone who thought it even a remote possibility that Cowher and Kiffin and Kevin Steele were all three coming to UT was clearly not somebody who ever needed to be listened to about UT sports.

While this current thread offers none of the same hilarity that Cowher To Tennessee did, you're still straddling the same line between hypothesis and actual prediction. "Purely hypothetical," you said in your OP -- but as the thread has gone on, you've gotten more and more strident about Pearl's demise being a done deal, coming immediately after the tournament, etc. Did you get more information, or was just that Larry and Hat posted in the thread indicating that they think it's a done deal? You said to Larry that you' heard it was somebody's job to turn down, which Larry said was news to him -- did the guy who thought Cowher might be coming two years ago somehow get better sources than Larry in the interim?

You want credibility? Earn it. Who's the next coach? When's it happening?
So you are willing to wager that BP will formally resign with a severance package from UT within 24 hours of their season ending?

Here's my original statement,

"Bruce Pearl and Tennessee have mutually agreed to part ways at season's end, for their respective best interests."

PM me with your details as to that - as your suggested language contains intentionally unique caveats that would likely prove fatal.

Do you disagree with my original statement, above?
Here's my original statement,

"Bruce Pearl and Tennessee have mutually agreed to part ways at season's end, for their respective best interests."

PM me with your details as to that - as your suggested language contains intentionally unique caveats that would likely prove fatal.

Do you disagree with my original statement, above?

Here's what I don't understand. I see there are multiple people claiming that UT and Pearl have reached some settlement that has him leaving at season's end. Why, considering Pearl is not under contract and has no buyout, would we reach a "deal" with him to leave. That implies that we are paying him money when we aren't required to. That makes no sense to me.
To be clear, and because I love to debate someone of such keen intellectual and analytical skills, like yourself:

1. Here's the first line from my OP:

"Bruce Pearl and Tennessee have mutually agreed to part ways at season's end, for their respective best interests."

Sounds pretty straightforward to me. Could you point me to that portion which you believe to be nebulous, and how I could have stated it more clearly?

How about the part where you called it a "hypothesis" in the very title thread? How about the part 800 words later (but still in the same post) where you emphasized that "this is all purely hypothetical, of course"? Yet by the end of the thread, it's "information that I provided that was confirmed" by Larry, Hat, et al., as though you'd broken some kind of story.

You can state it way more clearly without qualifying it heavily like that. Why call it "purely hypothetical, of course" if you have an inside source so good that he knows about the search for a replacement?
Here's what I don't understand. I see there are multiple people claiming that UT and Pearl have reached some settlement that has him leaving at season's end. Why, considering Pearl is not under contract and has no buyout, would we reach a "deal" with him to leave. That implies that we are paying him money when we aren't required to. That makes no sense to me.
It actually makes perfect sense. Pearl gets some cash in appreciation for what he's accomplished here to tide him over for the next couple of years and UT doesn't have to go through the nasty business of straight up firing him. Everyone wins.
It actually makes perfect sense. Pearl gets some cash in appreciation for what he's accomplished here to tide him over for the next couple of years and UT doesn't have to go through the nasty business of straight up firing him. Everyone wins.

Except the mens basketball team for the next 2-3 years
Here's what I don't understand. I see there are multiple people claiming that UT and Pearl have reached some settlement that has him leaving at season's end. Why, considering Pearl is not under contract and has no buyout, would we reach a "deal" with him to leave. That implies that we are paying him money when we aren't required to. That makes no sense to me.

To be fair, that is a valid question, but we are talking about an athletic dept that gave a football coach who was in absolutely no demand a 6 mil $ buyout. Question for Tenacious D: I am not wanting to get involved in the back and forth, but you told LWS you had heard a specific coach had first right of refusal. Would you share that name? I won't take it as a prediction just curious.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
While I neither know the going rate for plasma nor what tending stalls at a truck stop via 15 minute intervals might produce - it's impossible for me to offer positive proof that neither you nor any combination of persons in your extended family could produce $25K, were I to have the wager paid in this century.

However, it remains a strong hypothesis, nonetheless.

But, there's better things that we could both be doing instead of arguing. You should be preparing to truly savor the next game or so, just as I will be happy to see them conclude. We both win.

I have run into many people like you--those that make themselves look like fools as they try to prove their intellect to others-- and it makes me appreciate that God truly does have a great sense of humor.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
To be fair, that is a valid question, but we are talking about an athletic dept that gave a football coach who was in absolutely no demand a 6 mil $ buyout. Question for Tenacious D: I am not wanting to get involved in the back and forth, but you told LWS you had heard a specific coach had first right of refusal. Would you share that name? I won't take it as a prediction just curious.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

As I understand it, his contract had stipulations in it for a buyout. Firing him when did contractually left us with no option other than to pay him that money.
It actually makes perfect sense. Pearl gets some cash in appreciation for what he's accomplished here to tide him over for the next couple of years and UT doesn't have to go through the nasty business of straight up firing him. Everyone wins.

Avoiding a Neuheisel, Jim Obrien, Nolan Richardson divorce that results in bad PR?
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