Pedophilia just another sexual orientation?

whoa. I know you're being hyperbolic, but this is a dangerous approach to life. Historical approach might be the worst in the world for determining current policy.

I was not being hyperbolic. Perhaps you're kidding with me, can't tell.

Just pointing out PKts faux shock is absurd in regards to 83's comment. In an earlier decade, which is what 83 was referencing, had that approach been would have been use and the overwhelming majority would have condoned it, even the medical community.
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You would have supported homosexuality being "wiped out"?

The rest can be summed up that people, and thus society, are constantly changing. That is nothing new.

So you dodge the meaning of my post by taking all of it out of context. I made no statement about my support of abolishing homosexuality. I said that when I was a kid it was thought of in the same vein as pedophilia today. Second, you make my point in your second statement and invalidate your post.

Don't let the actual meaning of a post get in your way there PKT.
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Wouldn't expect any less from this forum. Lol.

And your kids will be the ones defending pedophilia when they are your age. Were you even around in '75? Do you know what the feeling toward homosexuality was in the 70's? My bet is, you are like a deer with no dick and no eyes.

No f'ing ideer.
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And your kids will be the ones defending pedophilia when they are your age. Were you even around in '75? Do you know what the feeling toward homosexuality was in the 70's? My bet is, you are like a deer with no dick and no eyes.

No f'ing ideer.

A lot of people still feel that way toward homosexuality. Even though they tolerate it they're forced to give up their own rights because of it. Sad
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And your kids will be the ones defending pedophilia when they are your age. Were you even around in '75? Do you know what the feeling toward homosexuality was in the 70's? My bet is, you are like a deer with no dick and no eyes.

No f'ing ideer.

What does it matter how people felt about homosexuality back then? How did people feel about blacks in the 60s and before? outdated and misguided hate aren't things to look back on and remember fondly. If you can't differentiate between two grown adults participating in consensual sex and sex with a minor, that's your own twisted problem.

I think there is an actual debate that can be had to determine the age of consent. As we know, many countries around the world have a much lower age of consent than us. Personally, I can't be the one to judge when that age should be. I'm not a master psychologist/sociologist/philosopher/developmental growth expert. I'm fine with it being 18, I'm not looking to do any cradle robbing myself. But I'm not denying the possibility that a debate can take place.
What does it matter how people felt about homosexuality back then? How did people feel about blacks in the 60s and before? outdated and misguided hate aren't things to look back on and remember fondly. If you can't differentiate between two grown adults participating in consensual sex and sex with a minor, that's your own twisted problem.

I think there is an actual debate that can be had to determine the age of consent. As we know, many countries around the world have a much lower age of consent than us. Personally, I can't be the one to judge when that age should be. I'm not a master psychologist/sociologist/philosopher/developmental growth expert. I'm fine with it being 18, I'm not looking to do any cradle robbing myself. But I'm not denying the possibility that a debate can take place.

1) You are like a deer with no legs, no dick and no eyes.....STILL no f'ing ideer.
2) You weren't around in the 60's and 70's to see the change in mindset in this country.
3) The same genetic predisposition argument is being made for pedophilia as it is/was for homosexuality.
4) Age of consent isn't 18 everywhere. Some states it's lower. Then you have to put in age differences. The lines are already being blurred.

If you think for one minute that I am for this **** you are one ****ed up individual. But, most already realize that. I am simply saying that the liberal mindset is one of change, not one of set values that don't need to change.
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1) You are like a deer with no legs, no dick and no eyes.....STILL no f'ing ideer.
2) You weren't around in the 60's and 70's to see the change in mindset in this country.
3) The same genetic predisposition argument is being made for pedophilia as it is/was for homosexuality.
4) Age of consent isn't 18 everywhere. Some states it's lower. Then you have to put in age differences. The lines are already being blurred.

If you think for one minute that I am for this **** you are one ****ed up individual. But, most already realize that. I am simply saying that the liberal mindset is one of change, not one of set values that don't need to change.

People and society are constantly changing and all your huffing and puffing on the internet isn't going to stop it. I'm not entirely sure you understand what you're arguing for or against, because I'm having a hard time myself figuring that out. I don't want to see a 50 year old dude dating a 13 year old girl any more than you do, but I don't know what that has to do with homosexuality other than your desire to equate them to serve your own agenda. The genetic predisposition argument doesn't hold water. I don't doubt some people may be genetically predisposed to young girls, but there are laws that exist to protect said young people from them acting on their desires. With homosexuality, there doesn't need to be any laws protecting anyone, there are two grown adults deciding what they want to do together.

So if you're just gonna keep going back to the "back in the day" argument, don't bother responding. I don't really care about your nostalgia, or about when you think the hippies took over. It's not relevant to the discussions at hand. :hi:
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What does it matter how people felt about homosexuality back then? How did people feel about blacks in the 60s and before? outdated and misguided hate aren't things to look back on and remember fondly. If you can't differentiate between two grown adults participating in consensual sex and sex with a minor, that's your own twisted problem.

I think there is an actual debate that can be had to determine the age of consent. As we know, many countries around the world have a much lower age of consent than us. Personally, I can't be the one to judge when that age should be. I'm not a master psychologist/sociologist/philosopher/developmental growth expert. I'm fine with it being 18, I'm not looking to do any cradle robbing myself. But I'm not denying the possibility that a debate can take place.

The age of consent is the debate, no one is comparing (at least almost none) pedophils to homosexuals. It has just been pointed out over and over that 40-50 years ago homosexuality WAS considered a disorder along the same lines as you would consider pedophilia today.

Today, for the most part, through science and societal "enlightenment" homosexuality is accepted as normal.
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Still not completely sure why homosexuality and pedophilia are even being compared at all

If a male pedophile is into he a homopedophile? What if its just girls? A hetereopedophile?

I you are having sexual contact with a person of the same sex you're a homosexual. Call me old fashioned but I am sure thats the classical definition of homosexuality.
The age of consent is the debate, no one is comparing (at least almost none) pedophils to homosexuals. It has just been pointed out over and over that 40-50 years ago homosexuality WAS considered a disorder along the same lines as you would consider pedophilia today.

Today, for the most part, through science and societal "enlightenment" homosexuality is accepted as normal.

In ancient times homosexual activity was accepted more or less as "something fun to do" but having "romantic feelings" towards the same sex was always a huge no no.
So why not execute everyone guilty of rape? A 30 year-old victim no more gives consent than a 12 year-old.

Unfortunately rape is often a scapegoat for embarrassing decisions by women or can be used as a tool of revenge against a person. Think of it like this..any female you work with could tell the police that you raped her and no matter what you are going to be spending some time in jail, if it happened or not. The law tries to equate women as equals to men until it comes to making decisions about sex and/or drinking alcohol. Then they are incapable of making sound decisions..according to the law.

Personal example. I got my current job when I was 27. I show up, tall, handsome, physically fit, young, amongst a bunch of people no younger than 39. I catch the eye of the resident whore, a 45 year old who still thinks she is 19 because she has terrible fake boobs. She gets wasted one night when we are both out of town for work, tries to make a pass at me. I rebuke her and shove her into her own car. She makes me promise to tell no one. Of course I am not going to say anything this chick is an old hosebeast. She leaves and I stay where I am at for a few more months. I come back to Florida and find out she was running around telling everyone about the sexual advances I made against her and how she was offended and considering filing charges against me. So needless to say some higher ups wanted to speak to me as soon as I got back. I lay out the story and them knowing her history of extreme whoring accept my factual tale as the correct version. I only imagine my fate if she had claimed rape. The old guys give me grief for not hitting it but I keep reminding them Im not near 50, or 40, and I'm still carving an emotionally scarring path through the young 20 somethings.
Unfortunately rape is often a scapegoat for embarrassing decisions by women or can be used as a tool of revenge against a person. Think of it like this..any female you work with could tell the police that you raped her and no matter what you are going to be spending some time in jail, if it happened or not. The law tries to equate women as equals to men until it comes to making decisions about sex and/or drinking alcohol. Then they are incapable of making sound decisions..according to the law.

Personal example. I got my current job when I was 27. I show up, tall, handsome, physically fit, young, amongst a bunch of people no younger than 39. I catch the eye of the resident whore, a 45 year old who still thinks she is 19 because she has terrible fake boobs. She gets wasted one night when we are both out of town for work, tries to make a pass at me. I rebuke her and shove her into her own car. She makes me promise to tell no one. Of course I am not going to say anything this chick is an old hosebeast. She leaves and I stay where I am at for a few more months. I come back to Florida and find out she was running around telling everyone about the sexual advances I made against her and how she was offended and considering filing charges against me. So needless to say some higher ups wanted to speak to me as soon as I got back. I lay out the story and them knowing her history of extreme whoring accept my factual tale as the correct version. I only imagine my fate if she had claimed rape. The old guys give me grief for not hitting it but I keep reminding them Im not near 50, or 40, and I'm still carving an emotionally scarring path through the young 20 somethings.

First off. 45 is today's 35 and not only would I have hit it...i would have video footage in case she gets uppity . But hey, that's just me. It's cool having someone to live vicariously through...keep up the good work my brutha .
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First off. 45 is today's 35 and not only would I have hit it...i would have video footage in case she gets uppity . But hey, that's just me. It's cool having someone to live vicariously through...keep up the good work my brutha .

Everyone says I should have and our working environment would have been a better place but yeah...she is married to a Psycho who works here and Im not gonna be the victim of a workplace shooting. I was actually sleeping with my bosses girlfriends daughter at that time. :good!: That became awkward.
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No surprise at all. Now the push begins for pedophile rights.

They are just following the established pattern.

Definitely no surprise. The gay mafia worked for decades to normalize a psychosexual disorder (homosexuality), and now the pedophiles will do the same.

It won't be long before kiddie rapists are a protected class -- and the cycle of deviant liberalism continues.
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Definitely no surprise. The gay mafia worked for decades to normalize a psychosexual disorder (homosexuality), and now the pedophiles will do the same.

It won't be long before kiddie rapists are a protected class -- and the cycle of deviant liberalism continues.

They the runs running all the interior decorating store fronts in the cities? And when they whack someone.....
They the runs running all the interior decorating store fronts in the cities? And when they whack someone.....

Nope, but the salons are a different story. Believe me, you don't wanna cross the gay mafia. They'll do something worse than whack you... they'll destroy your reputation and engage in an endless smear campaign.
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Nope, but the salons are a different story. Believe me, you don't wanna cross the gay mafia. They'll do something worse than whack you... they'll destroy your reputation and engage in an endless smear campaign.

They must have worked for axelwad and the dems, identical tactics.
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People and society are constantly changing and all your huffing and puffing on the internet isn't going to stop it. I'm not entirely sure you understand what you're arguing for or against, because I'm having a hard time myself figuring that out. I don't want to see a 50 year old dude dating a 13 year old girl any more than you do, but I don't know what that has to do with homosexuality other than your desire to equate them to serve your own agenda. The genetic predisposition argument doesn't hold water. I don't doubt some people may be genetically predisposed to young girls, but there are laws that exist to protect said young people from them acting on their desires. With homosexuality, there doesn't need to be any laws protecting anyone, there are two grown adults deciding what they want to do together.

So if you're just gonna keep going back to the "back in the day" argument, don't bother responding. I don't really care about your nostalgia, or about when you think the hippies took over. It's not relevant to the discussions at hand. :hi:

It's very relevant. In fact, it is the very basis of the discussion. You yourself are confirming my point by continuing to say society changes. You are just too damn dense to understand the discussion. Homosexuality is very germaine to this discussion as it is a sexual practice that was frowned upon to the point of being classified a mental illness at one point. Now it is accepted by society to some extent. The topic of this discussion is that there is or could be a push to accept pedophilia in the same way. One could use race or the female vote as a comparison, however, last time I checked neither of those had anything to do with sexual preference.
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