Pedophilia just another sexual orientation?

A lot of Caucasians have been convicted in terrorist plots. There was a notable one in Raleigh recently. Also the Boston Marathon bombers were both Russian, correct?

Yes and lets not forget my Irish brethern. Also, who we may deem a terrorist is someone elses freedom fighter. Depends on the pov.
Hell no. I'm saying this conversation is about pedo's and someone brought up racism because the argument wasnt going their way.

That's not why I brought it up, stop being ignorant and actually read my post. VM wanted to point out that because back in the day nobody thought that homosexuality would be considered something that isn't such an abnormal thing, I simply brought up that years ago the feelings towards people of another color were very different as well. Stop trying to make it something different.
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A lot of Caucasians have been convicted in terrorist plots. There was a notable one in Raleigh recently. Also the Boston Marathon bombers were both Russian, correct?

Technically most middle eastern folks are Caucasian..technically..
I've commented on this belief before, but pedos are not mistreated by other inmates in prison any more than an average prisoner. Its a Hollywood myth. Mainly because they house all of them with cops and other criminals with similar crimes.

I thought all prisoners got tossed into "gen pop". Segregated by crime(s) you say?
I thought all prisoners got tossed into "gen pop". Segregated by crime(s) you say?
Can be. Usually they tend to segregate themselves once inside. Whites, black, latino, others. The pedos know each other like the killers do.
That's not why I brought it up, stop being ignorant and actually read my post. VM wanted to point out that because back in the day nobody thought that homosexuality would be considered something that isn't such an abnormal thing, I simply brought up that years ago the feelings towards people of another color were very different as well. Stop trying to make it something different.

Apologies, I should have asked what you meant prior to taking your post literally.
Okay, just to set the record straight:

If someone has sexual desires directed towards children, doesn't act on them, and instead seeks help, and as a result are diagnosed with pedophilia, you would have this person (who has done nothing wrong) put to death?

I clarified this earlier in the thread and stated that it should only apply to those convicted of it.
No surprise at all. Now the push begins for pedophile rights.

They are just following the pattern established by gay rights groups.


Anyone proven to be a pedophile should be put to death.

It wasn't that long ago that the same thing was thought about gays and they still are in parts of the world.

The drive will be to lower the age of consent to something ridiculous like 12, then the tolerance campaigns will begin, followed by tolerance legislation, and finally acceptance campaigns and legislation such as marriage.
age of consent already exists. It's not happening and is in no way comparable to homosexuals

Liberal progressives everywhere lover this kind of attitude. As long as you are confident that they won't do it, you won't do anything to stop it until it is too late.
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it simply won't happen. No politician wants to be known as the one who enabled child predators. No one will vote in favor if it ever gets on a ballot.

Most will likely end up killed by parents if it happens anyways

Anyone here want to take a shot at how long ago the same was being said about homosexuality? I don't know, but I do know the same sentiments were expressed. All that is necessary is a few well placed law suits by 12 year olds and the laws prohibiting the behavior will begin to crumble. The same was done with the pledge and prayer in schools.

Basically all it requires is an unscrupulous lawyer (more than easy to find) and enough $$ backing them.
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Anyone here want to take a shot at how long ago the same was being said about homosexuality? I don't know, but I do know the same sentiments were expressed. All that is necessary is a few well placed law suits by 12 year olds and the laws prohibiting the behavior will begin to crumble. The same was done with the pledge and prayer in schools.

Basically all it requires is an unscrupulous lawyer (more than easy to find) and enough $$ backing them.

Calling LG.......
1) There are plenty of people who are attracted to young people but don't act on it.

2) There are treatments for pedophilia that target the specific brain biochemistry.

3) If the above two points don't work out, and they can't control their urges, society can wall them off.

Same could be said for other sexual orientation/deviation/desire issues couldn't it? Don't we already chemically castrate some criminals?
The difference is that a homosexual's mate chooses to do so whereas a little kid can't choose. I suppose we get into the debate of when do they reach the age where they can make an informed choice. The law, understandably, has to draw the line somewhat arbitrarily at a specific age. It would be unworkable to have a law that said a person could consent when they were "mature enough," or "understood the consequences" or some such vague criteria.

lots of politicians were for staying out of the private lives of consenting adults

No one is arguing consent. Even sex between non-consenting adults is still a crime (for a while maybe). What is or should be the discussion is how long will it be before the full age of consent gets dropped to an astounding level.
there weren't as many but they existed. Find a current one who believes a 50yo man should be allowed to have sex with a 5yo

also 50yrs ago the politicians allowed separate water fountains and attacked minorities with dogs and hoses. Ah the good old days

You just made Hog's point.
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Okay, just to set the record straight:

If someone has sexual desires directed towards children, doesn't act on them, and instead seeks help, and as a result are diagnosed with pedophilia, you would have this person (who has done nothing wrong) put to death?

The problem then is would the state register them on the sex offender list?
Same could be said for other sexual orientation/deviation/desire issues couldn't it? Don't we already chemically castrate some criminals?

I'm not sure why it would be used for other sexual orientation/deviation/desire. We are talking about rape.
I'm not sure why it would be used for other sexual orientation/deviation/desire. We are talking about rape.

Because I am old enough to remember when gays would have been chemically "wiped out" had there been that avenue available. What is considered acceptable in today's terms isn't what was acceptable in my childhood and what is considered acceptable in the future's terms won't be what was acceptable when you were growing up.
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No one here is saying that this change will be immediate. In fact I don't seeing it happening in the next 5 years or so. However, this, much like homosexuality will gradually be worked into society over the next generation IMO. The age of consent will gradually be changed, the age deltas removed and then the condition itself universally reclassified and decriminalized. JMO...
Because I am old enough to remember when gays would have been chemically "wiped out" had there been that avenue available. What is considered acceptable in today's terms isn't what was acceptable in my childhood and what is considered acceptable in the future's terms won't be what was acceptable when you were growing up.

You would have supported homosexuality being "wiped out"?

The rest can be summed up that people, and thus society, are constantly changing. That is nothing new.
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You would have supported homosexuality being "wiped out"?

The rest can be summed up that people, and thus society, are constantly changing. That is nothing new.

By medical means? Why not?

It was classified as a mental disorder up until 1975. You're against alleviating mental disorders?
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By medical means? Why not?

It was classified as a mental disorder up until 1975. You're against alleviating mental disorders?

whoa. I know you're being hyperbolic, but this is a dangerous approach to life. Historical approach might be the worst in the world for determining current policy.
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