Pedophilia just another sexual orientation?

but using examples with little to no relation is useless. There is no relation between homosexuality and bestiality yet it is always lumped together by a certain segment

Directly I'd agree. OTOH if the question is if two generally unaccepted views exist and one becomes accepted then it's not THAT unrelated to question what, specifically, is going to prevent the second from being accepted.

Obviously this is very oversimplified and contextually dependent but I think you see what I mean.
Really? I do believe science has proven and debunked several theories that were at one time thought common knowledge and proven.

Appears you just do not want to answer a simple question. Strange?

it's an irrelevant question since the age of consent is more an agreed upon societal norm than a scientific theory. Things like emotion age aren't going to be set by some science experiment and there's no reason to do so
Directly I'd agree. OTOH if the question is if two generally unaccepted views exist and one becomes accepted then it's not THAT unrelated to question what, specifically, is going to prevent the second from being accepted.

Obviously this is very oversimplified and contextually dependent but I think you see what I mean.

might as well tie it to an increase in vegans if that's the only qualifier. Using increased freedom for consenting adults to show sexual abuse of children will soon be accepted and legal is beyond my comprehension
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it's an irrelevant question since the age of consent is more a societal norm than a scientific theory. Things like emotion age aren't going to be set by some science experiment

You persist in arguing societal norms, these change over time thanks to science and other factors. We have agreed upon this yet in this one instance you continue the aurgument.

True it's a hypothetical question but a real possibility. Who would have ever thought we would map the human genome 50 years ago?
You persist in arguing societal norms, these change over time thanks to science and other factors. We have agreed upon this yet in this one instance you continue the aurgument.

True it's a hypothetical question but a real possibility. Who would have ever thought we would map the human genome 50 years ago?

because that's what this is. We as a society have agreed to protect a certain group and prosecute those who cross that line. Some scientific study will never convince enough people. If it does then that society is done
because that's what this is. We as a society have agreed to protect a certain group and prosecute those who cross that line. Some scientific study will never convince enough people. If it does then that society is done
Of course people think this society is already "done".
because that's what this is. We as a society have agreed to protect a certain group and prosecute those who cross that line. Some scientific study will never convince enough people. If it does then that society is done

I just asked you what your thoughts would be?
might as well tie it to an increase in vegans if that's the only qualifier. Using increased freedom for consenting adults to show sexual abuse of children will soon be accepted and legal is beyond my comprehension

Strictly speaking on this very specific issue I personally agree with you based in large part on the sentiments you express in post #21. I also somewhat understand people's views when they state there are plenty of things now that would have been beyond their comprehension not all that long ago.
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Strictly speaking on this very specific issue I personally agree with you based in large part on the sentiments you express in post #21. I also somewhat understand people's views when they state there are plenty of things now that would have been beyond their comprehension not all that long ago.

Pj is just avoiding the question and using LG tactics to do so. Why would he do this?
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I think this is a long, long, long, way off from being accepted. One of the biggest things that has made homosexuality easier to accept over the past years is that it involves two consenting adults. For pedophilia it requires a person who is incapable of giving consent, and it also involves someones children.
I think this is a long, long, long, way off from being accepted. One of the biggest things that has made homosexuality easier to accept over the past years is that it involves two consenting adults. For pedophilia it requires a person who is incapable of giving consent, and it also involves someones children.

Trust me, the homophobes arent concerned with consent and still just dont understand how it seperates homosexuality from pedophilia
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I could be way off on this one, but in societies past, wasn't it somewhat common for much older men to wed really young women? Like someone 40+ marrying a 15-16 year old girl?
unless you're climbing onto Mr Ed then no animal can consent. The speed to which every sexual discussion turns to bestiality is truly disturbing

how do you know they cant
consent if I pulled down my paints dog starts licking me

hell how do you know they even consent to being your pet?
Trust me, the homophobes arent concerned with consent and still just dont understand how it seperates homosexuality from pedophilia

This discussion has nothing to do with homophobia and yes it is 100% about consent.
This discussion has nothing to do with homophobia and yes it is 100% about consent.

But homosexuality is always brought up by the usual suspects in anything to do with pedophilia, just beating him to the punch. The age of consent thing is debatable, I will agree with that.
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