Actually, Second Mile disassociated itself from Sandusky in 2008 after he informed them he was being investigated for abuse of minors.Sandusky resigned from whatever activities he supported with Second Mile in 2010. Big deal, now go find me a pic of Paterno having coffee with Sandusky in the last 12 years.
No, the argument was made yesterday that ALL octogenarians in State College, including Paterno, were "familiar" with the subject of pedophilia. I thought that was interesting cause I aint 80 years old and I dont know much about the subject, had to look up the definition to see what all it covered, and its pretty broad...unfortunately.
Visiting College Station is sort of like stepping onto the set of Ozzie and Harriet. Its a small town, I'm from a small town, but my home town doesnt have a university with 44,000 students. The university IS State College and there is no distinction from the school and the town. That was my only point, restated.
Let me simplify it for you. If you are touching a kid and get aroused it's pedophilia. If you make a kid touch you for arousal, it's pedophilia. Pretty simple.
Maybe I read it wrong or stopped squinting at some point, I thought he said, "he does not know what other players have sent money". You can clear this up, I really do not wish to read 8 point font again.
Even though I've never been state college, I agree in your assessment in the last paragraph. Not because you have been there mind you, but because several players who lived there have said the same thing.
You will not find one post about me discussing what the folk in state college know or not know about pedophilia. They don't bother me, but it would be nice if you left the attacks about that to those who did make that statement. Or not. Carry on.
Oh gee, thanks. Now go look it up and see what you find. Its a very wide ranging definition.
I'm not going to get into this with you since you werent around yesterday when this was such an issue as it was posited to the board that ALL octogenarians in State College were intimately familiar with the distasteful subject of pedophilia. I called BS@! Its one of the stupidest things I've ever heard actually, and was told that I was being "discriminatory" to octogenarians because I didnt believe that cross section of the State College residents knew much about it. Thatts how stupid some of these conversations run.
Look, there's no reason to be nice to him. If this was some case of subtle abuse where Paterno might have legitimately had a reason to think Sandusky was innocent. Ass raping isn't exactly subtle. Thus, who gives two ****s if Paterno was an expert on all kinds of pedophilia? It's beyond ****ing retarded.
I kind of figure Ozzie knew better than to pork a 10 year old boy (or girl for that matter).
You don't have to know big fancy words like "pedophilia" to know about dirty old men.
I'm 56, and I was warned about strangers when I was a kid. This wasn't a case involving a stranger, but that doesn't mean that people of all ages aren't aware that sometimes adults do bad things to little kids.
Look, there's no reason to be nice to him. If this was some case of subtle abuse where Paterno might have legitimately had a reason to think Sandusky was innocent, that's one thing. Ass raping isn't exactly subtle. Thus, who gives two ****s if Paterno was an expert on all kinds of pedophilia? It's beyond ****ing retarded.
It's taking a lot of self control to not respond to him in a manner that would most likely get me banned. It's kind of an all or nothing thing for me. However, I do rather enjoy reading your attacks of his idiocy.
It's taking a lot of self control to not respond to him in a manner that would most likely get me banned. It's kind of an all or nothing thing for me. However, I do rather enjoy reading your attacks of his idiocy.
Nobody truly knows how old he is. The mans been coaching at Penn State since before WWII, and he was old then