I said what? No I didnt, another case of you idgits employing selective remembering.
I've read the Grand Jury report, have you? There's nothing in that report that implicates Paterno of anything, and I have also read the law, and of course Paterno could have done more, but he is in compliance with the law.
Now, since you guys are so smart. Please tell me what you know about the conversations between Curley, Paterno, and the university president. Am I going to have to wait on that long, because I'm tired of this stupid argument and all the know it alls around here that think they know everything about this case, even though there is much that hasn't been released to the press.
Now I'm just guessing, but I believe that meeting with Curley at Paterno's house went something like this...."Thank you Joe, you did the right thing. Dont worry about a thing, WE'LL take care of it."
You do realize the man was 74 years old at the time, was not a school administrator, and fulfilled his obligation to report the shower incident up the channel. You guys are just speculating about what he knew and when he knew it and how much he knew and THAT is all just purely guesswork. And yes, the man does deserve the benefit of the doubt until the time when evidence suggests otherwise. Right now there is none. Sorry. lol