Pennington: 50/50 split on needing to dump Rocky Top

Should UT stop using "Rocky Top"?

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"Rocky Top" has a very catchy melody but its lyrics DO reinforce every stereotype of Southern Appalachia known to man. I am a traditionalist to the core and I remember when "Rocky Top" did not exist as a song. I have no opposition to the playing of "Rocky Top" but it is not the official fight song of the University of Tennessee; "Down the Field" (Tennessee Fight Song- Down the Field (With Lyrics) - YouTube) still holds that distinction. "Down the Field" has the feel of a traditional college fight song and I wish that it was played more prominently than "Rocky Top."

That's because it's a generic fight song that we "borrowed" from Yale decades ago. "Harvard may fight to the end / But Yale will win" is in the lyrics.

I am an old guy who remembers the days when "Rocky Top" was barely played at all; its ascendency at the expense of the old songs used to irritate me too. But I have learned to embrace it as uniquely ours. I don't think any other school in America has a song which is so widely known, so widely played, and so indelibly associated with its home state.
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The Tennessee Waltz is boring and terrible and I think speeding it up wouldn't help make it fun. Rocky Top, however, is amazing and should be played as often as possible!!

The following data would beg to differ with respect to the quality and popularity of “Tennessee Waltz”: The version recorded by Patti Page “entered the Pop Music chart of Billboard dated 10 November 1950 for a 30 week chart run with a #1 peak on the 30 December 1950 chart; the track would remain at #1 for a total of nine weeks. . . . "The Tennessee Waltz" became Page's career record.

The success of the Patti Page version led to covers by Les Paul with Mary Ford (Capitol 1316) and Jo Stafford (Columbia 39065), both of which reached the Top Ten – Stafford's at #7 and Paul/Ford at #6 (the latter was a double sided hit with "Little Rock Getaway" reaching #18). The Fontane Sisters made their first solo recording cutting "Tennessee Waltz" in a November 1950 session at RCA Victor Studios in New York City; the track would reach the Top 20. In addition, the original version – credited to Pee Wee King – was re-released to reach #6 C&W” (Tennessee Waltz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia).

The song also has a very specific place in Tennessee football history. According to Hugh Faust, who was an assistant coach on the 1950 team, General Neyland used the song to tactical advantage prior to the 1951 Cotton Bowl vs. Texas. While they were in the locker room, Neyland could tell the team was tense; he heard the strains of “Tennessee Waltz” wafting through the open windows and began dancing with an imaginary partner. The team erupted with laughter, which served as a perfect psychological icebreaker after which Neyland commenced his pre-game talk. (Fast-forward to the 34:30 mark of General Robert Neyland "The Man and the Legend" - YouTube for Faust’s account.) It should be noted that the Patti Page version of the song was then at the height of its national popularity.

Having said all of that, “Tennessee Waltz” is a stately, dignified song that is perfect for slow dancing. It does not possess the tempo necessary for a college football song.
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Its a brand....when college football fans hear Rocky Top, they know its Tennessee...when the Vols are winning, its a great brand. When we dooley, it sucks!
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Every college football fan in America knows what school Rocky Top is associated with..I would argue, that some know it's UT but couldn't name their own fight song.
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Like it or not, Rockytop is so distinctively associated with the UT now, you couldn't part them with a blowtorch. Added to that, no other college has such a universally recognized music score and song. When you stop and actually pay attention to the lyrics, it's downright funny to boot. And finally, it grates the heck out of opposing fans and teams. When we're winning and they want to shut us up but can't, I get a depraved joy out of the fact. So Mr. Pennington, go to Hoth and stay there.
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I think they should ditch Rocky Top and start playing Blurred Lines instead.
50/50 split among whom?

The only complaint I generally hear about "Rocky Top" is the silly "woo."

The woo is silly

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"wild as a mink but sweet as soda pop... all the folks on rocky top get their corn from a jar... strangers ain't come down from rocky top, reckon they never will... I've had years of cramped up city life, trapped like a duck in a pen". the lyrics are awesome. how can you not love the song?
Who is a ringleader around here that can get this guy's show boycotted? UNBELIEVABLE! I was just thinking the other day that Rocky Top might be UT's greatest tradition. That song gets me so excited for UT sports like no other tradition we have. Seriously! How do we run this guy off the air? I'm aggravated. :banghead2:
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you think changig the uniforms will piss off the blue hair's....try taking away Rocky Top, there will be a full blown riot across the state.

Why not just do away with all of the time honored Tennessee traditions. :crazy:
If we were winning there would be no discussion. All would be okay on the hill.
Dumb idea is dumb. Whomever calls themselves a UT fan and doesn't like Good Ole Rockytop can 50/50 split their arse on down the road and dump on some other team. Is this really a discussion?
I've heard some dumb offseason stuff...but good night.

His reasoning? It "makes us look like dumb, inbred hillbillies." UT should dump it and play "a fast version of the Tennessee Waltz."

Claims every time he brings it up its a 50/50 split in favor of getting rid of Rocky Top.

I wish I were kidding.

I bring it up mainly to see if there is truly even a small percentage of the fanbase wanting to get rid of Rocky Top. Have at it.

Including the "WOO"???? What sacrilege!!!!!
I am on these sights all the time, read them every day first thing in the morning. Although I am in Utah, I think somewhere I would have heard someone mention John Pennigton. Unless he is trolling, I can't imagine a local station or program trying to stir up something like this. Someone mentioned earlier that he had a beard. Doesn't he know this makes HIM look like an inbred ? Gee,the things people do to stir up things on a slow news day. Can't wait for the start of the season. I am stoked. Go VOLS!
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