Pennington: 50/50 split on needing to dump Rocky Top

Should UT stop using "Rocky Top"?

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Tennessee is a school of traditions and we have a boat load like Rocky Top, Vol Walk, Vol Navy, Checkerboard, Power-T, etc. It is was makes us special and sets us apart from other more vanilla schools.

I bet these same yahoos want to get rid of Toomers Corner, The Groove? at Ole Miss, Cocky and the Choo Choos, the shrubs at Georgia and Auburn, the Buffalo at Colorado, Flyovers at Air Force, pop'n caps in Gainesville and inbreeding in Tuscaloosa, etc.
Not a blue hair and don't believe in changing the uniforms

Don't like Orange and White, get another team

I'm sure whatever uniforms we wear will always have orange & white in them. It may not be the variation you like or the only colors in the mix. Change is inevitable in everything.
Throughout this site there sure is a lot of disdain for 'blue hairs'. The backbone of the alumni, donors, and season ticket holders. Today's 'blue hairs' were the fans of the 60,70's, and 80's. Hopefully all of you fans of today will be 'blue hairs' of the next few decades. When I was a student, I enjoyed talking to 'blue hairs' who had stories of the teams of the 40's, 50's and 60's...Good Times.....Also,nothing pulls the heart strings like the strains of the Tennessee Waltz after the last home game of any season as the stadium empties until the following September.
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I've heard some dumb offseason stuff...but good night.

His reasoning? It "makes us look like dumb, inbred hillbillies." UT should dump it and play "a fast version of the Tennessee Waltz."

Claims every time he brings it up its a 50/50 split in favor of getting rid of Rocky Top.

I wish I were kidding.

I bring it up mainly to see if there is truly even a small percentage of the fanbase wanting to get rid of Rocky Top. Have at it.

So confusing. How can something be 50/50 in favor of? It's a tie, it favors no one.
As much as we love "Rocky Top" and/or "Down the Field," I believe that, if we are truly objective, most college football fans would probably say that this is still the most recognizable college fight song: Notre Dame fight song - YouTube.

Have you ever heard the Notre Dame fight song played by a bar band? How many people know any of the words? "Rocky Top" is a highly recognizable American song that most Americans know, college football fans or not. They may know nothing about football but everyone knows the chorus to "Rocky Top."

"Sweet Home Alabama" would be even more widely recognizable if the Alabama band used it as a primary fight song. But they don't.
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And how often is the entire song sung? Its usually just the chorus with the music.
If they ditch Rock Talk (along with a lot of other crap that's been going on in the cfb world) I will seriously reconsider being a football fan.

Ok just kidding but you know what I mean.
Throughout this site there sure is a lot of disdain for 'blue hairs'. The backbone of the alumni, donors, and season ticket holders. Today's 'blue hairs' were the fans of the 60,70's, and 80's. Hopefully all of you fans of today will be 'blue hairs' of the next few decades. When I was a student, I enjoyed talking to 'blue hairs' who had stories of the teams of the 40's, 50's and 60's...Good Times.....Also,nothing pulls the heart strings like the strains of the Tennessee Waltz after the last home game of any season as the stadium empties until the following September.

Blue hairs have wealth and make great donors. Millenials are NINJAs: No Income, NoJob, NoAssets...but they do scream loader and that is good at a stadium.
I haven't posted in quite a while and this is the first thread I see? mercy.

here's the deal....Rocky Top is a UTK signature. you don't get rid of that. and i'll tell you this....I had rocky top played at my wedding, my friends has rocky top played at their weddings............I have 3 and 6 year old girls that make me sing rocky top to them at bed time....EVERY night. now, I could do with out that verson all the time, but can Rocky Top?

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Vercingetorix, we are talking about two fundamentally different contexts. "Rocky Top" was not written as a fight song. Indeed, there are no references even remotely suggestive of athletic competition within its lyrics. It is, instead, a folk song that has essentially usurped the position of "Down the Field" and is a marker trait associated with east Tennessee and the University of Tennessee, not to mention one of Tennessee's eight official state songs. I made no reference to the broader social context of Rocky Top's popularity but was referring strictly to the more narrowly circumscribed parameters of college fight songs.
I've heard some dumb offseason stuff...but good night.

His reasoning? It "makes us look like dumb, inbred hillbillies." UT should dump it and play "a fast version of the Tennessee Waltz."

Claims every time he brings it up its a 50/50 split when it comes to getting rid of Rocky Top.

I wish I were kidding.

I bring it up mainly to see if there is truly even a small percentage of the fanbase wanting to get rid of Rocky Top. Have at it.
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Out of curiosity, are there any would-be songwriters on Vol Nation who could take this melody (Battle of New Orleans 1986 Sugar Bowl - YouTube) and the original lyrics and come up with a more generic text that could become, so to speak, the Battle Hymn of Vol Nation? The text of "Battle of New Orleans Tennessee Style," as written, is too specific to be anything other than the Battle Hymn of the 1986 Sugar Bowl.
I prefer "Down the Field",but don't won't want to get rid of Rocky Top....
just wish they would play Down the Field more...
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I'm thinking the only people wanting to get rid of Rocky Top is the fans of opposing teams. Rocky Top really irritates the Vol haters. IMO, that's all the more reason to keep it. :rock:

Yeah, my wife's Vandy aunt hates it. Oh well ...

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