Pentagon Wants Public’s Help To Rename Bases Honoring Confederates

Fort Smedley Butler
Fort Joe Louis
Fort Jackie Robinson
Fort Osceola
Fort John Browning
Fort (USS) Liberty
Fort James Forrestal
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Fort Ified
Fort Titude
Fort Night
Fort Tunate-Son
Fort Hwith
Fort Ification
Fort Uitously
Fort Hright
Fort Unes
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The Department of Defense is seeking the public’s help in coming up with replacement names for the military bases currently named after Confederate leaders.

The naming commission, which was created earlier this year to look into the topic, launched a new website on Monday, asking for “interested citizens” to provide recommendations and suggestions for alternatives.

This eight-person commission is assessing renaming nine Army posts, including Fort Bragg, Fort Hood, and Fort Lee. They are still deliberating whether they should also change the name of the Army’s Fort Belvoir in Virginia, a name that came from a former slave plantation, and two Navy ships.

The Commission on the Naming of Items of the Department of Defense that Commemorate the Confederate States of America or Any Person Who Served Voluntarily with the Confederate States of America, which is led by Adm. Michelle Howard of the U.S. Navy, has to provide the House and Senate Armed Services Committees a report listing the identified assets and the cost to rename them by Oct. 1, 2022.

Pentagon wants public’s help to rename bases honoring Confederates

When you are incompetent and get people killed then bring out the ice cream for the unsophisticated.
In seriousness, it's too bad the history before and during the Civil War has become so corrupted and most people, including the current clowns in charge of the Army, have no idea loyalty to State and home transcended loyalty to the Union back then.

Nailed it.

Pretty soon any history that could possibly be offensive will be forbidden.

America’s military leaders have become a liability.

For the first two decades of the Global War on Terror, the U.S. military consistently ranked among the country’s most trusted institutions, in large part due to its perceived apolitical nature. By 2018, Americans had lost faith in public officials and public institutions in general, but a majority of citizens—80%—still remained confident in the military’s sanctity, according to a Pew Research survey. Over that same time period, aggressive leftist sentiments in Hollywood and professional sports drove patriotic, conservative Americans (traditionally the military’s staunchest supporters) to look elsewhere for entertainment. They found it in veterans returning home from the Middle East.
The military’s top echelon of woke commanders has succeeded in alienating the military from its most loyal advocates—conservatives are jumping ship.

An entire cult industry grew out of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, capitalizing on Middle America’s reverence for its warrior-heroes. Books chronicling the combat experiences of America’s special operators became instant best-sellers and sparked frenzied bidding wars for movie rights. Millions subscribed to veteran-run YouTube channels and podcasts. Gun manufacturers flooded the domestic consumer market with (previously nonexistent) desert tan-colored firearms, which allowed civilians to emulate their heroes fighting overseas. Veteran-owned startups selling military-themed goods from designer T-shirts to coffee beans experienced astronomical growth. As one Marine explained to me in 2016, “It doesn’t matter that their coffee sucks. You could stamp an SF (Special Forces) logo on a dog turd right now, and it would sell.” Support for the military was at an all-time high.

The U.S. Military Is Losing Support, Losing Wars, and Failing in Its Most Basic Mission. | Human Events
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The Armed Forces are national, not state. The Confederacy lost (as some people are still figuring out).

You want loser names on the bases? Build forts for southern state militias.
In all seriousness when someone says Fort Hood or Fort Bragg most people in the country know exactly where those are located.

Once this nonsense happens when they say Fort "Insert Woke name" everyone will be where's that and confuse everyone.
In all seriousness when someone says Fort Hood or Fort Bragg most people in the country know exactly where those are located.

Once this nonsense happens when they say Fort "Insert Woke name" everyone will be where's that and confuse everyone.
plus... what the heck is Rambo going to tell Colonel Trautman where is wishes he was.
The Department of Defense is seeking the public’s help in coming up with replacement names for the military bases currently named after Confederate leaders.

The naming commission, which was created earlier this year to look into the topic, launched a new website on Monday, asking for “interested citizens” to provide recommendations and suggestions for alternatives.

This eight-person commission is assessing renaming nine Army posts, including Fort Bragg, Fort Hood, and Fort Lee. They are still deliberating whether they should also change the name of the Army’s Fort Belvoir in Virginia, a name that came from a former slave plantation, and two Navy ships.

The Commission on the Naming of Items of the Department of Defense that Commemorate the Confederate States of America or Any Person Who Served Voluntarily with the Confederate States of America, which is led by Adm. Michelle Howard of the U.S. Navy, has to provide the House and Senate Armed Services Committees a report listing the identified assets and the cost to rename them by Oct. 1, 2022.

Pentagon wants public’s help to rename bases honoring Confederates

This coming out today also continues to show how tone-deaf this administration is.

We have service members who were killed in a terrorist attack and haven't even been buried yet and American citizens still held hostage in Afghanistan and we are 3 days until the 20th Anniversary of the worst attack on our country and the US military is concerned with military bases not having a "woke" name.

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