...I believe McElwains downfall at UF is not so much because hes a bad coach, but more because hes a bad employee. He comes from the Nick Saban coaching tree and thats one of his problems. He has the arrogance of Nick Saban but the résumé of Lou Saban.
The most recent evidence of this started on Monday during McElwains weekly news conference when the coach without prompting nebulously broached the issue of death threats being issued to him, his family and his players.
This was a complete shock to Stricklin, who apparently was livid that McElwain dropped this bombshell on the media without bothering to tell UFs administration. Then, when McElwain was not forthcoming with information on the death threats, UF threw McElwain under the bus with a brusque statement that oddly revealed McElwain provided no additional details.
The reason UF was so angry is two-fold. First, if there were death threats to players and UFs administration did nothing to protect them, the Gators could be legally liable for a mega-million-dollar wrongful death lawsuit. Second, if McElwain exaggerated the death threats or made them up entirely, then he effectively painted UFs entire fan base as a bunch of blood-thirsty lunatics who threaten to kill their coaches and players at the first sign of adversity.
Seriously, what recruits parent is going to want to send their kid to a place where his life will be threatened if he drops a key pass or misses a crucial block?
McElwain compounded the issue when he told the media during another news conference later in the week that he would offer more details about the death threats when it becomes unmanageable.
As if there is ever a manageable death threat.
But this is about more than McElwains comments about death threats; its about his relationships with his UF superiors and colleagues. Believe me, if his bosses liked him, they would find a reason to keep him. But since they dislike him, they have found a reason to ditch him.