Perkins Coie Allies Connected to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Campaign Spied on Trump’s Internet Traffic While Trump Was President

conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch
Hillary spying, FBI spying on Carter Page based on a phony dossier, the deputy AG suggesting to secretly record the President, the whole Mueller investigation....

When you take everything that occurred during the first year or so of Trump's presidency into account, it truly is far bigger than Watergate ever thought about being.
Trump was right again, about the spying. The left laughed at him but we won’t hear from those nor an apology.
Hillary spying, FBI spying on Carter Page based on a phony dossier, the deputy AG suggesting to secretly record the President, the whole Mueller investigation....

When you take everything that occurred during the first year or so of Trump's presidency into account, it truly is far bigger than Watergate ever thought about being.

You really have to consider that the federal government is a group of bureaucracies with a primary goal of protecting their own - the job comes second. Trump as an outsider was a threat to them, so this wasn't just about parties. It was a lot more about Trump threatening the establishment. Any outsider taking over the WH is likely to meet the same, but outsiders are who we need in the WH. The establishment will certainly use a president's perceived flaws to protect themselves - Nixon was portrayed as a crook and Trump was portrayed as a guy who was likely to topple the place because he didn't play the political and diplomatic games. I honestly still think that Nixon was one of our better presidents; it is unfortunate he'd been in politics long enough to pick up and use the shady ways that things are done in DC while being a lot less slick than say a Lyndon Johnson.
I don’t know if it’s bigger than Watergate but it’s definitely on par.

Bigger. Watergate was more on par with Clinton's sins in the Oval Office. Nixon and Clinton were involved in minor crimes and coverup. The attacks on Trump threatened national security by corrupt federal agencies. Nixon may have not had a hand in planning the Watergate break in, but he did have a hand in protecting those who did.
I believe they had access because they were a contractor - that doesn't give them the right to mine data at the behest of a political opponent.

the Durham filing is one more piece of evidence connecting the Russigate BS to the Clinton campaign.

To quote Brandon - it's a BFD

It should be a BFD, but reality and history says that it won’t be. Nobody gets held accountable in Washington, except for maybe an underling who takes the fall and the bad press, gets his slap on the wrist then takes his payoff and is set for life. It’s a scene that has played out time after time, I have no faith this will be any different. A whole bunch of prominent individuals should go to prison for this, but a dollar to a doughnut says it doesn’t happen.
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"According to Durham, Joffe and his associates manipulated that data to make it seem like Trump, and those in Trump’s world, had suspicious interactions with internet protocol (IP) addresses affiliated with a Russian mobile phone provider. They then combined those allegations with the Alfa Bank hoax materials (the subject of Sussmann’s Fall 2016 meeting with then-FBI General Counsel James Baker).

This damaging information, purporting to demonstrate at least circumstantial evidence of Trump/Russia collusion, was presented on February 9, 2017 to what Durham describes as U.S. Government “Agency-2.”

That agency was the CIA. We know for sure that Sussmann met with the CIA General Counsel. We learned in January 2022 that, if Sussmann is to be believed, there were two other CIA employees at that meeting.

In other words, a Clinton supporting contractor (Joffe) obtained sensitive information (perhaps unlawfully) about the Office of the President of the United States (Trump), manipulated the information, passed it to a DNC/Clinton lawyer (Sussmann), who then delivered it to the CIA.

All on American soil.

This is important because the CIA is generally prohibited from conducting domestic operations. The FBI explains:

“The CIA collects information only regarding foreign countries and their citizens. Unlike the FBI, it is prohibited from collecting information regarding ‘U.S. Persons,’ a term that includes U.S. citizens, resident aliens, legal immigrants, and U.S. corporations, regardless of where they are located.”​
In the CIA’s own words:

“The FBI is responsible for coordination of clandestine collection of foreign intelligence through human sources or human-enabled means and counterintelligence activities inside the United States.”
Yet when it came to Trump, here was the CIA doing what it is prohibited: “collecting information regarding U.S. persons” inside the United States"
"According to Durham, Joffe and his associates manipulated that data to make it seem like Trump, and those in Trump’s world, had suspicious interactions with internet protocol (IP) addresses affiliated with a Russian mobile phone provider. They then combined those allegations with the Alfa Bank hoax materials (the subject of Sussmann’s Fall 2016 meeting with then-FBI General Counsel James Baker).

This damaging information, purporting to demonstrate at least circumstantial evidence of Trump/Russia collusion, was presented on February 9, 2017 to what Durham describes as U.S. Government “Agency-2.”

That agency was the CIA. We know for sure that Sussmann met with the CIA General Counsel. We learned in January 2022 that, if Sussmann is to be believed, there were two other CIA employees at that meeting.

In other words, a Clinton supporting contractor (Joffe) obtained sensitive information (perhaps unlawfully) about the Office of the President of the United States (Trump), manipulated the information, passed it to a DNC/Clinton lawyer (Sussmann), who then delivered it to the CIA.

All on American soil.

This is important because the CIA is generally prohibited from conducting domestic operations. The FBI explains:

“The CIA collects information only regarding foreign countries and their citizens. Unlike the FBI, it is prohibited from collecting information regarding ‘U.S. Persons,’ a term that includes U.S. citizens, resident aliens, legal immigrants, and U.S. corporations, regardless of where they are located.”​
In the CIA’s own words:

“The FBI is responsible for coordination of clandestine collection of foreign intelligence through human sources or human-enabled means and counterintelligence activities inside the United States.”
Yet when it came to Trump, here was the CIA doing what it is prohibited: “collecting information regarding U.S. persons” inside the United States"
I can’t find the video anymore (it’s probably been removed from the internet), but there was an interesting interview with Jesse Ventura years ago where he talked about being questioned by several CIA agents shortly after being elected as governor. It really alarmed him.

CIA confirms Ventura meeting occurred
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"According to Durham, Joffe and his associates manipulated that data to make it seem like Trump, and those in Trump’s world, had suspicious interactions with internet protocol (IP) addresses affiliated with a Russian mobile phone provider. They then combined those allegations with the Alfa Bank hoax materials (the subject of Sussmann’s Fall 2016 meeting with then-FBI General Counsel James Baker).

This damaging information, purporting to demonstrate at least circumstantial evidence of Trump/Russia collusion, was presented on February 9, 2017 to what Durham describes as U.S. Government “Agency-2.”

That agency was the CIA. We know for sure that Sussmann met with the CIA General Counsel. We learned in January 2022 that, if Sussmann is to be believed, there were two other CIA employees at that meeting.

In other words, a Clinton supporting contractor (Joffe) obtained sensitive information (perhaps unlawfully) about the Office of the President of the United States (Trump), manipulated the information, passed it to a DNC/Clinton lawyer (Sussmann), who then delivered it to the CIA.

All on American soil.

This is important because the CIA is generally prohibited from conducting domestic operations. The FBI explains:

“The CIA collects information only regarding foreign countries and their citizens. Unlike the FBI, it is prohibited from collecting information regarding ‘U.S. Persons,’ a term that includes U.S. citizens, resident aliens, legal immigrants, and U.S. corporations, regardless of where they are located.”​
In the CIA’s own words:

“The FBI is responsible for coordination of clandestine collection of foreign intelligence through human sources or human-enabled means and counterintelligence activities inside the United States.”
Yet when it came to Trump, here was the CIA doing what it is prohibited: “collecting information regarding U.S. persons” inside the United States"

Someone is going to face huge prison time. Maybe a couple of people. No way they let them get away with this now that this has been discovered. Clinton, Obama, or Biden will take the hit but some minions will. Expect some to sing and their cowardice will get exposed. Congrats for 20 years in the cellar.

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