Petrino on the UT Game

They will treat this WKU game as if it's an SEC team because of the talent level & are being prepared to play as if it is an SEC team this least that's what I read in today's morning paper about the game this week. GBO & Go Vols.
everybodys worried about Petrino. we have a good coach too. these boys will be ready when they hit Neyland

Petrino will have a few plays set up to try to make Neyland Stadium go flat.....and if this retarded chicken was still the head coach.....


there is no doubt in my mind it would.

But lucky for us we have one of the best in game X's and O's head coaches in the business in this guy....


Petrino will have to rebuild his image and resume elsewhere Vol brothern :hi: :eek:k: :good!:

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Something else to consider is his explosive ability in the return game. Tennessee's kickoff coverage didn't look very capable against the Governors.

We will be kicking off often Saturday. It'll be a great chance to practice and get better in that area of the game before we get to Oregon.
everybodys worried about Petrino. we have a good coach too. these boys will be ready when they hit Neyland

CBJ is a good coach, but those r a dime a dozen. Petrino is more than a good coach and proven at a high level. CBJ just has the benefit of more talent in regard to star counts, but that's it. Other than home-feild advantage. CBJ came into Neyland with a team that had some decent+ talent and didn't do jack against Dooley. So CBJ may be a good coach, but he isn't a top tier coach. Will he be in the future?? Hope so, but who knows if or when.

We need to take them out early. If we don't we are going to be in for a long ride. CBJ has no room to mess up or time to waste. A win Troy style is not a good sign either, b/c a coach of Petrinos level keeping it close with WAY lower talent in Neyland is a bad sign. If he can't dominante WKY how is he going to handle a top level coach with talent like Bama, UF, USCjr, etc??

At the end of the day CBJ took over a cake walk compared to what Dooley did, and is making a lot more money too. He needs to go from a good coach to a Great coach ASAP!!
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Probably true.... but he isn't playing UK this week.

This WKU team is NOT better than the Cincy team UT beat in '11. This UT team SHOULD BE better that that UT team...

It really all comes down to whether Jones is the coach we hope he is. Just ask yourself, if the roles were reversed and Petrino were at UT and Jones were at WKU... what would be the expectations? If Petrino were the coach at UT, what would be the season expectations?

People take shots at me because they think I expect too much of Jones. What I expect is for UT to hire a coach that will take the program back to the top... so the expectation for me does not change with the name on the door. If Jones is the right coach then this is a win and should be by 20+ pts. If he's the right coach then this is a 7 or 8 win roster. Anything less... he's proven nothing on the field that makes him a better coach at UT than Dooley.

What he did at previous stops is nice and makes some feel better about him... but in both cases he followed Kelly who is a first rate coach. He inherited reasonably good situations. Dooley took over one of the most hapless programs in the country in LT... nothing like what Jones walked into twice.

I like Jones' and really do like what he's doing. He's creative, smart, disciplined, and focused. You could not say those things consistently about Dooley. But at the end of the day there is one and only one measure of a coach... WINS. If Jones is better than Dooley then over a 12 game season having inherited a better situation both in program discipline and roster strength that Dooley's '10 season... he should win at least one more game than Dooley did.

While I agree with the overall sentiment, I believe Dooley stepped into a better situation than Jones.

Dooley had senior WR in Jones and Moore to go along with Hunter and Rogers coming in.

He also had a more proven defense in the secondary and the defensive line. Lathers and Reviez also provided some leadership at LB. Not saying they are any better but depth and experience wise, the starting lineup in 2010 was better.

Jones will have been well worth the money for this year if he puts up a 7 win regular season.
Always been a big believer in getting the W and forgetting the score.

But it would be so nice to just curb stomp this team right before they go play their Sun Belt buddies.
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While I agree with the overall sentiment, I believe Dooley stepped into a better situation than Jones.

Dooley had senior WR in Jones and Moore to go along with Hunter and Rogers coming in.

He also had a more proven defense in the secondary and the defensive line. Lathers and Reviez also provided some leadership at LB. Not saying they are any better but depth and experience wise, the starting lineup in 2010 was better.

Jones will have been well worth the money for this year if he puts up a 7 win regular season.

You have the wrong year. In '11 we had Hunter and Da'rick starting (until Florida).

That Cinci game was the best game UT has put together in 5 years, IMO
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Probably true.... but he isn't playing UK this week.

This WKU team is NOT better than the Cincy team UT beat in '11. This UT team SHOULD BE better that that UT team...

It really all comes down to whether Jones is the coach we hope he is. Just ask yourself, if the roles were reversed and Petrino were at UT and Jones were at WKU... what would be the expectations? If Petrino were the coach at UT, what would be the season expectations?

People take shots at me because they think I expect too much of Jones. What I expect is for UT to hire a coach that will take the program back to the top... so the expectation for me does not change with the name on the door. If Jones is the right coach then this is a win and should be by 20+ pts. If he's the right coach then this is a 7 or 8 win roster. Anything less... he's proven nothing on the field that makes him a better coach at UT than Dooley.

What he did at previous stops is nice and makes some feel better about him... but in both cases he followed Kelly who is a first rate coach. He inherited reasonably good situations. Dooley took over one of the most hapless programs in the country in LT... nothing like what Jones walked into twice.

I like Jones' and really do like what he's doing. He's creative, smart, disciplined, and focused. You could not say those things consistently about Dooley. But at the end of the day there is one and only one measure of a coach... WINS. If Jones is better than Dooley then over a 12 game season having inherited a better situation both in program discipline and roster strength that Dooley's '10 season... he should win at least one more game than Dooley did.

His start at Central Michigan wasn't a walk in the park, neither was Cincinatti.
This WKU team is NOT better than the Cincy team UT beat in '11. This UT team SHOULD BE better that that UT team...

I disagree with second part. This UT team could possibly get destroyed by the pre-hunter injury 2011 UT team. We were firing on all cylinders against that Cincy team and if we hadnt lost our best WR and our QB and half of our team that year we may have been a force.

I do agree the talent gap is the same as that game though. If we come out firing on all cylinders it won't be a close game, just like Cincy wasn't.
Our Defensive line and linebackers are worlds ahead of Kentucky's. Our Safeties are worlds ahead of Kentucky's. Our CB's are more talented just not proven. They will give us everything they have and we better be prepared, but to compare what we are to a Kentucky team that has 2 and low 3 stars roaming around is a stretch.

I look forward to watching this game and I believe this RB will get some tough yards and the QB will test our young CB's, but it will not be enough.

I hope that WKU is a tougher opponent. I don't have any false hopes for this year's team; however, the tougher our opponent, the better we will become. The early part of this season is going to be tough, possibly brutal, and maybe even ugly. Throw true freshmen, redshirt freshmen and sophomores into the path of the on the oncoming train that is Oregon, Florida, Georgia, Alabama and South Carolina and ugly might be the best case scenario to be expected. That is the downside. The upside is that when that train passes, we won't have freshmen and sophomores anymore, we will have veterans. This is where our new coaches come in and this is why I am excited about this season. Coach Jones and staff will have these young men confident and coached. They will not be despondent and defeated. They will attack the back half of our schedule and they will begin to win. We will go to a bowl game and the recruits will come. The future is bright. We as fans have to endure the coming weeks, but I think that this season will be the last time for a long time that we will have to "endure" anything. GBO!
This game won't be close! I know we are all a little shell shocked from the Dooley years but this is a different ballgame. We won't be putting in 2nd and 3rd string to start the second half. If they keep the game within 3 touchdowns I would be surprised. We win 42-10.
Seeing a few mentions of the 2011 Tennessee/Cincinnati game reminded me of the week that preceded that matchup.

There were quite a few posts about how the Vols had proven nothing in the Montana game, concern about the team and staff looking ahead to Florida, the Bearcats having far more talent than many were giving them credit for, Cincinnati had beaten Austin Peay 72-10 the week before and they were very hungry to knock off an SEC team. Several analysts even predicted UT would lose.

I don't know what will happen on Saturday, but the pre-game conversations from 2011 and this week are beginning to sound quite similar.
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While I agree with the overall sentiment, I believe Dooley stepped into a better situation than Jones.

Dooley had senior WR in Jones and Moore to go along with Hunter and Rogers coming in.
He inherited no QB's who were on the roster the previous year... and his only SEC level RB was Poole.

He also had a more proven defense in the secondary
Other than the one CB spot... he did not. By the end of the season it was so bad that Teague started as a Fr.

Moore, McNeil, Randolph>Jackson, Waggner, Brewer IMO.

Coleman/Sutton > Anderson or Waggner/Teague IMO.

and the defensive line.
Not even ballpark close. Dooley inherited ZERO SEC quality DT's. He only inherited one guy with the size and he didn't make it through the season. Ayres, Vic Thomas, and M Jackson whose natural position was SDE played DT. They had Ayres starting at times as a walk on at 265.

Both starting DE's had chronic injury problems. There was no depth to speak of. The best two subs were probably Hood and Miller as much younger players.
Lathers and Reviez also provided some leadership at LB. Not saying they are any better but depth and experience wise, the starting lineup in 2010 was better.
No. And it really isn't close. I'll take what UT has in their first 4 LB's this year over '10 every day of the week.

I'm not trying to beat you up... but that roster was horrible... and then basically took a step back in '11 after Hunter went down.

IMHO, Jones' year 2 looks ALOT like Dooley's year 2 roster wise. This year UT has several talented Sr's and Jr's that will likely be gone next year. Fr and Sophs will fill the depth chart and comprise the bulk of UT's best talent in '14.

Jones will have been well worth the money for this year if he puts up a 7 win regular season.

Again, if UT had gotten Petrino, Fisher, or even Chuckie... what would the expectation be? This is a 7 or 8 win roster for the "right" coach. I want that to be Jones but am honest with myself about the possibility that he is not.
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Agree. Pedal to metal for all four.

This, and 300+ yards rushing so that Petrino's offense just sits and sits and watches us march up and down the field 5 yards at a time. (or in the case of UK, 6.8 yards per rush).

This will be a huge week for our O-line to manhandle the topShelfers (what I call WKU)

edit: why I call them topshelfers is here. Urban Dictionary: Top Shelf
I disagree with second part. This UT team could possibly get destroyed by the pre-hunter injury 2011 UT team. We were firing on all cylinders against that Cincy team and if we hadnt lost our best WR and our QB and half of our team that year we may have been a force.

I do agree the talent gap is the same as that game though. If we come out firing on all cylinders it won't be a close game, just like Cincy wasn't.

IMHO, this DL would destroy that OL and keep Bray from having time to throw. That team could not run... and this one can. And... I think this team is better coached as odd as that sounds. Jones for all his poor mouthing has never coached a more talented team than he has right now.

I am beginning to see a lot of Vince Dooley in Jones when it comes to talking down his roster and talking up his opponents.

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