1. I'm a believer and will say point blank, you won't get that 6K-8K age of the Earth mythical statement from me.
2. Clearly, you're fishing for someone to beat down.
A pity actually, as it puts you on the level of those you wish to beat down. Just saying.
But let me play a little. I never did buy that 6K-8K timeline, even as a newbie. Not sure how it started but I always had the belief that when it came to creation, the Bible told "what" God did. It didn't tell "how' or "when." When I saw what I believed to be pseudo math (1day = 1K years) and realized it was a figurative statement meant for the audience of that time, I was done with it. This comes back to what I said in another post, westerners tend to read the Bible in bits and pieces instead of a whole. Meaning whatever book or work is being studied, what it says is within that work's parameters. Example, if it's Exodus, that's what you study. If it's some letter Paul wrote, that's what you study. In other words you're reading within its intended context. Providing you can override your church affiliation indoctrination.
Otherwise you will fall prey to the patchwork pre-conceptualizations that verse jumping, mixing, concept cooking that lead to beliefs that indeed have no basis in fact or even the actual message of the verse itself. So I concluded long ago the Earth is far older than 6K-8k years. The Bible doesn't say otherwise.
Amazingly, those who won't budge on the pseudo years miss out on the unfolding revelation of today's wonderful scientific discoveries. Example, Genesis says God said let there be be light. There's your big bang and even the doubter Stephen Hawkings says the universe came from nothing. Which is what the Bible also claims. Ok He divides the waters and cause dry land to appear. There's your plate tectonics. And so on.
As our robotic probes venture ever further from Earth, the wonders they reveal is literally verifying so much of what the Bible says. But when you shut your mind behind the door preconceived dogma, you can't see the testimony of nature proclaiming God or much else.
Couple of Scriptures for you to check out:
Genesis 1:31 - 2:2 with Exodus 20:11...These two Scriptures are irrefutable grammatical evidence that the "Days" of Genesis 1 are identical with the 7 day week in both Moses' time (Exodus 20:11) and in our present day week.
Now the verse you quote to say that 1 day = 1000 years comes from II Peter 3 in the New Testament--and indeed carries the same idea that the Psalmist wrote about in Psalm 90:4: For a thousand years in your sight
are but as yesterday when it is past, or as a watch in the night.
A watch in the night is equivalent to 3 hours.
The point being made is: God is not bound by our concepts of time--He inhabits eternity, but God has communicated to us in terms that we can literally understand.
If you will closely examine--as you correctly have spoken concerning the need to determine the CONTEXT--the CONTEXT of 2 Peter chapter 3, verse 8, you will, without doubt, be able to see that Peter is using this terminology to EXPLAIN the PATIENCE of the LORD God in calling all men everywhere to repentance and eternal life.
The God of Heaven, the Creator of the Universe and all that is in it--endlessly pleads with sinful man to repent.
Also--Peter validates the world-wide flood of Genesis 6-8 by reminding his readers that the World was created by the Word of God (Hebrews 11:3) from the water and that the ancient world was also destroyed by the water of the flood. II Peter 3:5-6.
Back up to II Peter 2 to get Peter's warnings that there will be false prophets and teachers among us--and that the LORD God will certainly judge the world for its unbelief and iniquity--just like he did during Noah's time with the flood.
But, coming back to II Peter chapter 3--
Examine how man reacts to the patience and forbearance of God. Man twists the facts about God's patience and actually MOCKS God for His virtue in being patient.
Peter warns them about their insolence--and even refutes one primary presupposition of the evolutionary naturalists of our day: Uniformitariasm--which says that all natural phenomena have operated uniformly since the beginning of the earth.
Peter flat out refutes this theory in his statements made in II Peter 3:5-7.
Then, Peter launches into an explanation of the patience and forbearance of God in verses 8-9 of the chapter,
explaining that the LORD's work is not slow (as man may deem slow), but that the LORD God's virtue of patience actually works for the benefit of man and gives him AMPLE time to repent--just like Noah preached for over 100 years to his society to repent and enter the Ark--into which only 8 souls were delivered from God's wrath while God patiently waited for more to repent over 100 years (I Peter 3:20)!
It's amazing that so many people fail to rightly explain the Word of Truth here.
Therefore, in conclusion--II Peter 3:8 in NO WAY is an attempt to comment and explain the literal 24 hours DAYS mentioned in Genesis 1-2; but is used to explain the patience and forbearance of God in pleading with man to repent.
I, personally, and so thankful for His patience with me in my life. Aren't you?
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